Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble

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"We've lost the signal. We were SO close." She patted his back. "We're very close we'll find it, sweetheart." She comforted him. She looked back as Rose spoke. "We've moved. Does this thing fly?" Tink heard the indignant squawk from inside. "No, dear, she dissapears and reappears." She tried explaining.

"Don't bother she won't understand, Tink." She gave her mate a look. She knew he was frustrated but that was rude. "If we're here is that headless thing still running about back there?" Rose looked concerned. Tink was going to answer when Theta beat her to it. "It melted with the head. Are you gonna natter on all night?" He asked sarcastically.

"I'll have to tell his mother." The girl said quietly. The Doctor turned back to her confused. "Mickey! I'll have to tell his mother he's dead! And you just went and forgot him again! You were right you are aliens." She said upset. Tink closed her eyes knowing her mate would fight back on this. He had saved the humans so many times, he didn't forget Mickey exactly but a Timelord thinks on multiple levels at all times. He had been focused on the enemy and not the boy that might be lost.

"Look, if I did forget some kid called Mickey," Rose spun around. "Ya, he's not a kid!" Tink thought, no, he was just a baby. By human standards he might be allowed to live alone but Timelords didn't reach maturity until 200 so to her his 19 years were a blink. She knew the Doctor was feeling pain for this as well. "It's because we're busy trying to save every stupid ape blundering about on this planet!" That was his guilt lashing out.

Tink sent him waves of reassurance which seemed to help him calm some. "Alright!" Rose exclaimed. "Yes, it is!" He answered calming more. "If you are aliens then why do you sound like your from the north and she from London?" Rose asked suspiciously. Tink knew the answer but didn't think the girl was ready for that much information.

"Lots of planets have a north!" Theta covered with making her smile. Rose looked at their ship. "What's a police public call box?" This put a smile on her mates face. He loved his beautiful old girl. "It's a telephone box from the 50s. It's a disguise." Tink grinned at his childlike excitement over his phone box.

"Right. This living plastic, what's it got against us?" Tink took this one. "Absolutely nothing, it loves you lot. Your planets is full of smoke, oil, and toxins. The perfect home for the Nestene Conscious." Theta continued where she couldn't. "It's protein planets were destroyed during the war. So Earth, dinner." "Is there any way of stopping it?"

Theta looked back at her. She smiled and reached into her bag of tricks. Pulling out a large blue vial. "Here you are, Love." She said handing it over. "Anti-plastic." He said showing the human. "But first we have to find it." He walked to the rail of the bridge they were on. "How do you hide something that big in a city this small?" He wondered aloud. "Hold on hide what?" Rose asked. "The transmitter." The Doctor answered in an obvious tone.

"The consciousness is controlling every single piece of plastic. So it needs a transmitter to boost the signal." "What's it look like?" Rose asked shaking her head. "It would be a large circular structure. Preferably something that conducts." Tink answered. The Doctor was wondering around looking. "Like a dish, like a wheel, like a radial!" He exclaimed.

Tink looked behind her mate and covered her mouth. She saw when Rose realized it too. "Let him figure it out." She whispered. Rose laughing as well. It took him three looks to realize what they did. "Oh." He said looking at the London Wheel. "Fantastic!" "There you go." Tink praised. And they were off running for the London Wheel.

They got to the wheel and looked around. "No structures for it so it must be underneath." Theta rationalized. Rose was looking around as well. "What about over here?" She called. They walked next to her seeing she was looking at a sewer entrance. "Looks good to me." Her mate answered.

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