Part 1

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Sorry for such a long break, I just turned off the notice in the Wattpad and forgot about my story.
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In the bunker it was dark and quiet. Only the ticking of the clock resounded in Dean's room. He regretted that there were no windows in the bunker so that the light would somehow get into the room. He was sitting at his desk with an open laptop, the light of which blinded him. Winchester did not want to sleep at all. Reading black letters on a white background, he did not think about the meanings of words. He was thinking about his poor Sammy. He cursed himself all these days after what his younger brother had done. The second trial exhausted him. And he blames himself for this.
Feeling tired and sore in his eyes, he blinked several times and rubbed his face with his hands. Looking away, he saw a dim ray of light in the corridor.
"Cas?" Dean whispered, preparing his gun. "Is that you"?
Hearing silence in response, he pulled out a gun. When he reached the source of light, he stopped and lowered it with an exhalation. This was Sam's room.
He decided to knock.
"Sam, are you still awake?"
Opening the door, he saw his brother sitting on the bed. He had photographs in his hands, and a smile on his face. Sad and painful smile.
"Sammy" whispered Dean.
He sat down next to him.
Brother looked up at him. His pupils were enlarged, and his eyes were red either from tears or ...
Dean touched his forehead.
With a regret, he looked at the younger one, and pursed his lips, frowning.
"you have a fever, Sammy" he looked at the photos in his hands and saw him, his brother, mom, dad and ..." who is this?" removing his hand from his forehead, he pointed his finger at the image of a blue-eyed girl standing next to him .
Dean heard his brother grin. "this is Rory " mysteriously answered the younger Winchester "we studied in high school together".
"in high school?" the elder thought his words for nonsense.
"but you had many schools, remember, we left you on the road for 2 days and went hunting"
"you completely forgot" smiling answered Sam
"it was a long time ago, I had a fight with dad and asked him to leave me alone. I stayed at Connecticut, at Stars Hollow, and found her there"
The room was quiet.
Dean tried to remember it.
" you were 17, right? I remember you had a very bad fight with dad"
he again fell silent, running his eyes around the room "Sam, you need rest, I will bring the pills" he patted his brother on the shoulder and went out.
Sam took a deep breath and looked up. His whole face was burning and his head was splitting. He found these photos in the dust, in a long-forgotten place. He found them in the pocket of his old jeans, which he still wanted to wear. Now he wants to be in that place, along with Rory and Lorelai. There are wonderful people and atmosphere. It seems that this small town is the most peaceful, there is no mysticism there and there was no apocalypse.
Startled from the squeak of the door, Sam looked away from the photos.
Dean entered the room with a mountain of pills and a glass of water.
"Dean, you know, this will not help until I finish the trials"
"you did not even try" brother whispered.
"why are you whispering ? Are you afraid to wake someone up? We are alone."
The next minute they smiled in unison.
"jerk" said Sam
"bitch" said Dean.
Sam took the pills and covered himself with a blanket.
Older brother looked at him. "tomorrow you will be better, sleep"
The light in the room turned off and the door closed with a creak.
Sammy quickly fell fast asleep with dreams of cozy Stars Hollow ...

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