Part 6.

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It was almost ten and John hadn’t come home yet. I didn’t feel like having dinner, but a voice inside my head told me it wouldn’t be a healthy decision not to eat, so I called the Italian place we’d ordered from yesterday and asked for a Hawaiian pizza. The girl that took the order told me it was supposed to be delivered in twenty minutes. I thanked her and I hang up the phone. I turned on the TV and I lowered myself onto the couch. When I was watching some stupid modeling contest I heard someone in the hallway. I heard laughter and whispering and I waited for them to open the door. I knew it would be John and Emma. When he finally succeeded in opening the door they both walked in. “Hi.” I greeted them both. They both said “Hi” back. And John walked over to me whilst holding Emma’s hand. I tried to smile politely at her but it felt like a grimace. She looked like a model. She probably was. She’d probably participate in the contest on TV. Her hair was light brown and it had waves in it. She wore almost no makeup and her clothes seemed to be made just for her. Everything fitted perfectly and she looked flawless.   Emma introduced herself and I did the same. “I’m Ly.” I said. “I’m staying her for a few more weeks.” She nodded. “John told me a lot about you.” She said this while she looked at John. As if he had told her that her eyes shined like stars, and not that his best (girl) friend was staying at his place. John interrupted our small talk and announced that Emma and he would be watching a movie in his room. I nodded and told them to have fun. From the look on their faces I could tell there was no doubt that they were going to have fun.

Ten minutes after they left to John’s room the doorbell rang. I got up and opened the door. It was the guy that delivered our food from yesterday. I smiled politely at him and told him to wait for me so I could go get the money to pay for my pizza. “Nice place.” he noted when I came back into view. I  smiled. “It’s not mine.” I said honestly. “It’s from a friend. I’m just staying here for a few weeks.” I handed him the money. “He must be rich.” he said. I nodded. He gave me back the change. I looked at the guy and noticed that he was pretty cute. Sure, he’d be better looking in something that didn’t involve the colors of the Italian flag, but still. He had soft looking brown hair and green eyes that seemed to sparkle. “So,” he started. I nodded and smiled again. “I should be going, I guess.” “I think so,” I said. “Certainly if you want to become rich.” We both laughed. “Can I have your number?” he asked, looking me in the eye, curiously. He had taken me off guard. I thought about it for a second and nodded then. “Sure,” I said. “Why not.” I found a piece of paper and a pen in the kitchen and wrote my name and number on it. I went back to the door and handed it over to the delivery guy. He smiled as he took it from me. “Thanks…” he looked at the note. “Ly.” I smiled. “You’re welcome…” “David.” he filled in the blank. “David.” I repeated. “Well, I really have to go now.” he made a not-much-saying hand movement and I nodded. “Back to work.” “Back to work.” he agreed. “Bye Ly.” I gave him a warm smile and said: “Bye David.” He gave me another warm smile and added, just before I closed the door: “I’ll call you.” I smiled one last time and closed the door.

I sat down with my pizza at the coffee table and chewed while I thought everything over. I just gave my number to a complete stranger and I was falling in love with a guy that was probably having sex with his date, only a few rooms away from me. It’s a messed up life, I thought gloomy. I thoughtfully took another bite from my slice of pizza when my iPhone buzzed. I had one new message. I opened it and realized it was from David. He was certainly not going to waste any time.

Hi Ly, I didn’t get a chance to tell you how much I love your name. It’s beautiful. I was wondering if you’d like to grab something to eat tomorrow around 6? You can pick where ;).


I thought about it for a split second and then texted him back that I’d like to meet at six at a Chinese restaurant. He agreed, saying that he didn’t like pizza’s that much anymore. I smiled.

Around eleven I decided to go to bed. There wasn’t much to do anymore for me, and knew I couldn’t count on John’s company. Besides, I was still pretty tired from the night before. I crawled into my bed after I’d put on my oversized t-shirt over my underwear and thought about the previous night for a while. It had been a while since I slept that well. I hated how familiar it felt to lay in his arms and to cuddle up against him. That’s a lie. I didn’t hate that. I hated the fact that he brought another girl home. I was full of jealousy. It felt like I was taken over by a big green, jealous monster. And the worst part was that I had nothing to be angry about. Nothing to be angry at her, or him. All I got were my stupid feelings that messed with my head and that wouldn’t let me sleep. 

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