1st Trip / Platform 1

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Rose looked a bit overwhelmed. Tink helped her out. "Backwards or forwards in time?" She asked. "Forwards." Rose answered confidently. Tink took her seat letting the Doctor put on his show. He flipped switches then asked, "How far?" Rose shrugged. "100 years?"

With a spin of the wheel he put them quickly in the same place in 100 years. A fun yet easy trick for TimeLords. Theta gave his impressive speech then explained, "That's a bit boring though, how about farther?" Rose smiled at them. "Fine by me." The Doctor spun the wheel more and made a few unnecessary but admittedly cool looking moves.

"Ten thousand years in the future. The year 12005, step outside and it's the New Roman Empire." Rose scoffed. "You think you're soo impressive." "I am impressive!" He pouted. He turned to her. "Tink thinks I'm impressive don't you, dear?" She smiled and rested her head on her hand. "Immensely, Darling." This got a big grin from him.

"She's you're wife she has to say that!" Rose argues laughingly. "Alright, you asked for it. I know just the place to go." He spun the wheel as fast as he could for a few seconds. It took all her willpower to not ask him to turn off the emergency brakes for such a big trip. She knew he found the sound they made to be impressive.

When the Tardis quit shaking Rose looked to them. "Where are we?" Tink just smiled and the Doctor raised his arm in an after you motion. Being a Time Lady she knew where he had taken them and just hoped it wasn't too much for the girl. She stepped out holding the Doctors arm. He looked and seemed dissatisfied. "You forgot the panel, dear." She reminded him. "Oh, right!"

He went to the back and used his sonic on the control panel. With an impressive sound the panel covering the viewing window pulled up.

The Doctor gave one of his epic speeches as she smiled and sat on one of the stairs to listen

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The Doctor gave one of his epic speeches as she smiled and sat on one of the stairs to listen. "This is the year 5.5 slash apple slash 26. That's 5 billion years in your future. This is the day..hold on." He said looking at his watch. Looking up at just the right moment. "This is the day the sun expands." He said as the Sun went supernova no longer able to sustain life on Earth.

"Welcome to the end of the world." Theta was always a dramatic one. He came and helped her from her seat. Taking her arm as they started for the door. The AI welcomes the guest aboard. "So when it says guest does it mean people?" Tink looked at her. "Depends what you mean by people." Rose looked confused.

"I mean people. What do you mean?" "Aliens." Theta supplied helpfully. "What are they doing onboard this spaceship? What's it all for?" She asked them. "It's not really a spaceship." Tink answered while the Doctor used his sonic on a control panel. "It's more of an observation deck. The great and the good are gathering to watch the planet burn." He finished.

"What for?" Rose asked slightly scared. "Fun." They answered together. Theta offered his arm and they were off again. "Mind you when I say the great and the good what I mean is the rich." Tink laid her head on her mates shoulder and listened to them discuss how the Classic Earth trust had worked and due to no more funds they were letting the Earth be taken by the Sun.

Rose seemed horrified by the idea. She wanted them to somehow rescue the Earth. "We're not Savin it. Times up." Theta said excitedly. Tink thought he might have been a bit more diplomatic about that. "But what about the people?!" Rose worried. "Oh honey, by the year 5 billion humans have been long gone from Earth. Your kind has scattered across the universe and are living free." Tink explained happily. That seemed to calm her for a moment.

"Just me then." Rose said quietly. Tink looked to Theta. She didn't mean to make the girl sad. A voice interrupted them. "Who the hell are you?" A male species with blue pigment walked up to them. "I'd appreciate you watch your language around my mate, thanks." "But how did you get in?" He seemed worried. "This is a maximum hospitality zone. The guest have disembarked! They're on their way." He stressed.

Theta quickly pulled a sheet of psychic paper from his pocket. "Well that's us were guest, look! We've got an invitation. Look you see there. It's fine see, The Doctor and Tinker plus one. I'm the Doctor, this is my lovely mate the Tinker." Tink gave a quick curtsy. "And this is Rose Tyler our plus one." Tink didn't mention they really did have an invitation from a past adventure since it didn't have a plus one.

"Is that Alright?" The Doctor asked sarcastically. "Well obviously." The fully appeased Stuart agreed. "Apologies etcetera." He said looking at Tink. "We better start. Enjoy." The Stuart took his leave. Theta turned to explain to a confused Rose. "The paper it's slightly psychic. It shows them whatever I want it to. Saves a lot of time."

For the fun of it Tink pulled the real invitation from her trick bag. "We could have used this one." She laughed. "Where did you get that?!" He exclaimed. "Our mail caught up to us once a few years ago." She explained. He sighed and laughed. "He's blue." They heard Rose say beside them. "Ya." The Doctor laughed and nodded. "K." Was all Rose said.

The Stuart started his welcoming announcements. "We have in attendance The Doctor his mate The Tinker And Rose Tyler." The staff hurriedly took their positions. Reminding Tink of that chocolate factory book. "May I introduce the next honored guest. From the forest of Cheam. Trees. Namely, Jate, Newt, and Kauffa. There will be an exchange of gifts representing peace.." The Stuart continued.

Tink went to her bag and figured out their gift of peace. Tink waved as the Mox of Balhoon came rolling in. A group she had never heard of came next. She put her hand on the doctors arm in silent communication. The guest were coming in fast now. They switched their attention as the trees came up to them. "I bring you the gift of peace. A clipping of my grandfather." The Doctor took it carefully and handed it to Rose. "Thank you."

"Yes, gifts umm." The Doctor patted himself down trying to think. She saw when his mind came up with a bad idea. "Darling, you gave them to me." She said handing him one of her timepieces. He smiled lovingly at her and turned back to Jute. "I give in return a crafted timepiece." He said handing her one of Tinks custom watch casings. Jute took it carefully and seemed surprised at the quality.

They tuned back into the Stuart in time to see the introduction of the sponsor of the event. The Face of Boe. Tink saw the Mox of Balhoon coming to bring his gift of peace and knew of their customs. "Dear, I need to check something with our sponsor. I'll just be a moment." She said handing him a small bag of her creations.

She quickly made her way towards Boe's tank. Hearing the sound of spit that she had feared from the Balhoon Representative. "Always the smart one." She heard a voice say in her head. She turned and looked at who spoke. "The Face of Boe. I would say it's nice to meet you but it seems we already have." She said smiling. The large face seemed amused. "You always were one to see right through me. But humor me, what gave me away?"

She walked to the tank and pointed to a circular pattern in the top that would be easily missed. "I always mark my best work." She said running her finger over her name written in Galifreyian. "I know better than to ask details but you must be quite special to me." The Face laughed. "You always were a boost to my ego without trying." She looked and saw the Doctor standing by himself.

She looked back to The Face so tempted to ask. "Yes." He said simply. She gave a sigh of pure relief and with a nod walked back to her mate.

They were both still alive and well in the future to come.

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