New Family

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"Y/n! You're okay! Guys, Pete found her!", Nat yelled.

The rest of the crew gathered in kitchen, where we were.

Tony came up the elevator in his suit.

" Oh, thank goodness. ", he sighed.

Even Pepper looked relieved. I hadn't see much of her, since she works a lot.

" So, what happened? ", Bucky asked.

I nudged Peter to let him know that he would be the one telling them.

I looked down at my lap.

" This idiot kid named Flash bullied her, and told her that nobody loved her", he explained.

I slowly looked up to see a group of angry Avengers.

" What is his real name? ", Nat asked.

" Eugene Thompson. ", I said.

" Well, he's gonna be sorry he ever messed with a member of the Avengers family. ", Steve said.

I smiled.

" Family? ", I asked, my eyes tearing up.

" Family. ", Steve said.

They all engulfed me in a hug.

" Alright, you two should get to bed, but you don't have to go to school tomorrow if you don't want to. ", Tony said.

" Yesssss!!!!!! ", Pete and I shouted.

We ran to the elevator. When we go to my floor, I stopped the doors from closing.

" Pete, can you sleep with me tonight? ", I asked shyly.

" Of course. Let me get ready, and I'll be down. ", he answered with a smile.

15 minutes later, he entered the room.

We climbed into the inviting bed.

I snuggled into his chest. His strong arms wrapped around me tightly.

" I love you Peter. "

"I love you too."

Little did we know, the Avengers were in a special meeting that had to do with us. Or Flash.


3rd Person POV. Location, Avengers Meeting Room.

"We can't just let this Flash kid get away with bullying y/n.", The genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark said.

" And Peter. He told me not to tell you, but he is being bullied too. ", Bucky said.

" No one bullies my kids. He's gotta go. ", Mr. Stark growled.

" As much as I would like to agree with you, we can't hurt him in any way. They wouldn't like that. We should do something not as harmful. ", Natasha Romanoff said.

" I've got an idea. "


Y/n's POV

I yawned and sat up, and smiled. A handsome, sleeping Peter was next to me.

His hair was messy, and his chest rose slightly as he breathed. I brushed his hair out of his face.

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