New Abilities

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"y/n! Wake up! You have to go to school!", my mom shouted at me.

Oh, joy. It's Monday, the best day of the week. I dragged myself out of bed to get ready. Brushed my face, threw on some clothes, and headed downstairs. What a surprise. I'm late. I grabbed a Poptart: Food of The Gods ™, and sprint out the door.

"Bye, mom, love you!", I yelled.

The bus came as soon as my foot hit the bus stop. Well, at least I'm not late. Oh, c'mon. I have a math test today. Well, great. Of course I forgot to study. I guess I'll just ask Peter if he can help me. I am really a mess today.

I walked into to the school to meet up with the gang.I

"Hey, guys", I said with a yawn.

"You look super tired today", Ned commented.

"I almost missed the bus, and I forgot we have a math test today. Can you tell me what it is on Peter?"

"Oh, sure, it's on-" Ring Ring. The bell, welp, imma fail. Peter just have me an apologetic look. I sighed and headed to class. "Bye, guys"

-----time skip brought to you by the guy in the chair-----

That was officially the worst day of my life. The math test wasn't as hard as I thought, but I could have done better. Also, Flash has started picking on me too, after what happened in P.E.

I got off the bus in a very sour mood. When I got to the front door step, I saw a spider on my arm. I screamed and flicked it off. I absolutely hate spiders. They are disgusting. That just made my day even worse.

I had to clean up the entire house today. I thought things couldn't get worse, but I should have known. I threw up all night, and I felt like crap. At least I don't have to go to school tomorrow.

I woke up the next morning, only feeling slightly better. I changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt. When I put on my shirt I looked down to see a 6 pack.

What the fuck? I don't work out. My life is crazy and I'm hallucinating. Okay, I need to lie down. I went back to bed. Hopefully I won't be imagining things anymore.


When I woke up again, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I walked in and started brushing. I looked up into the mirror, and screamed and dropped my toothbrush.

My arms were so muscular! I was so frightened that I jumped on to the wall. Literally. I was hanging on the bare wall.

I took another cautious step up the wall. I didn't fall. I kept on walking till I was hanging from the ceiling. This was definitely not a dream, so what was happening?

I decided not to tell my mom and dad, because they would probably, no definitely, freak out.

I could hear my mom talking from the basement. My door was closed and I was at the top floor. That was definitely not natural. I could see better now too. I had glasses before, but now I don't need them anymore.

All of my senses are heightened.

I saved my parents from freaking out, but not myself.

I could tell someone, but who? I could tell, Ned, MJ, and Peter, but I just became their friends.

I decided just to binge watch Netflix all day. When I came down for meals, I made sure to wear a long-sleeved shirt, and I ate a lot of food too.

I ate like I hadn't eaten in a month.

Somehow, someway, I made it through the day without my parents questioning anything. Unfortunately, I do have to go to school tomorrow though.

I don't know what I am going to do. My P.E. uniform is short sleeved. At least it is supposed to be colder, so it won't be weird if I wear a sweatshirt. Maybe I can scare off Flash.

So, today I was playing this really fun game called, you should try it. Anyway there is a place where you can chat with other players, and I accidentally spoiled infinity war for someone. I told them that Spider-Man dies, and they didn't watch it yet. And the person was super sad, so I told them that there is a new Spider-Man movie coming out. Guess I pulled a Tom Holland. Oops. Until next time.........

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