part 5

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"Doose, thanks for coming" opening the front door, Luke said.
"Today they are discharged the real Forester from the hospital" said Taylor, passing into the house.
"don't throw out the words. Maybe, these are all our guesses and Dean Forester, who we know, is in fact a real Forester?"  whispered Luke.
"But the fact that the policeman himself said this doesn't surprise you?" said Doose "Not all people are good, Luke"
"Now how can we tell that completely strangers live in the man's house?"
"I suggest to go to the police. And then let them understand themselves!"
Luke nodded.
" Whatever these strangers are, they disguised themselves well. If someone starts to look for them, the police will not know their real names."
"but we have photos of these people" said Luke
"where? Have you ever seen them in joint photos? They are nowhere to be found. Where are Lorelai and Rory?" asked Doose.
"Lorelai is at work, and Rory is helping her."
"then why are you not at work?"
"because this morning I met two men who said that they were relatives of the Forester."
" I do not know which ones, but they have different surnames."
"I'm confused. So you want to say that this is another swindlers?"
" what? Not. Or maybe yes. I'm confused" said Luke "I want to say that this family still lives in the house of the Foresters and does not suspect that we know the whole truth. We must visit them. Only with purely "friendly" intentions ...."
" good idea."
Luke decided to return to his diner.

"Caesar, the rest is over. Run to work, quickly!" he opened the diner with a key, turned the plate "closed" to "open".
After 10 minutes, life began again inside the diner, a lot of hungry people came and Luke continued to work.
"Sam, what are you doing?" asked Dean.
"I'm calling to the police"  brother answered.
"you are crazy?!"
"what is wrong?"
"You are officially not in this house, this is not your house. I don't know how this family used to live here, but you definitely can't call anywhere."
" then what should I do?"
19:56 pm
" I tired, dear" Lorelai came to the diner.
"Yes, you tell me this every evening" Luke growled.
Rory came in behind Lorelai and sat in front of Luke.
" terrible day " Rory exhaled.
"yep" the man said " do you hear that?"
"is it a whistle?" Rory asked.
"yes ... it's getting louder and louder."
"It looks like an ambulance ..." said Lorelai, listening.
The whistle was getting louder and louder. Luke, Rory and Lorelai rushed out into the street and saw an ambulance that passed in front of them, with a loud siren.
Everyone who heard the ambulance ran behind the car to understand what had happened. Terrified, Rory, Luke, and Lorelai also decided to find out who needed help.
"here!" waving his arms shouted Dean.
The ambulance stopped and the nurses came out with a gurney and first-aid kits.
Sam stood in the shadows behind the houses where he could not be seen. A lump in his throat kept him from breathing. He stood without emotion on his face, remembering the moments when his "sister" was alive.
"Dean? What happened?" shouted Rory.
Coming closer, she saw the bloody body of a familiar girl, she screamed, backing back.
"who's there, Rory?" shouted Luke and Lorelai.
Rory buried her face in Lorelai's shoulder.
"I don’t know how it happened ... I just found her on the road ..." Dean stuttered on purpose.
"it's Clara, mom!" scared shouted Rory.
Another siren was heard. Someone from the crowd called the police.
Dean lowered his head. He looked nervously at his brother.
"I’ll go with you, sir" said Luke to the policeman.
"what for?"
"believe me, I know a lot about this girl and about this man" pointing at Dean, he said.
The rest of the police cordoned off the area and ordered everyone to disperse.
"Luke!" Shouted Lorelai "what are you doing?" When she saw her husband get into the police car, she asked.
"let's go, sir. We need to ask you a few questions, then you have to write, everything you saw."
"OK. No problem"  said Dean and got into the car.
" Did you know this girl?" Asked the sheriff.
Dean looked at Luke.
"No, sheriff. I knew nothing about her".
Luke was surprised.
"can I tell you everything?" the man asked impatiently.
"yes, tell me."
"This morning, this man and his brother came to my diner. I have never seen them in our city. They said that they are distant relatives of the Foresters."
"what is your name?" after listening to Luke, sheriff asked Dean.
" Dean Smith" he smiled.
Luke banged his fist on the table.
"he is lying"  he said nervously.
"Show your documents, please" the sheriff asked Dean again.
"of course, here they are."
"you ..." said Luke "sir, listen. He is lying, he said his name is Dean Winchester."
"what? You confused me with someone, I am Dean Smith" "surprised" man.

"this passport is not real."
"why should we believe you?" Sheriff asked Luke
"I have witnesses."
" let me guess. Your wife and daughter?"
"and the mayor of the city."
" Last week, the mayor of the city wanted to ban mayonnaise in the city, because he thought it was made from bran and pig organs."
"you have to do everything he says. You must serve him."
"his place will soon take the new mayor. And the papers say that he is no longer the mayor. Dean Smith, you are free."
Luke did not know what to do now. After all, no clues left. Mr. Forester left the hospital and immediately left the city. It seemed that no one else needed this house.
"You said that Forester has not lived here for a long time?"
"yes" answered the sheriff.
"track their map. This card was last used in 2008."
" So what?"
"So what? You said they left, but who then used the card? Listen, the whole city can confirm that until 2008 the family lived here."
"this family lived until 2008 and called itself Forester?"
"and you think we didn't try to find them?" the sheriff grinned.
"Did you know that this family is unreal?"
"of course. But when in 2008 we started to look for them, because the people of a real family began to worry, because they started to withdraw money from their balance, they left and stopped using their card. The card was blocked and the family calmed down. The case was closed. Outside is 2012, and this was in 2008, we were tired of finding the culprits."
"but this girl! She is part of this family! She told us that her name is Clara Forester."
The sheriff covered his face with his hands.
" we do not care. Case is closed. Now we will look for who killed her, and not who she is."
"who could kill her?"
"It's not your business."

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