1. Here's To New Beginnings

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Lukes POV

Every year Mum and Dad dragged the family away for a few weeks at the end of Summer to go camping at a small campsite beside a beach. Every year I dreaded the long days of bordem and sleepless nights spent sharing a tent with my one of my older brothers, Ben, for reasons I can't begin to explain. My other brother, Jack, didn't come.

We're after being down at the campsite for two weeks and we're leaving in a week. Life here is pretty boring. I wake up around noon, get breakfast, go for a walk on the beach, come back play guitar for awhile, get dinner, go for a walk on the beach and come back late at night.

I was just heading off to go for a walk after dinner one night when I saw a girl sitting on the beach strumming a few gentle notes on her guitar and singing out with all her heart. I was fascinated, I never seen this beautiful talented brunette around here before. To be honest I've never seen anyone my own age around here. It's mostly just families with young children.

This girl looked about 16 with soft wavy hair that fell half way down her back and was blew back by the breeze coming from the sea. She had such a unique voice that I found so captivating. It was so meaningful it was like it demanded to be heard. She sang sad songs, sad but good songs. I wanted to know so much more about this girl but I couldn't gather the courage to go up and talk to her.

So every evening from then on I watched her from the rocks, it felt wrong to invade her private time but I was drawn to the sound of her voice as she sang while watching the waves crash against the shore for hours.

Hollys P.O.V.

'When the fuck can I go to bed' that was my first thought stepping off the plane from Ireland to Sydney. It had been a long flight and I was beyond tired but my mind was buzzing with thoughts. My Mom and myself made our way to the baggage claim area to get our luggage. Most of our stuff had already been sent over and was in storage but we still had a few bags to get. We walked out of the airport to get a taxi. The sun was scorching down on us making us sweat. I really didn't think about the weather I thought to myself as I looked down at my skinny jeans and hoodie.

Mum got a call from our real estate agent just as we were getting into the taxi, they told us that our house won't be ready for another few days because the family hasn't moved out yet. Great. Another thing to add to my list of reasons to smile, not. Mom looked stressed too. Her pale forehead was scrunched into a frown as she thought about what to do now. Her short black hair was sticking out in strange ways from running her hands through it.

We had to take our things back out of the taxi and go inside to the custumor service desk. Mom asked where could we stay for awhile and after a few minutes of searching the man looked back up at her and said that all the hotels are booked because it's Arts week in Sydney but there's a few campsites with open spaces. We picked one that gave us our tents and sleeping bags. After we phoned and booked our stay we got a taxi there.

The campsite wasn't very exciting. There was a few families there with young children. Once we had set up at the edge of the campsite I changed into shorts and a black tank top. Even though it was only 4pm we went to sleep because we were so exhausted from travelling.

"I'm sorry we haven't had much quality time the past few months, Holly. I've just been so busy with work you know how it is," My Dad said to me one Saturday evening. It was true we hadn't even had a proper conversation in ages. He just comes home from work late, eats, goes to sleep and when I wake the next morning he's gone to work again. "But I'd like to go out with you for a few hours tomorrow if you don't have any plans?" Me? Have plans? Ha! People in my school are all stuck up and judgemental. I'm not friends with any of them. They send me hate online for liking music and they bully me for uploading covers on Youtube. It used to hurt but I've learned to just block it out.

So the next morning we left for the beach. It was always a treat to go to the beach because we lived so far away. In the car on the drive down we talked about music, school and how much we were looking forward to getting fish'n'chips! It was tradition. We were only 10 minites away when it happened.

I woke up hot and struggling to catch my breath, as if I'd been running for hours. My breathing got heavier and I felt week. I thought the dreams would stop here? Why can't I move on? 'Because it's all your fault' the voices in my head where chanting. I tryed to ignore them but they got louder, I could feel Mum waking up beside me. I quickly got out of the tent. It was way to hot in there! I sat down as Mum appeared out of the tent with a glass of water and a hug.

"It wasn't your fault sweetie. You have to remember that." She said to me while she held me. It was imbarassing being a 16 year old girl and crying into your mothers arms. Fucking hormones.

It was early morning and I was wide awake. I grabbed my ipod and went for a walk on the beach. It was nice to be able to hear myself think. At home everyone was checking in on me so often it was suffocating. I know they meant well but sometimes it was too much. So Mum and I had to get far away and Australia sure is far away.

The rest of the day passed quickly. That evening I grabbed my guitar and headed for the beach. I didn't see anyone else around so I sat on the sand and sang to my hearts desire. The breeze was relaxing. The sound of the waves against the shore was relaxing. The whole atmosphere here right now was relaxing. I needed this. 'Heres to new beginnings' I said to myself.


Hey guys! Sorry it's short but it's just an intro kind of chapter. Tell me what you think guys! :)

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