part 7

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I hope you like my book. This is my first job.
Write your opinion, please.
"Yes, Cas," the voice of his brother sounded on the first floor.
Sam, sticking to the railing of the stairs, descended heavily from the second floor and leaning against the wall, began to listen to Dean.
The older brother quickly ran his eyes over him. Listening to what Cas said, he raised his palm to Sam's forehead and exhaled heavily, dropping his shoulders.
"No, I'm still here, I'm listening to you. This is very good, let Kevin continue. And with us ... with us everything is bad.

"Dean ..." Sam displeased shook his head up.
"we don't know much about Sam. In general, someone like a witch kills people and now someone is trying to find Sam. And it seems that someone already knows where we are and sent us a message about the meeting. Okay, well, I'll call you."
Dean ended the conversation and put the phone on the table.
"Sammy, Sammy" he again approached his brother and touched his forehead.
Sam frowned and looked at his brother.
" I'm scared for you, I want to leave" said Dean.
"because I saw Sam" his tone became harder "why didn't you tell me? I saw bloody napkins".
"I ... "exhaled brother, looking away.
"and I'm scared what this witch will do to you today, because you can't stand on your feet now" interrupted Dean.
" if the message read "come alone", we would definitely leave or I would go with you" Dean said a little quieter.
Sam was still looking away and thinking about his brother's words.
Sam grinned.
"what a jerk I am. I shoved us into this city, and now everyone is in danger because of me."
"yes," the older brother smiled too."that's all you"
"I found, mom" Rory gasped,and took hold of mom's shoulder.
"this is work in writing. A large enough salary, not far from Stars Hollow," continued her daughter.
"Thanks, Luke," Lorelai said when Luke brought her coffee and sat down on the sofa, listening to Rory too.
"Rory, that's fine," said Luke.
" yes, I agree" confirmed Lorelai.
The man jumped up and ran to the front door.
"I have to go to work!" He said and ran out of the house.
" I've got to go too" putting her palms on her knees, Lorelai got up.
"Wait, can I go with you?" pulling her mother by the sleeve of her shirt, asked her daughter.
"what for?"
Lorelai exhaled, and sat down again on the sofa, looking into her daughter's eyes.
"I just can not imagine what you saw there" she put her hand on her head " this is a big shock for you, I know. Well done, you hold on."
Rory's eyes began to "run".
She blinked her eyes and pursed her lips.
Holding her breath, she said:
"It's terrible," she breathed, and tears rolled from her eyes. She shook her head and closed her eyes.
Lorelai put a second hand on her cheek and pressed it to her heart.
"do not go, please. Stay with me."
"well, hush" soothed her mother.
Several hours passed and Lorelai began to walk around the house with mournful eyes.
"what happened mom? Rory asked, hugging her knees".
"this meeting at five in the evening ... Rory, I have to be there."
Rory got up from her bed.
"well, we'll go there" she smiled "I feel better now. It was necessary to just cry and tell everything that I had accumulated in my soul".
"are you all right?"
" absolutely."
Lorelai took her by the shoulders and rubbed them with delight, smiling widely.
"go get dressed."
Dean wandered around the house, folding his arms across his chest and thinking about their plan, which they did not have.
Sam left the room, rubbing his cheek. With sleepy eyes, he reached the room, from where he heard the rustling and footsteps of his brother.
"Dean?"he opened his eyes and looked back.
There was nobody around. Sam shook his head and went out into the corridor.
Opposite there was a room in which "Klara's room" and a smiley face were written in different letters from different magazines.
Sam grinned and walked into the room with a thrill in his heart. Small boats and balloons dangled from the ceiling, well taped. Clara was still that needlewoman. She loved making papier-mâché toys.
"hey, Sam"Dean entered the room.
Sam turned around.
"oh my God" brother walked back "you look .."
"I was just sleeping," Sam said, and looked at the ceiling.
"is this ... is her room?"
