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"Ok, saying we go with the living plastic. I don't believe it. But say we do. How did you kill it?" He looked to his mate. "Well Tink is the real expert." She gave him a smile. "The creature controlling it projects life into the arm. He cut off the signal thus returning it to normal."

"So that's radio control or something?" Tink shook her head. "Mind control actually." The girl looked overwhelmed. "You alright?" The Doctor asked. "Ya." She wasn't very convincing, but former companions had taken it much worse. "So who's controlling it then?" Rose asked. Tink's face fell, she knew the likely outcome of this meeting and it wasn't good. "Long story." Was his response.

Her mood lightening considerably as she heard Theta laugh again. The thought of using automatons as a weapon in a price war was amusing. Then he burst the humans bubble. "They wanna overthrow the human race and destroy you." He said flatly. "Do you believe me?" He questioned. "No." Rose answered immediately. He nodded. "But you're still listening."

Rose stopped walking as they continued. "Really though guys. Who are you?" Poor girl was lost. Theta stopped at the question. "Do you know like we were saying?" He asked turning around. "About the Earth revolving?" Tink crosses her arms hugging herself knowing what he was going to explain. Humans had no idea what the universe held.

"It's like the first time they tell ya when you're a kid the world is turnin' and you can't quite believe it cause everything looks like it's standing still." Tink closed her eyes listening to the Earth. "We can feel it." He said motioning to he and Tink. "The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at 1000mph. And the entire planet is hurdling through around the sun at 67000mph. And we can feel it. Falling through space. Clinging to the skin of this tiny little world and if we let go..."

Theta had always had a way with words. It was something she loved dearly about him. The picture he painted he used to attempt to explain to the girl just how much she had gotten into. He walked back to Tink and kissed her hands before putting one on his elbow. "That's who we are. Now forget us, Rose Tyler." "Go home and enjoy your life. You are so young." Tink added. They walked off making sure the girl had walked away before unlocking the TARDIS and going into their home.

As Theta closed the doors he heard Tink sigh. "What's wrong, love?" He asked worriedly. She leaned against the control panel looking at her handsome mate. "She's not going to give up, Theta. She's so young. She's just like..." The Doctor ran to her pulling her into his arms. He tried to calm her sobbing kissing her head and rubbing her back.

"I can't lose another, Theta! I can't! There are times where just thinking of her brings me to my knees. I can't have a shell of a mate again, I can't. I can't love her." The worse part was that they knew this would end in heartbreak. But they were never ones to kiss the incredible for fear of the bad.

"I know, love. Believe me I know. If she does we will just make sure she has an amazing experience and keep her as safe as we can." He pulled back wiping the tears from her cheeks as she sniffled. "How about you upgrade some of this old girls circuits and I promise to just hand you tools?" The TARDIS made a sound of excitement. His look of affront made her smile.

She didn't know how he always knew just what to do. You would think he had learned but he was like this since the day they met. She guessed that's what it meant to be soulmates. You weren't perfect, but you were perfect for each other. "Am I really that bad?" He asked shocked. Her yes was seconded by an affirmative sound from their ship. This made him pout.

She kissed his lips which quickly turned into a make out session. You'd think the sparks would have diminished but she still got a fluttery feeling in her stomach when she walked in a room and his eyes were on her. She gave him a final kiss before pulling back. "Come on, Ive been dying to fix what you did last time you helped."

He gave a suffering sigh but was smiling as she took his hand and led him to the stairs that led under the control panel. The great thing about living in a time machine was there was no lack of time. Theta kept to his promise and they spent an unknown time laughing and remembering happy times.

They decided to take a break from their current mission and would return when the TARDIS gave notice. They travel so many places. They saved a family from the Titanic. Tink cried as they saw the death of a wonderful president. The Doctor even stopped and had his portrait drawn in Simulacra. The following eruption an amazing sight.

It was soon after maybe a year of traveling that they received the call. It seemed the Conscious was no longer able to wait. The TARDIS landed itself back in Cardiff. Rose was in trouble, an automaton having worked it's way close to her. They must have assumed she knew about them and their whereabouts.

The Doctor offered to get the girl himself while she continued tracking down the Nestine Conscious. She heard his key in the door not long after. He stepped inside leaving the door open. "Where's Rose?" She asked not seeing the teenager with him. "She'll be in momentarily." He answered casually.

Sure enough a moment later Rose ran in the Box and shut the door. The face she made upon seeing the control room always made Tink giggle. She nodded as the girl ran back out knowing she was running around the outside thinking she had lost her mind. Humans always had the hardest time with their little piece of dimension.

Rose ran back into the room like they knew she would. Tink has already linked the head the Doctor had brought her to track the signal. "They're coming!" She yelled. The TARDIS shut her doors sensing trouble coming and locked them. "The assembled hoarded of Ghangus Khan couldn't get through that door and believe me they've tried." Never looking up from the keyboard Tink smiles at that memory. "He wanted me to be part of his harem and you fought for my honor."

He came up to her kissing her head. "Every time, Love." Theta turned after making sure she had the tracking under control. "Alright, where do you want to start?" He asked crossing his arms. "..The inside is bigger than the outside." She stated. Not how it was usually phrased but true. "Yes." Her mate kept things simple. "Well actually we are in our own dimension and not in a box..." she saw the look on the girls face and the smile on her mates. "Not yet?" She asked her mate. He shook his head smiling fondly. "Not quite yet, love."

She nodded and went back to her tracking. "It's alien?" Rose stuttered our. "Yep." "Are you two alien?" "Well that's a matter of.." "Yes." Her mate cut her off with another laughing look. "Is that alright?" Rose's immediate answer let them know she was ok with it. "It's call the TARDIS this thing." "She, Honey, you know she hates the word thing." He nodded acknowledging her point. "That's T-A-R-D-I-S. As Tink was saying it stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space."

The girl burst into tears. She knew Theya wasn't good with crying so she ran over to hug the girl. "It's ok culture shock." "I don't think that's what this is, dear." "Did they kill him, Mickey?" Tink didn't know what the girl meant so she looked to the Doctor. "Oh. I didn't think of that." So the head of plastic was a copy of the poor girls boyfriend.

She was yelling at the Doctor when she said they were letting him melt. Tink gave the girl a squeeze and ran for the panel. This was their best chance at saving this girls friend. The TARDIS rocked harshly as she tried to follow the signal as fast as possible. They lost the signal around a mile from the source.

They burst out the door to see where the signal had taken them. London?!

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