Part 8.

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When my alarm clock went off, my first idea was to throw it out the window, but I resisted. I got up and took a shower. When I was done I looked at myself in the mirror before putting make up on. I never knew whether to be happy or not with what I saw. My hair came just below my shoulders and was auburn. My eyes were hazel and round, and also pretty big. I looked at my nose (which I kind of liked), and the tone of my skin. It wasn’t pale, rather “kissed by the sun”. I thought about what John had said last night. I didn’t feel like I could measure up against Emma. She was the same type as me, but she looked special, while I looked…  ordinary. I realized I had a purpose going on here, and started to put some makeup on, and I blow-dried my hair until it fell the way I wanted it too. I went back to my room with a towel wrapped around me and I searched my closet for something I could wear to work. I finally went with a black knee-length skirt and a white blouse tucked into it. I searched for my (not too high heeled) black pumps and took them with me to the kitchen. John was already at his place at the kitchen table. “Do you ever sleep?” I said as a ‘hello’. He chuckled. I liked it when he laughed. He’d already lightened up my day by just laughing. I was disgusted with myself. I had a few feelings for him, and now it seemed to turn everything he did in a heroic act. He answered while he checked out my outfit. “I do, I just got woken up early.” I smiled while I poured some coffee in a mug. “How did that happen?” I asked while I walked to the table and sat down. I started to make myself a sandwich. “Emma had to leave early for work.” he said. I thought a second about what would be an appropriate answer, and finally managed to say: “Hmm…” He continued the conversation as if I didn’t just gave the most stupid answer in human history. “What do you want to eat tonight?” he asked. “I want to make up for not cooking Saturday.” he clarified when I didn’t answer fast enough. “Oh, I… I can’t have dinner with you tonight.” I finally answered. He looked up at me, his eyes narrowed. “Why not?” He sounded disappointed, but maybe I was just imagining stuff. “I got a date.” I said. It was weird how our roles had just reversed. Yesterday he said the exact same words to me. His eyes got bigger again. “With who?” he asked curiously.  “David.” He seemed to think it over, and then probably realize that he had no idea who David was. I told him before he could ask. “He’s our pizza delivery guy.” I told him. Come on, I’m ready for it. Let’s start the laughter. He didn’t laugh though. He just kept looking at me. “Well, I hope you have fun.” he said while he got up. “I’m going to shower.” I nodded. He turned around when he was almost in the hallway. “I’m not seeing you tonight then, I guess?” I thought it over. I had to work until five, change and be at the restaurant at six. “Well, I’m home for about half an hour around five. And if we don’t catch up then, we can still wait until it’s two in the morning.” He chuckled and nodded. “I’ll see you tonight, then.” he yelled from the hallway. “That’s a date!” I called back. Then I almost hit myself in the face. What a stupid word to use in a situation like this. And with this, I mean my situation. With the whole love thing going on.

I was running late thanks to my talk with John this morning and I made it to court just in time. I parked my car (a red Toyota Prius; I tried to be careful with the environment. Well, at least that’s what I told myself and others. The truth is that I was saving up for a BMW x6. The thing probably uses up the three double of my current car.) When I walked into the building I was greeted friendly by everyone. For being a lawyer only for just a years now, I thought I built a very good ‘work family’ around me. I liked everyone at work, and as far as I knew, they liked me. I didn’t have a real case today, not with a plea and all that, just some paperwork that had to be done. I rushed to my office and started working on it. It was a nice day. I was busy and the hours flew by. Before I knew it was five o’clock and I could go back to John’s apartment. When I walked in and back to my room I was already brooding about what I was going to wear. I stood where I stood this morning, at the exact same spot, looking into my closet. I went with a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a black tank top with a subtle hint of glitters. I put my pumps back on and grabbed my Chanel purse from the dresser. It was the only expensive fashion item I had, and I was proud of it. It was small, black and had the Chanel logo in gold on it. The chain was also gold and I absolutely loved it. I quickly grabbed an elastic band and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I finished with some extra mascara and a peachy lip gloss. Then I grabbed my leather jacket, and was ready to go.

John and I crossed at the door of his apartment. “Where are you going to?” he asked. “A photo shoot?”  

I rolled my eyes and made sure he could see. Then, childish as I am, I stuck out my tongue at him. “See you tonight, John!” I called as I left the apartment and closed the door. I heard him calling something back, but I was already too far gone to hear what it exactly was.

I made it too the restaurant with still a few spare minutes. While I stood next to the door of the restaurant I thought about what the hell I was really doing here. It didn’t make any sense. But then again, what did, at this part of my life? First of all, I was falling in love with a friend I’d known for three years now. Second, he was dating a girl and genuinely seemed to like her. Third, I was going on a date with the pizza delivery guy (also known as David). Forth, well there isn’t really one, but I just couldn’t put my finger on why on earth I said yes to this date. Was it because I was hoping that David would make me forget about John? Or did I came just to make sure this wasn’t going to turn out in something good, and that  would make me sure of the fact that all I really wanted now, was to be where John was. I have to be honest, I almost chickened out. But before the thought really had a chance to occur to me, David walked around the corner, coming my direction. I had to give it to the guy, he was looking good, very good. His hair stood in all directions, but still it looked like it was purposed to look like that. He wore a blue-green button-up shirt, that, call it coincidence or not, was my favorite color. His jeans were dark and looked pretty decent.

When he noticed me a smile broke across his face.  He approached me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

“Hi, Ly.” he said.

“Hi, David.” I said, not really knowing what else to say.  I hoped it wasn’t going to be one of those dates.

“Ready to go inside?” he asked, still smiling. The enthusiasm he wore was almost fascinating. He didn’t seem to be able to be taken off guard.  I nodded and went through the door as he held it open for me. He put his hand on my lower back and lead me to our table after he asked for our reservation. When I started to take my jacket of, he appeared behind me and helped me to take it off. He hang in on the back of my chair and pulled the chair backwards so I could sit down. He was being the perfect gentleman. I sighed. Why could these things never be easy? 

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