What is the circumference of the sun?

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America: Omg, we landed, leik wow. Arthur look at all the small planes in Admin's country! -Points to a normal-sized 777-

England: -rolls eyes-

Admin: -lunges at America- Not my fault New Zealand is smallish compared to your big ass country.

Prussia & Norway: -Grabs Admin and gets her off of America-


Admin: D: B...but they amaze. Life....ruined -sobs in corner-

Norway: What the hell?! It's raining like there's no tomorrow ;-;

Admin: Damn straight it is boy, now Prussia! Ich has a question for jou!

Prussia: Ja?

Admin: France buys five apples and gives two to Spain, what is the circumference of the sun?

Prussia: Vital regions being claimed by mein awezomeness -winks and smirks-

Admin: Of course, should have known, -sighs silently looking at Prussia's amazing form, before looking away- •///-///• wut?

England: -France and England argue- You bloody git, -hits France with a baseball bat-

Admin: NO VIOLENCE IN THIS BOOK---oh no, I broke the fourth wall...-runs to corner and sobs-

Prussia: And we'll be back straight after these ads, stay tuned, as Norway and I must tend to a crying admin .-.

Ich do not own Hetalia.

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