16 | Eta

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The symbol Eta (η) improves Hunters reflexes and reaction times exceptionally. Hunters receive this Mark when they successfully kill three or more Sirens single-handedly.


"Hunters meet here?" Chris asked, unimpressed by the dilapidated appearance of the meeting place.

"It's only temporary. We used to meet at this Greek Orthodox Church but we had to move our meeting place unexpectedly, so we're stuck with this place until we can find a new permanent meeting place," Astrid explained, slamming the car door and sticking her hands deep into her jean pockets.

It had gotten colder outside.

"Oh, okay," he shrugged, following closely behind her as she walked quickly around the corner of the building towards the back door.

After three sharp knocks on the door, they waited in silence until the door opened slightly, revealing half of Adras's tanned, slightly aged face.

"Ms Donovan, I'm glad you made it here safely. The last thing we need right now is for the police to get involved, what with everything that's happening at present," he said softly, opening the door enough for Astrid and Chris to step inside.

"It wasn't easy. We had to lug the bodies down a fire escape," Astrid muttered, closing the door behind her.

Chris rubbed his hands together as he entered the warm room. He had almost forgotten how cold he had been feeling a few minutes ago. He surveyed his surroundings and was quite taken aback by the décor.

The walls were painted a chestnut brown, which seemed to make the whole room feel cosier. The floor was covered by grey carpeting which appeared to be brand new. There were books strewn all over the floor and on top of the oak furniture stationed around the room.

He didn't know what he had expected to see, but it wasn't this.

"You must be Chris," Adras said, smiling gently as he extended a hand to shake.

"Yes sir," he replied, shaking his hand firmly.

"I am sorry to hear that your friend is missing. Astrid tells me that you two found Sirens in his apartment," Adras said, glancing at Astrid for approval.

Chris nodded, surprised by how informed Adras was of the situation.

"I understand that this is a lot to take in. Astrid has informed me that she has explained a few things to you, but I will brief you on everything you need to know momentarily. Please follow me to the living room. I have a fresh pot of tea brewing. Hopefully, I'll be able to give you some peace of mind," Adras said good-naturedly, gesturing to a door to the right.

"Thank you, sir. Do you live here?" he asked, looking around once again at all of the books.

"I do. Now please, have a seat."


Astrid had been sitting patiently for the last hour, listening to Adras as he explained everything to Chris and answered his questions. She felt her eyes drooping as she sat there. It had been an exhausting evening.

Adras and Chris hadn't even noticed her stand up from the couch and begin to pace around the room. Eventually, she huffed impatiently and crossed her arms.

"I hate to interrupt, but we still have two bodies in Chris's car and I'd feel a lot more at ease knowing that they have been properly disposed of," she said, shifting uncomfortably.

Adras looked up at her and blinked a few times, processing what she had just said.

"Ah yes, I've been droning on for too long, I'm afraid," Adras teased, "Astrid, would you mind carrying the bodies inside and setting them down in the basement for me? I'd like to examine the bodies."

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