New Motive

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The next morning(noon), I woke up, feeling refreshed.

"Y/n, you have a reminder set today, at 6:00. It is titled, Date with Peter.", FRIDAY announced.

I shot up. I have no outfit to wear! I picked up my phone to call MJ. I need a little help from a friend.

" Hey, MJ. How are you? ", I greeted.

" Fine. What do you need? ", she responded.

" Um, so I have a date with Peter, and I have nothing to wear! What am I going to do? ", I told her.

" It's about time you two got together, but I can't help you, because reasons, so I'm really sorry. But, congrats. Bye, got to go. ", she hung up.

Great so now what am I going to do? The only options are 1) figure something out on my own, and look like trash (not like I don't already look like trash), or 2) ask Nat and Wanda for some help. Well, I guess the better option is to ask for help. Here goes nothing.

I found both of them together, in the living room, just chilling.

"Hey y/n.", Wanda said.

"Hi, um, can I ask a favor?", I said, reluctantly.

They nodded yes.

"Well, I have a date with Peter, and I have no idea how to dress at all. Can you please help me?", I asked.

Their smiles grew big. "Of course! Let's go!", Wanda squealed.

We headed up to my bedroom. "So, do you know if you're going somewhere fancy, or is it more casual?", Nat asked.

" I don't know, but it is our first date, and I highly doubt it being super fancy, or any thing like that. ", I said, thinking.

"Alright, so we'll do a casual, but still a little fancy dress. That way, if it is fancy, you'll be fine, and if it's casual, it will still work out.", Wanda said, thoughtfully.

I nodded my head in agreement. In the end we picked out:

We headed downstairs to get some lunch

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We headed downstairs to get some lunch. Peter, Thor, and Loki were also there.

"Hey guys.", I said. I smiled at Peter, and sat next to him.

"You look beautiful.", he complimented.

I looked down. I was only wearing sweatpants and an a sweatshirt.

"I'm wearing sweatpants, Peter.", I said, cocking my head at him.

"You look beautiful no matter what.", he said with a shy smile. I started blushing.

We hadn't even been on a date yet, and he was already flirting. Not that I minded. I mean, who would.

"This show of affection is going to make me throw up.", Loki said with a disgusted look on his face. Wanda rolled her eyes.

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