01 | Pi

41 1 0

"The symbol Pi (π), improves the hunter's working memory, allowing the hunter to take in new information and retain it permanently. All hunters receive this mark when they take the Hunter's Vow."


Astrid cringed as a deafening shriek pierced her ears while she strolled down the familiar hallway of her least favourite place - school.

'Just one more year,' she thought to herself.

This year, her only hope was that everyone would try harder to get along with each other and leave her alone. Perhaps they would finally mature and treat one another with respect, having the knowledge that they will never need to see each other again after this.

As she neared a group of rowdy boys, she noticed a head of blonde, curly hair, right at the centre. She still found it baffling that she was friends with the girl who stood before her. They were so different and yet, there was something oddly endearing about Rose and her antics.

Astrid approached the group with caution, adjusting her backpack, which was slung precariously over her shoulder.

"Hey, Rose," She greeted with a small smirk, completely ignoring the boys surrounding her.

Rose's blue eyes were certainly the windows to her soul. Every emotion she felt showed clearly on her face, just as they showed now. She went from happy, to astonished, to annoyed, all in a matter of seconds.

"Astrid Nikita Donovan! Where were you? Were you living under a rock over the holidays? I heard NOTHING from you!" She huffed, crossing her arms.

Astrid felt her chest tighten a little. She wished she could explain herself, but she hardly felt that Rose would be better off knowing where she had been.

"I was busy," Astrid shrugged.

She tried her best not to lie to Rose. She hated lying. In reality, she had spent most of her holiday training, preparing. News had reached her that a group of Sirens had been spotted at a beach nearby and she wanted to be sure that she would be given that mission, just in case they were the same ones who had killed her father.

She felt guilty that she had not set some time aside to see Rose. Life had simply gotten in the way, not that it was any excuse.

"You can explain yourself later. For now, just know that I'm throwing a back-to-school party and that you can make it up to me by attending" She grinned.

Astrid let out a long sigh. She hated parties. But Rose was smiling so sweetly at her, waiting for her to give in, like she always did.

"Fine," Astrid huffed.

Rose certainly knew how to punish her. She guessed she deserved it this time.

"Sam!" Rose shouted excitedly, waving at the boy approaching them.

The other boys who had surrounded Rose had long dispersed after Astrid had arrived.

"There are my two favourite girls!" Sam shouted, pulling the two of them into a hug.

Astrid felt uncomfortable, squished up against both Rose and Sam. However, she was happy to hear that her only other friend was happy to see her too.

Once they had broken away, Rose immediately invited him to her party, which he casually accepted.

Their discussion was interrupted by the bell which summoned them to morning assembly. They discussed their holidays on the walk to the school hall.

Rose had spent her holiday with her family and spoke mostly about all her visits to the beach and her shopping sprees with her sister.

Sam was not nearly as descriptive about his holiday. It seemed it was mostly uneventful and he spent most of his time locked in his room, playing computer games. Apparently, he had also done a few chores for his dad to earn some extra cash.

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