New Crush

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-h/c=hair color
-e/c=eye color

Peter's POV

I used to have a crush on Liz, but she obviously doesn't like me. So, I turned my attention to another girl.

Every since y/n came to our school, I haven't been able to take my eyes off of her. Her soft h/c, and her stunning e/c, have me weak at the knees.

Unfortunately, I am way out of her league, but I can't seem to get rid of my crush on her.

It doesn't help that she put her arm around me, or the fact that she fell asleep on my shoulder.

She looks so impossibly cute when sleeps. Not in a creepy way. She just looks so peaceful.

I have to say though, that I got a bit more hopeful that she is Spider-Girl. Now, we live together, and spend afternoons fighting crime.

I hope she realized that I was just trying to help when I told Aunt Nat, Uncle Bucky, and Scott that she was being bullied. (I feel like Scott would be more like a cousin)

It was Saturday morning, and we were training together. We were both in our suits, and I was fighting against her. As I was thinking about how awesome she was, she webbed my legs, causing me to fall. She pinned me down.

"You're distracted, Parker. What are you thinking about?", she said with a smirk.

She reminded me of Dad.

"Helloooo? You still there?", she said, waving a hand in my face.

" Sorry. You're right I was distracted, but it's ok.  I think we're done training now, thought. Good job. ", I responded, sticking my hand out.

"You too, Parker.", she replied, returning the shake.

I ran to the elevator, and up to my room. Then, I called Ned.

" Ned! I need help! ", I yelled.

" With what? Are you going on another mission? Am I going to be your guy in the chair?! ", he said excitedly.

" No, Ned. Girl help. "

"Yes! I knew it. You have a crush on y/n!"

" What? How did you know? "

"C'mon, dude. It so obvious. So, do you need help asking her out?", he said.

" That's the thing. I want to ask her out, but she is way out of my league, and I don't think that she likes me. I need help! ", I ranted.

" Dude, you can't be serious. She so has a crush on you. Do you remember the first day she came here? She could not stop staring at you. She fell asleep on your shoulder. Believe me man, she likes you. Just ask her out. You have a 50/50 chance. If she says no, alright, at least you tried. But what if you don't try? What if she would've said yes? You missed out on her completely. Think positive. You got this man. ", he encouraged.

" Dude, you are really good at pep talks. You're the best. I'll do it after
lunch. "

"Good. I'll call to make sure you did it, and hear the inside scoop. Also, I'm telling MJ."

" NOO. Don't te-", I was rudely interrupted by the hang up beep. Ugh. Wait! I pretty much just promised Ned I would ask y/n out. Ahhhhhhh. I'm screwed.

"Hey, FRIDAY, where is Dad?", I asked.

" He is currently in his lab. ", she responded.

" Okay, thanks. " I went to his lab. Time to get some help from the playboy.

"Hey Dad. Can I ask you something?", I said, barging in.  He looked up from what he was working on. "What do you need, Underoos?", he asked.

" Umm. I just promised Ned that I would ask y/n out after lunch, and I'm panicking. You got to help me! ", I said nervously.

He laughed. "That's it? I thought something bad happened. All you have to do is say, 'Hey y/n, I like you, would you like to go out with me?' It's not hard.", he said.

" Wow, thank you dad. That helped me so much. ", I rolled my eyes and walked out. Time to talk to Wanda, and Aunt Nat.(We'll say that Wanda is more of a cousin as well.)

I found them in the living room, braiding each other's hair.

"Hey guys. I need your help. I am planning on asking y/n out, but how should I do it.", I said, trying to get it over with.

"Ooh, Pete's has got a crush.", Wanda said, teasing me.

" Whatever. ", I said brushing it off.

"Well, let's go to the store, we can buy some flowers, their romantic.", Aunt Nat said.

"Sounds good. Let's go. FRIDAY, tell Dad that Aunt Nat, Wanda, and I went to the store. We will be back in, like, 30 minutes."

We climbed into one of the many cars Dad owned, and headed to a florist.

When we got there, we walked in, and right away, a worker rushed to our aid.

"Hello, how can I help you?", the woman said, politely.

"Can you show is some yellow roses, with red tips, please?", Wanda asked.

"Of course, right this way."

She took us to where the flowers were.

"There you are.", she said.

"Thank you.", I said.

I saw the type of flowers Wanda had requested. They were beautiful. Just like y/n.

" Why did you choose these specific flowers? ", I asked Wanda.

"They symbolize friendship, and falling in love, which is perfect for you and y/n.", she responded.

"Wow, um, ok, let's get them and go home.", I said.

I grabbed a bouquet and walked to the counter. We paid, and drove home.

When we got there, I ran into my room to hide the flowers. Then, I walked downstairs to grab some lunch. Aunt Nat, Dad, and Uncle Thor was there.

" Hi Uncle Thor! Is Uncle Loki here too? ", I asked him.

"Hello, man of spiders. My brother is here.", he responded. I nodded, and grabbed a plate to microwave my Hot Pockets on.

As the microwave beeped, y/n entered the room. And just like that, I got a hundred times more nervous. She wasn't even wearing anything special. Her hair was done in a simple ponytail, but I still could not stop staring.

" You've been spacing out a lot today Pete. Are you okay? ", she said, snapping me out of my trance. She looked concerned. Gosh, that is adorable.

"No, I'm fine. Just thinking a lot.", I reassured her. Yeah, thinking about you. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Wanda smirking at me.

I ate my food as slowly as possible, trying to delay the end of lunch. Unfortunately, not everybody else had the same idea. Dad kept bugging me about eating slowly. I should of known that telling him was a bad idea.

I finished, and put my plate in the sink. I

"Hey, y/n, um, can I talk to you for a second, please?", I said, trying not to show how nervous I was.

"Of course.", she answered, giving a puzzled look. I lead her to the empty living room.

"Hold on, let me grab something. I'll be right back.", I said, running to my room. I grabbed the flowers, and walked back to the living room. She spotted the bouquet. No going back now. Well, here goes nothing.

Sorry if that was cringey. Whatever. I hope you liked this special chapter in our beloved Peter's POV. Also tomorrow is Tom's bday! Yay!Until next time.......

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