23 | Lambda

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The symbol Lambda (λ) is gifted to Hunters after they have avenged a fellow fallen Hunter by killing the Siren(s) responsible. This Mark greatly increases a Hunter's dexterity and speed, allowing them to run much faster than even the fastest human.


Astrid tapped her foot anxiously as she watched the clock.

06:00 pm

The Harvest Moon would be out by 11:00 pm. She couldn't stand waiting any longer. It felt painful not being able to do anything but sit there and wait.

Her heart jolted as her phone began to ring. She grabbed it desperately and answered.


"Astrid! You need to help me! I went to scout the area but someone slashed my tires. I'm stuck in my car, there's too many out there. Get help!"

"Slow down Daniel, I'm going to Adras right now. I'll be there as soon as I can," Astrid reassured him as she locked the front door behind her and began to walk towards Adras's house.

"Okay, just hurry," Daniel said worriedly before hanging up.

Astrid quickened into a run as she sped down the road. Her heart was hammering in her chest.

She couldn't understand why Daniel would be so stupid as to go into the area without backup. As she sprinted down the road, she thought about him all alone in his car, surrounded by vicious Sirens.

She felt panicked as her feet pounded against the tar. Her only thoughts were of Daniel, which is why she didn't notice the sound of something sailing towards her head.

Before she could understand what had happened, her face was pressed against the rough asphalt and her vision was blurry. She felt something warm trickle down the side of her face before everything went dark.


Astrid awoke with a start, her breathing heavy, as her eyes adjusted to the dark room she found herself in.

Her head was pounding. The memory of being hit in the head came back to her suddenly. She was definitely bleeding.

She moved her hand up to touch her head, but it didn't move. She had been tied up in a mess of ropes. Realising the severity of her situation, she struggled furiously, but to no avail. Her heartbeat quickened at the thought that she couldn't escape.

The sound of a slow clap drew her attention towards the front of the room. Soon, a dark figure emerged, edging closer to where she sat.

Astrid wondered where exactly she had been taken.

"I've waited a very... long... time for this day," the woman chuckled, "The great Astrid Donovan trapped by a few meagre Sirens and completely out of my way, just in time for me to finally retrieve what is rightfully mine," she said sharply.

"Oh, it's you," Astrid said as if there were a bad taste in her mouth.

"How's your head?" Peisinoe asked in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"Why don't you come and take a look?" Astrid taunted, grinding her teeth.

"Oh no, dear. You don't think I'd be careless enough to fall for that, do you?" she purred, "no, I'll leave the carelessness to you, darling."

"You're right. I was careless to let the likes of you capture me," Astrid spat.

Peisinoe clicked her tongue, "so little you've learnt," she smiled.

Another figure entered the dark room - this one far too muscular to be a woman.

"I see you're finally awake."

Astrid's heart hammered at the sound of his voice. A sudden, boiling rage overcame her like nothing she had ever felt before.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" she screamed, "how dare you! After everything I've done for you! After everything the Synedrion has done for you!"

She thrashed against her bindings, feeling so desperate to be rid of them she wanted to cry.

Daniel walked up to where she sat.

"You don't mean that," he knelt down, his face close to hers, "after everything we've been through together, you could never kill me," he licked her cheek.

Hot tears gushed out as she struggled to stop him.

"Why don't you set me free and test out that theory?" she shook violently.

Daniel leaned in close, his eyes piercing into hers.

"You're far too useful," he chuckled, "I would hate to have to kill you all because you let your heart get the better of you."

Astrid swung her head forwards and knocked Daniel's nose with shattering force. Blood instantly poured out, some of it falling onto her face.

Daniel stepped back in shock. He touched the blood and looked at it on his fingers. He let out a big grin and swung a hard kick into Astrid's stomach.

The devastation of the kick had caused her to bite her tongue, filling her mouth with blood.

He grabbed her by her neck and lifted her up to his face.

"Mind your tongue, or I'll remind you of your place," he muttered, his eyes chillingly cold.

Astrid spat blood in his face, causing him to throw her down.

After taking a moment to wipe the blood off his face, he swung another hard kick into her stomach and stormed off.

"You deal with that bitch. I've done my time," he said irritably.

Peisinoe smiled smugly as she watched Astrid struggle for breath.

"Ah, a lover's quarrel. There's nothing more entertaining if you ask me. But enough fun and games. It's time to get down to business," she smirked, motioning for two Sirens to lift Astrid up onto her feet, which were tied closely together, just enough for her to walk a few small steps at a time.

Astrid wondered where they would be taking her...


Adras felt sick as he listened to the phone ring continuously for the fourth time. Neither Astrid nor Daniel were answering their phones. It was almost time and they hadn't come to see him yet.

Something was wrong.

His heart jumped as the ringing stopped, nearly dropping the phone in the process.

He put the phone back to his ear, "hi Adras, I'm sorry I didn't get your call sooner. I was fetching Astrid. We're parked outside the Cathedral."

Adras let out a breath of relief, "Thank heavens. I thought you two might be in trouble. I was about to contact the others and send backup."

"There's no need. The place looks clear. I'll call you as soon as we get it," Daniel said calmly.

"Thank you, Daniel. I'll be waiting at home," Adras let out a sigh of relief and hung up the phone.

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