12 | Alpha

6 1 0

The mark Alpha (α), is given to a Hunter when they save a human from being Turned into a Siren. This mark gives Hunters the gift of Clairvoyance and helps them to glimpse into the possible outcomes of specific events.


"We broke up," Rose said calmly.

"What? What happened?" Astrid asked in shock.

"We just had a difference in opinion that we couldn't move past," she shrugged.

"How can you be so calm about this? You guys were dating for three years," Astrid asked incredulously.

"We wanted to see other people," she continued nonchalantly.

Astrid didn't know why, but she felt angered by Rose's lack of interest in the conversation. Why was she acting so calmly about everything? How could such a strong relationship just be over so quickly? She didn't know much about love and relationships, but she knew that relationships that serious didn't just end. She sighed and looked up at her friend.

"I'm sorry that you guys didn't last," she said exasperatedly, resting her hand awkwardly on Rose's shoulder while looking at Sam desperately for guidance.

He shrugged. He didn't seem too bothered by the news either.

"It's okay," she smiled sweetly.

The three continued their walk to Astrid's house as they discussed the day's events. When they arrived at the front door, they saw Neil walking to his car with a stack of papers.

"Hey kiddo, I've got some work stuff I have to sort out. Are you kids gonna be okay alone?" he asked hurriedly.

"Yeah, just go," Astrid smirked.

Neil nodded gratefully and hopped into his car before driving away. Astrid unlocked the front door and let Rose and Sam enter first, before locking the door behind her and throwing her school bag down beside the couch.

"Do you guys ever think about redecorating your living room?" Rose asked, looking around.

Astrid looked at the living room, the same living room which she had been living in for so many years. There was the same brown leather couch and the red velvet armchair. Sam was already splayed out on the couch with his feet up on the familiar dark wooden coffee table which had countless watermarks on it from cups of coffee or tea which Astrid and Neil depended on to get them through their tired mornings.

The newest things in the lounge were the flat-screen TV and the bookshelf, but both were at least two years old.

Astrid shrugged, "I like the way it is now," she said.

Rose nodded and skipped to the kitchen before opening the fridge to look for food. Astrid went to her side and peered inside the fridge, equally as eager for something to eat.

Just then, they heard a knock on the door. Astrid watched Sam as he got up and peered through the peephole. He looked back at them.

"Uhh, ladies, I'm not sure if this will alarm you or excite you, but there seems to be a blond guy at the door," Sam said unsurely, looking back through the peephole.

Rose jumped excitedly before running to the door and opening up. Astrid followed behind her with a cautious look on her face. The door opened to reveal a grinning Daniel. Astrid slammed the door in his face.

"Astrid!" Rose scolded her.

"What?" she asked, rolling her eyes.

"Open the door!" Rose demanded.

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