21 | Iota

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The symbol Iota (ι) is given to Hunters who kill a Siren that has been turned within the last 24 hours. Hunters with this Mark have incredible balance and cannot easily be knocked down.


Daniel felt himself speeding as he flew down the highway and towards Adras's house. Astrid wouldn't share what she was thinking with him until they got to a safer location.

This was big. If she knew how to find the golden lyre, then they still had a chance. The Harvest Moon would come around in two weeks. They could be prepared.

Astrid tapped her fingers anxiously on her thighs, staring ahead in deep concentration. Could she really have figured this out? Could it really be that simple?

By the time they arrived at Adras's house, both were so excited for the discussion about to ensue, they all but leapt out of the car and sprinted towards the front door, knocking with such force that Daniel was sure the residents a few streets away could hear them.

When Adras finally opened the door, Astrid didn't bother greeting before marching inside, straight towards his study and leaning over his desk, frantically looking through the pile of notes strewn across it, along with a number of ancient-looking leather-bound books.

"What in the name of Apollo is going on?" Adras asked, rather frustrated by Astrid's abruptness and rather rude interruption to the peace of his office.

"I know how to find the golden lyre," Astrid responded, apparently unperturbed by his impatience.

At this, Adras hesitated, before clearing his throat, "well, go on then."

"You see this line," Astrid began, her finger dragging to a slow stop below a sentence etched in faded black ink, "it's been bothering me for a while."

Adras moved closer to see the third line of the poem she was pointing at.

"A place where hot rose sand awaits," Daniel read aloud, looking at Astrid with keen interest, desperately waiting to hear more.

"Yes. At first, I had my doubts about the location Adras mentioned - the Cathedral of St Mary - but after something Daniel said earlier, it finally clicked. I know what this line is referring to."

"And what, might I ask, could it mean?" Adras asked calmly, unsure of what she was getting at.

"I spent a lot of time in that Cathedral as a child and I have a distinct memory of this big stain-glass window with a huge rose on it," Astrid continued, a tone of uncertainty in her voice, "think about it. How do you make glass?"

"By heating sand!" Daniel said excitedly.

"Exactly!" Astrid nodded.

Adraswas silent for a moment as he contemplated her words, "very well done, Astrid. This certainly confirms our location is correct."

"But there's more," Astrid said, her eyes glimmering with excitement, "when the sunlight hits that particular window, there always used to be a little circle cast onto the floor of the Cathedral."

Adras's eyes widened in understanding, "ah, so you think the light of the Harvest Moon may very well trigger some sort of mechanism and reveal the golden lyre."

"You're amazing," Daniel said, grinning as he gazed at Astrid.

"Thanks," Astrid blushed.

"Well, now that we know more about the location, I think the two of you will rest easy tonight. I am sure you will need to build your strength for the Harvest Moon coming up."

"Thank you, sir," Daniel nodded, leaving the room and heading for the front door.

Astrid hadn't moved from her place.

"Adras," she began softly, causing him to look up at her, "do you... think my dad knew about this? Do you think he knew all along?"

Adras let out a sigh, "your father was a skilled Hunter, but he also had a brilliant mind. His passing was a great loss to all of us. We had been expecting him to join the Synedrion in a few years. It is...possible that he had decoded this very poem in the same manner you have. I would not be surprised. The Donovan family holds many mysteries about their past. There is much he must have wished to teach you before he passed," he said contemplatively.

Astrid felt her stomach clench at his words. She had almost forgotten how much it physically hurt to hear about her father from the people who knew him. She almost felt selfish now. She hadn't realized how much the loss of her father had affected so many others. Yet she felt a pang of jealousy too. She felt jealous that someone had more time to spend with her father than she did. At least they had all their memories of him. Most of her time with him was spent when she was too young to recall it.

She wondered what he would have said if he were here now. Would he support her theory? Would he know something she didn't? How did he know to take her to that cathedral in the first place? What else did they have in their family journal? All these questions swirled around her mind, making it near impossible for her to truly concentrate on the conversation unfolding before her.

"Astrid?" Daniel asked, peeking his head through the study doorway.

She looked back at him with wide eyes, "Yes?"

"Are we gonna get going?" he asked.

Astrid nodded, "we'll meet with you again before the Harvest Moon," Astrid said, addressing Adras.

He nodded, "enjoy the rest of your evening."

"Thank you, sir," she smiled softly, before turning around and following Daniel out of the house.

Once they were safely inside Daniel's car once again, he turned to face her.

"Before Daniel could open his mouth, Astrid cleared her throat, "I know we were in the middle of a date, but I'm not sure I'll be able to think about anything else until all this is over. Would you mind if we reschedule?" she asked.

Daniel smiled, "sure. I understand."

Before he realised what was happening, he felt Astrid's lips on his. The kiss was over quickly, but he felt her electric touch linger for a while.

"Thank you for tonight," Astrid blushed, offering a small smile.

"No problem," Daniel said casually, turning to face the front and start his car.

In his head, he was dancing and celebrating. He had never expected Astrid to initiate any physical contact, let alone kiss him.

Tonight was definitely a victory for him.

A Haunting Melody: The Golden LyreWhere stories live. Discover now