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The platform shook something Tink knew shouldn't be happening. "That's not supposed to happen." The Doctor Said confirming her thoughts. The Stewart came over the intercoms saying they were gravity pockets causing turbulence. That was no gravity pocket.

They quickly made their way back to the main banquet room. Tink taking one control panel and the Doctor another. She saw the female tree representative walk up to Theta. "What do you think, Jabe?" He asked her. "Listen to the engines, they've pitched up about 30 hurtz." He said, thinking out loud.

"33, dear." Tink corrected still looking for the damage. "It's the sound of metal, it doesn't make any sense to me." The tree woman replied. "Luckily, I'm fluent in metal, as well as time machines, and The Doctor." Tink spoke. He smiled at his mate. "Where's the engine room?" He asked no one in particular.

"The maintenance duct is just behind our guest suite. I could show you." Jabe offered. Deciding she was done with the panel, Tink tuned back in to the new situation arising. She heard Jabe ask if Rose was his wife, partner, concubine, or prostitute. Before Rose could retort Tink gracefully took Theta's arm. "No, I gladly take the first three titles, Jabe." She said in a firm tone.

"Tell you what, I'm just gonna go have a chat with Michael Jackson." Rose said pointing to Cassandra. "Don't start a fight." Theta called after her. He picked up Tink's hand kissing her ring in reassurance before linking it through his arm. Then offering the other to Jabe in a formal manner.

She tuned out of Theta and Jabe's conversation to listen to the movement going on around them. "Nothing can go wrong." She heard Jabe say. "Well, that seals our fate." She sighed. "I'm sorry, what?" Jabe seemed confused. The Doctor explained for her. "We've been to places where 'nothing could go wrong', it didn't end well. It also wasn't half cold." He stopped walking to complain and she followed suit.

"So, you're saying if we are in trouble there's no one onboard to help." The Doctor summarized. Jabe looked startled. "No." She said shaking her head. "Fantastic." Her mate said, always loving a challenge. Jabe didn't understand. "In what way is that fantastic?" She asked in a worried tone. "Jabe, there's one thing you should know about my mate. He thrives on danger and challenges. You've just told him it's both."

The hybrid still looked dubious, but nodded her understanding. Tink quickly halted their movement, making a motion to say nothing. She heard tiny metal feet scurrying around them. "Someone has found a way past the security." She whispered. "Metal on Metal, not a sound you hear in an Alpha Class platform." The Doctor looked to her, "Can you tell what or how many?" He asked quietly. "No idea what, but there's hundreds."

With that she quickly led them forward once again, in more of a hurry to see what their situation was. The Doctor made small talk with Jabe trying to keep the highborn lady calm. They came upon another junction box. Tink borrowed The Doctor's sonic to get a fresh reading. Scanning the screens, she found whoever was behind this knew hacking or hired someone who did. She would need the main control to be able to make any changes with this rerouting.

She tuned into the Doctor and Jabe's conversation once again and wished she hadn't. "It refused to name you at first, it should be impossible. I just wanted to say, I am so sorry. I know where you're from...forgive me, but it's remarkable you exist, must less two of you." She said in a sad yet sweet voice.

Sadness overtook the two for a few moments. Memories passing through their minds. They shook them off and nodded to Jabe, a thank you for her words. They entered the room Tink had just opened and found the engine room that contained the main shutdown.

"Is it me, or does it feel a bit nippy in here?" The Doctor asked. Large fans spun cooling the room. The Doctor spoke of the fans and how they were likely 'retro'. Tink hacked the first panel and found what was causing so much trouble. "What the Hell is that?" The Doctor questioned raising his voice slightly. Before it could run Tink quickly made a sound that was somewhere between a beep and a screech.

The small bot stopped in its tracks, it paused for a moment before seeming to make a decision. It's eye turning from red to green as it ran down the wall toward the Timelady. "Oh, what have the mean people done to you, huh?" She asked in a soothing tone as the small robotic creature happily ran about her and settled on her shoulder.

"Is it part of the retro?" Jabe asked not understanding the metal machine

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"Is it part of the retro?" Jabe asked not understanding the metal machine. "No, he's a baby boy. Seems he was brought on here with a termination mission." She said angrily looking at Theta. "This was no accident." She said petting the small scared creature.

"Earth death in 10 minutes." The overhead speaker announced. "The temperatures about to sky rocket." He said angrily. "Come on." He said waving the ladies to follow him. They ran but were too late to save the Stewart. His sun filter had been removed and he had died quickly. Another one descending caught their attention and they ran towards the gallery.

The sound of Rose's voice inside had them scrambling even faster to fight the computer that was trying to destroy the platform. Her small new friend made a sound and hopped from her shoulder to the wall. He quickly stuck one of his tentacle legs into the wiring and had the room restoring to normal. "What a good boy, Spike! Who's mama's good bot? You are." She said rubbing the small spider like robot's head.

The Doctor didn't try to fight her on keeping the strange robot. In fact, he was just happy to see her showing such care to something other than himself again. He smiled and quickly opened the door to get the overheated Rose out of this mess.

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