06 | Theta

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The symbol Theta (θ), gives hunters the ability to blend in with any surroundings by creating an energy field around them which forces the eye to ignore them and look somewhere else. Hunters can receive this mark by killing a Siren during a full moon.


Astrid groaned as her phone buzzed and interrupted her sleep yet again. She picked it up and blinked a few times before she looked at the notification. It was from Rose.

Rose: Hey :) What time can I come over? We need at LEAST two hours to get ready ;)

She considered Rose's question for a few moments, smiling at the prospect of having her best friend over. She suddenly shook her head as it dawned on her that in all likelihood, Daniel would still be shirtless and lounging on her couch. She didn't feel like trying to explain that to Rose.

Astrid: Really? 2 hours? What time are we leaving?

Rose replied almost instantly.

Rose: Well things only start getting interesting at like, 11, but David's gig starts at 10.

Astrid: Fine, you can come over at 8 then.

She was sure Daniel would be gone by then.

Rose: What? No ways. I want to spend time with you! How does 10 sound? I'll even make you coffee ;)

Astrid felt a panic rise in her chest. She did not want Rose to meet Daniel. She wasn't sure who would be worse, Daniel or Rose?

Astrid: That's not a good idea...

Rose: Why not? :(

She let out a sigh. Why was it so impossible for her to say no to Rose?

Astrid: Neil has a friend over right now and he's really annoying. He'll just make himself a nuisance.

Astrid watched anxiously as Rose typed and typed and typed. Eventually, a single message came through.

Rose: I'll be right over! :D

She groaned and smashed her head into her pillow. What was she going to do?

She decided to quickly get up and get dressed, before rushing out into the living room. Daniel was in the kitchen whistling to himself and making a sandwich. Astrid tried to ignore the fact that he was still shirtless.

"You're walking," she remarked, crossing her arms and shooting him a suspicious look.

Daniel took a bite of his sandwich, "yeah - turns out I didn't need the painkillers. Look at this," he held out his wrist.

Astrid walked over to him and peered over at his grid of marks. Right at the end, she saw it - Zeta. The mark for accelerated healing. One she had been wanting for years...

"I see," she muttered to herself, "well I'm glad you're better."

"I'm a lot better," Daniel grinned, "the wound's already closed!

Astrid looked at what was once a flap of skin concealed under bandages. He had removed them to reveal an inflamed scar. It was as though he had been hurt weeks ago.

"Lucky," Astrid muttered.

Her stomach grumbled as the smell of Daniel's sandwich reached her nose.

"Now," Daniel said, before taking another big bite from the sandwich and chewing, "as much as I know you love seeing me shirtless, I'm going to need my shirt back."

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