"Yes. I remember when I came back from school and was in a bad mood, and Clara called me to her room. I said that I was busy and generally angry. Then, I heard that something fell in her room and reluctantly went to see what happened there. When I entered, I saw a huge mess" the brother spoke with a smile on his face, frowning and waving his hands near his head "this stationery tape was around, liquid hot glue, and in the center of everything that happens she lies. On the floor. And in her hands she had these" he nodded his head in the direction of the hanging figures "How I was angry then ... " the brother laughed. "I helped her hang them, but ..." he went to the little bedside table and opened all the drawers there. Having thrust out the photographs from there, he examined them and found one "this is our photograph with her. On the same day that we hung it all up" Sam wiped away tears from his eyes.
Dean lowered his head and said nothing, left the room. He was very sorry for his brother. He did not know what to say to him.
"Cas, it's an hour left." And he became even worse, I do not know what to do. Can you help?
"of course" Cas was in front of Dean.
Dean backed away from the fear, touching the bedside tables and mirrors in the hallway, clutching at his heart.
"son of a bitch" he swore.
"Sorry" he answered shortly.
Castiel went to see Sam.
"Cas," said Sam, surprised, "what are you doing here?"
"your brother decided that you can not cope together and I came to help."
"sounds cool, thanks. Anything known about the third trial?"
" I think it will be known today."
"Seriously? This is ... this is cool. And what about Crowley?"
"it is not suspiciously audible."
"it's time to get ready" said Dean, putting in a huge bag of weapons.
Strange, but pills help me. I collected many different pills in my palm and, having thrown my head back, threw them into my mouth and washed down with water.
"are you ready? All is well?" my brother asked me.
"yes, yes, yes" I answered nervously. I'm tired of the way Dean and Cas treat me. I understand that they care about me, but this does not help me at all, but annoying.
We put our bags in the trunk of the Impala and the doors creaked closed.
"here to the left" I pointed my finger at the familiar road
The hotel was chic. Outside there were various beautiful flowers growing in the lawns. Large lanterns illuminated the hotel and small midges, which flew into the light. Heard the fall of the water from the fountains.
I leaned out of the window and a very cold wind blew on my hot face.
"heeeeeey"Dean pulled my elbow back into the car.
"what's wrong?"
"what's wrong? It's cold outside, and we're racing at high speed."
I grinned.
"I won't be worse, If you are about it.
Dean said nothing.
"I hope you won't get worse," Cas said quietly in the backseat.
"what is the plan?" Dean asked.
"Sam, what's the plan?" the brother asked again.
"are you .... telling me? I thought you yourself came up with a plan."
Dean rolled his eyes.
"I suggest we bring out all the people and say that it's not safe there," said Kas.
" I agree" said Dean.
"I disagree. Dean, Cas, there are a lot of people there and they can't believe us."
"This witch can hide among people," Dean insisted
"Then ..."I thought "you need to declare a fire alarm."
"it's better" nodded Cas.
"Let's go" the angel got out of the car.
"Lorelai, you look good," Kirk told the woman.
"Thank you, Kirk, and you too," she answered, smiling.
In the distance the hall dissatisfied Luke in a beautiful suit.
"Sorry, and when will dinner" an elderly lady approached Rory.
"soon" she replied.
"Is it true that famous guests come to us? "asked the lady."
"it's true."
"I'm nervous" Rory went to her mother, straightening her dress.
"in fact, I too," she clasped her hands in the lock and smiling looked forward
"I'll go check on what's with Suki," said Rory and went into the kitchen.
"all is well?"
"Rory! Yes, everything is fine, try it" shouted Suki.
The girl went to the pan, leaning over, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and tasted the soup.
"very tasty"with wide eyes, said Rory.
The woman clapped her hands with joy and jumped.
"I can not wait for them!"
" I too."
"Sam, take off your hood" taking off the hood from Sam, said Dean.
"Dean! Put it back on.
"why, are you hiding?"
"What it mean? Do people in stars hollow hate you?"
"Well yes. I don't want them to see me like this."
"You look good," said Cas.
The brothers looked at the angel and raised their eyebrows.
Dean looked at his brother again.
"well, okay" Sam rolled his eyes and they entered the hotel.
All the people around were dressed in beautiful clothes, and the waiters carried the champagne. Heard laughter and sounds of guitar and harp.
A familiar woman ran to them.
"D ... Dean?"

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