Act Eight: Big Attention

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I woke up with Neko lying on my stomache, curled up like a ball. The windows were down so the sunlight didnt bother me. Then I looked at my phone to check the time, it's 7:45 AM. Im running late again.

Then all of a sudden, I can hear my stereo playing music at the kitchen. Remembering last night, I didnt left it on. So one thing is for sure, someone is inside the house. I pushed gently Neko aside which she purred in response. Then looked underneath my bed to get my baseball bat.

Slowly, I made my way downstairs to see who it is. A person sitting in one of the chair, bopping his head to the beat of the music. Then I sprang into action to hit the person. I hit him on the arms, "OUCH!" the guys said. Then he turned around and just then I realized that it was Shiro, holding his arm that I hit. I was shocked.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" I shouted at him. He didnt answer me cause he was too focused in the arm that I think I mightve broke. Then I dropped my baseball bat and see to it.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow" he said,

"Jegus. Stay here, Im gonna go get some first aid and ointment." I told Shiro.

Then I stood up and head to the bathroom to get the kit and the ointment and run back to him, now at the chair still holding his arm. Aoi, you are so in trouble. I told myself.

"Hey. Come on, let's see my damage." told him. He put out his arm for me to check. Then I sit down at the floor infront of him to start doing some first aid stuff on his arm.

Then there is the awkward silence again. So I started to speak, "Sorry...Shiro."

He scoffs, "Nah. I knew you'll panic anyway. Sorry, too." I didnt say anything after that, I just focused on the bruise that is now getting visible by seconds. Damn it.

I finished doing some first aid kit in the bruise. Then I stood up and speak, "Come on, let's eat breakfast." He fixed himself on his chair and said, "Alright."

We finished having a breakfast. Then cleared the table with me putting used plates and utensils and et cetera in the sink. I was about to start to start cleaning the dishes when I look up at the clock. "OH SHIT!" I exclaimed.

"What? What is it?" Shiro said, surprised.

"It's 7:30! We're gonna be late! And I didnt take a bath yet!" said, Im starting to panic now.

"I'll do the dishes. Go and get ready. I'll be here."  Shiro said, calmly.

"But your arm, it's ---"

"Its just a bruise. Dont worry. Now go."

I nodded and rushed to the bathroom to get ready.

When I finished getting ready, I head back downstairs to see Shiro. Who is now staring outside the garden. He turned around when he heard noises that I made.

"We got 15 minutes. Let's go." I said. He nodded and head for the train station to go to school.


As soon as we reached the school, we run towards our homeroom class.  Got one more minute, we're still a little bit far from the classroom. Shiro hadnt said a word. Then suddenly, a shot of pain rushed from the my left leg. I fell down.

"AARGH! JEGUS FREAKIN' GRIST!" Im holding my left ankle. Sprained. I got sprained. In a wrong time. How nice. Wow. Unbelievable.

"Aoi! Are you hurt?" Shiro said, I saw the panic in his eyes.

"Oh no, Im not hurt. Its just that IM SPRAINED AND IT HURTS! OF COURSE IM HURT!" another shot of pain again runs through.

Shiro didnt say anything, next thing I knew he scooped me up and carried me. I was about to open my mouth to talk. When Shiro suddenly interrupted. "Dont talk. Just shut up." So I didnt say anything.

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