2.5 "The forest of Connecticut"

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Lorelai angrily looked at her husband.
"Lorelai, let me explain."
"What to explain?" Logan asked.
Luke looked at him.
"Why should I explain anything to you at all? You still won’t understand!" Luke said nervously and left the house.
"What is the matter with him, Rory?" Logan smirked.
Jess silently took Lorelai.
Rory looked at mom.
Lorelai's eyes darted across the room.
“It's too late. I'll go to bed,” she said softly, and went upstairs.
"Good night," they both said.
“Hey.” Logan took Rory her hand. She had a great sense of disgust, and Rory pulled her hand out of his palm.
Logan looked at her questioningly.
Jess saw this.
They will have a wedding soon, but Rory is getting something in the way. Maybe even someone.
Luke hoped Sam hadn't left yet and roamed the streets. He still did not want to go home. He had the same feeling as Winchester. As if he was betrayed and rejected.
Glumly kicking small stones on his way, he saw a familiar car and looked at the house next to which she stood.
“Sam,” Luke gasped distressedly.
Rising to the threshold, he saw that the door was ajar. There was nothing to see on the street, only lights. The man did not know why they need lanterns here, if at such a time no one rides and walks here. And the police in this city relaxed. Therefore, Luke, without remorse, went into the house.
That house, which was once warm and friendly, turned into a dark, scary place. The floorboards creaked under Luke's feet, echoing. Suddenly, for some reason wild horror came over him. As if someone was looking at him, but he did not see who.
Turning his head, he saw Sam lying unconscious.
“Hey,” he ran to him, patting his cheeks.
Luke thought Sam got a good drink after such a conversation. The man wanted to do the same. To just be forgotten. And anyway, he didn't like Logan ...
Sam opened his eyes and squinted.
"Come on, Sam. There's a place for you in the diner."
"No" from Sam did not smell like alcohol.
Winchester tried to get up and looked around.
“She's scared of you,” Sam said.
"Clara?" Quietly asked Luke.
"Yes, and it seems to me that she does not distinguish between people. Everyone seems unknown to her," Sam said quietly, showing Luke the exit.
“First you,” whispered Luke.
Winchester left the house, and Luke behind him.
"Sam, you have to burn her. She's a bad spirit. What were you thinking?" Luke struck Sam lightly on the head. The younger Winchester immediately remembered his brother and his words. He warned him. Again. All problems because of Sam.
“Yes,” gasped Sam. "She will be laid to rest"
"And now, come on, I will find you where to sleep," said Luke.
In the morning, Sam took a suit from Impala and looked again at the house.
“Sorry,” an elderly, blind woman came up to Sam, and accidentally hit him with a stick for the blind.
"Oh, it's okay" said Sam.
The woman suddenly stood in one place and listened.
"Do you hear that too?" She asked in a whisper and continued to move on.
"Where are you going?" Luke saw Sam in a suit.
"I'm ... now a FBI agent," grinned Sam and showed his passport.
"And how else have you not been caught?"
"Actually, I was " said Sam.
"Then I'll go with you," Luke said with a shrug.
Sam threw up his hands.
“Why everyone in this city wants to follow me? No, Luke, thank you, I'll do it myself,” said Winchester.
“As you say, I have another difficult day at the diner today”
"What about Jess?" Asked Sam
"He called me yesterday, said that he would not go into this family chaos.
Sam grinned and lowered his head.
“Yes, this girl really scared our city. We even think that she herself decided to die. There is no other explanation,” said the working morgue.
"Sorry, just driving past the whole city, I didn’t notice a single cemetery. Can you tell me where she’s buried?" Asked Sam.
The man looked at the list.
"It says she is cremated."
Sam smiled nervously.
“Well, another man worked here ...” said Winchester.
"He was fired. I don’t know why, but probably the reason was lucky"
The younger Winchester did not know what to do and therefore, called his brother.
"I told you!" Dean said.
Cas appeared behind Dean and leaned over his ear to hear better.
Dean flinched and, looking indignantly at Cas, turned on the speakerphone.
“Wait, Cas is here,” Dean said.
"Hello, Sam"
"Hi, Cas"
Thinking that the conversation was beginning to get dumber and dumber, he decided to change the topic.
"How is a ghost hunt?"
“Easy-peasy. You know, Cas and I are doing a good job here. Although he scares me sometimes. Have you decided what you will do?”
"I wanted to ask you for advice," said Sam.
“I can find an employee of this morgue,” said Cas, and disappeared.
“He flew away,” Dean grunted, and ended the conversation.
Sam removed the receiver from his ear and heard the sound of wings behind him.
“You're fast,” Sam said in surprise.
Cas frowned.
"He lives nearby," said the angel, and laid two fingers on his forehead.
Sam was near the porch of the house. Castiel was gone.
"Look" Rory's future husband, like a child, admired every wedding dress from the magazine.
"Do you like it?" He asked.
"Logan, I have to go to work," said Rory, dressing.
"Work? Take some time for your future family"
"I won't be there long," said Rory, and kissed him on the cheek.
Lorelai, yawning, came down from the second floor.
"Rory, you said you have a day off today," said mom.
Rory pursed her lips and drooped.
“Sorry, I forgot,” she took off her jacket and shoes and sat back on Logan’s lap.
“Listen, you thought I would bury her officially at our Stars Hollow Cemetery?” Asked the man. "You gave me a bribe, did you forget?" He asked quietly.
Sam looked around the beautiful living room of the working morgue, and realized that he had repeatedly taken a bribe.
"Well, then, where did you bury her?"
"I hired people and they buried her in the forest of Connecticut ..."

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