02 | Tau

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The symbol Tau (τ), allows the hunter to persuade any human into believing whatever they say. This symbol can only be used by elite members of the Synedrion, who specialise in wiping the memory of witnesses. The methods for receiving this mark are known only to the Synedrion.


The first hour of the party had come and gone and Astrid was still sitting in her spot by the counter, not speaking, but rather watching all of the people who lingered in the large living room nearby.

The music was loudest there, so it was unsurprising to see lots of sweaty teens dancing up against each other, not seeming to mind how close they were to one another, or how humid the air had become.

Every few minutes, someone would approach the counter and pour themselves a drink or ask Chris, who had become the designated bartender for the night... not that he seemed to mind.

Astrid felt incredibly underwhelmed by the setting. The music was the same uninspired drivel which always seemed to be played during parties, it was uncomfortably hot, her dress felt far too constricting and Rose was always too busy socialising to notice what a terrible time her friend was having.

"Why don't you dance?" Chris asked curiously, raising his voice slightly over the blaring music.

"You mean grind up against some sweaty people who reek of cigarettes? No thanks," Astrid scoffed, lifting her face off of her hand.

"Touché," He smirked, picking up a plastic cup and pouring himself a double brandy and Coke.

Astrid grabbed the drink out of Chris's hand and gulped it down until it was gone.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Astrid found it strange that he didn't appear to be bothered by the fact that his drink had just been snatched from his grasp. In fact, he couldn't have cared less and simply poured himself a new one without complaints.

"Being normal," Astrid muttered, pouring more brandy into her cup, not bothering with the Coke.

"You should really slow down," he rested a hand on her wrist.

Astrid whipped her wrist away and continued to drink.

"Don't worry about me," her voice was gruff.

She wondered how many more drinks she would need to have before it would stop burning.

"You're going to pass out real quick, the way you're going."

Astrid picked up the bottle of brandy again, not bothering with the cup anymore, "That's the plan," she took a few swigs.

It didn't burn as much this time.

Chris sighed and shook his head, "Well I'm not going to sit here and watch you make a fool of yourself," he said, getting up and walking away.

Astrid rolled her eyes. She didn't understand it. People weren't happy with her for being herself, and yet when she acted like everyone else, they were still not satisfied. Her thoughts swirled around in her skull as she slipped off the stool and slowly made her way to the dance floor. Maybe dancing wasn't such a bad idea. Who cared what she looked like? They would all be too drunk to notice anyway... She just wanted to have some fun for once.

"There you are!" She heard Rose's voice behind her.

"Here I am!" Astrid replied a little louder than she meant to, turning to face her with open arms and a goofy smile.

If Rose's jaw could drop, it did that now. A look of shock passed over her.

"Are you... drunk?" She asked.

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