New Girl

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A/n: Hey everybody! I'm pretty new to all of this so I am really really sorry if this is bad. I don't have specific people to give credit to because I took a lot of different ideas and mashed them into on. Anyway, hope you enjoy.

"Bye, Mom!". I shouted as I ran out the door.
" Bye, y/n. Have a good first day. ", she replied.
" Thanks. "
It was my first day of school. I had just moved to Queens, New York, and to say I was a little nervous would be an understatement. Would the kids be nice? What if I got lost? What if I get detention? Who do I sit with at lunch? Thousands of question filled my head as I got on the bus. Luckily, I found a nice empty seat at the front of the bus, so I didn't have to talk to anyone. I put in my earbuds, and drowned out all of the loud chatter.

In no time at all, we were at school, and I was a nervous wreck. I was totally loss and I couldn't find the front office. As I walked down the hall, I saw two cute boys fangirling about Star Wars. I gathered my courage and walked towards them.

"Hello, could you please tell me where the front office is?", I asked politely. They just stared at me for a while , not moving. "Hello?"
" Oh sorry, we aren't used to pretty girls talking to us. ", one of them said. A light blush spread over my cheeks as the other boy elbowed his friend in the side. "I'm y/n l/n", I informed them. "I am Ned Leeds" said the less shy boy. "I-I'm Peter Parker", replied the other boy. I hadn't noticed just how beautiful his chocolate eyes and soft brown curls were. I couldn't stop staring, and he couldn't either. "Ahem, if you two would stop staring into each other's eyes, we can go to the office so we are not late. Peter and I blushed bright red. "Uh, well let's get moving then.", I said.

Once they escorted me to the office they ran off to their first class. "Hello, I am y/n l/n and I am new here. I need my schedule."
" Oh, Ms. l/n. here is your schedule. "
"Thanks.", I said. The bell rang as I rushed around the hallways trying to find my classroom.

5 minutes layer, I finally found my classroom, and I walked in. The first thing I noticed was Ned and Peter sitting at a table together. They waved, and I waved back with a big smile. At least I would have some friends in this class. "Y/n, if you could sit next to Ned and Peter, I can continue the lesson".
"Of course Ms.", I answered back as I made my way to their table. "Long time no see", Ned said with a smile.

"Hey, can I borrow the notes I missed please.", I asked. "Sure.", Peter said with a shy smile. He passed me his paper, and our hands brushed slightly. His hand pulled back immediately, and he looked to the ground. Wow, he's really cute. Wait, what? I've only known him for 20 minutes, calm down y/n.

We continued through class, Ned and Peter gossiping in order to inform me of who to stay away from, and who was nice. They were quite funny, and they got us in trouble only once (which is surprising), with a warning.

-----Time Skip brought to you by your friendly neighborhood spiderman -----

When I walked into the lunch room, I was relieved to see Peter and Ned sitting together. I walked over to their table. "Hey guys, can I sit here please?" "Sure.", Peter answered patting the spot next to him. There was another girl with them, reading a book. "What's your name?", I asked. "Call me MJ." , she said. We all compared schedules, and it turned out that me and MJ had next block together, and we all had P.E. together. "The only bad thing about P.E. other than the exercising part, is the fact that Flash is in our class also.", MJ said with a sigh. Almost as if on cue, the kid named Flash walked over to our table.

"Hey, Parker. Are you ready for me to pummel you in dodgeball today?". Peter groaned with annoyance. "Well, speak of the devil", MJ said sarcastically(or maybe not). "Please go away Flash, no one likes you.", Ned said, sticking up for his best friend.

"I mean, I've only been here for half a day, and I am already wondering how you have friends.", I said , wanting to help my new friends. They all started laughing. Flash face got super red, and he opened his mouth, thought better about it and just walked away sulking. "Alright!", Ned shouted. "You are definitely part of the group now y/n!"
" Thanks y/n, for standing up for me. ", said Peter.
" Don't thank me yet, we still have to get through P.E. ", I said with a laugh.

Feel free to tell me what you think. Until next time...........

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