Only 5 Billion Years To Close

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"The metal machine confirms. The spider devices have infiltrated the whole of Platform One." Jabe said looking scared at the metal walls.

"How's that possible? Our private rooms are protected by a code wall. Moisturise me, moisturise me." Cassandra demanded to her servants.

"Summon the Steward." The Moxx of Belhoun demanded from his chair. Tink was amazed at how well Jabe could act. Using her new friend to gather the rest Tink had talked down the mechanical army and they would now be helping the staff with repairs instead of causing its distraction. They were like children really, they just needed a good example to follow.

Tink and The Doctor knew who had caused this, but with no evidence except their word and that of robotic creatures only she and a select few could understand that wasn't much. They and Jabe had come up with a plan, they would avenge the poor Stuart that had died from greed.

"I'm afraid the Steward is dead." Jabe said sadly, that much was true. "Who killed him?" The Moxx demanded. "This whole event was sponsored by the Face of Boe. He invited us. Talk to the Face. Talk to the Face." Cassandra accused quickly. Tink couldn't help but roll her eyes at this.

"Easy way of finding out." The Doctor pointed out. "Someone bought their little pet on board. Let's send him back to his old master." Tink hesitated giving up the small creature. "I'll be careful." Theta said quietly. She nodded handing him Spike. "Show us who hurt you, Spike." She instructed.

The Doctor put down the mechanical spider. It scuttle off to Cassandra and scanned her, then went to the black gowned group. So, she had something else do her dirty work, she wasn't surprised. "The Adherents of the Repeated Meme. J'accuse!" Cassandra shouted.

"That's all very well, and really kind of obvious, but if you stop and think about it..."
He went over to the Adherants. Their leader tried to hit him, so he pulled off its arm. "A Repeated Meme is just an idea. And that's all they are, an idea." He pulled one of the wires dangling from the arm, and the Adherants all collapsed.

"Remote controlled Droids. Nice little cover for the real troublemaker. Go on, Spike. Show us the truth." The Doctor gave the spider a nudge, and it reluctantly returned to Cassandra. With a quick whistle Tink had the small creature back safely with her. Letting him climb under her hair where he felt safe.

"I bet you were the school swot and never got kissed. At arms!" Her attendants raised their spray guns. "Actually, I can attest that he was not." Tink said missing the sarcasm. The Doctor smirked before going back serious.

"What are you going to do, moisturise me?" He asked sarcastically. "With acid." She said with happy malice. "Oh, you're too late, anyway. My spiders have control of the mainframe. Oh, you all carried them as gifts, tax free, past every code wall. I'm not just as pretty face."

"Sabotaging a ship while you're still inside it? How stupid's that?" The Doctor needed her to admit to everything. "I'd hoped to manufacture a hostage situation with myself as one of the victims. The compensation would have been enormous."

"Five billion years and it still comes down to money." The Doctor said disgusted. "Do you think it's cheap, looking like this? Flatness costs a fortune. I am the last human, Doctor. Me. Not that freaky little kid of yours." Cassandra was getting upset enough to make a mistake.

"Arrest her, the infidel!" The Moxx demanded. "Oh, shut it, pixie." She snapped. "I've still got my final option."

Earth Death in three minutes. The overhead computer announced. "And here it comes." Cassandra said gleefully. "You're just as useful dead, all of you. I have shares in your rival companies and they'll triple in price as soon as you're dead." Tink shook her head at the woman's surety that she had won. She had obviously never heard of them.

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