Nordic 5 VS Pc Gaming

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Norway: Hallo everyone!

Iceland: And welcome to the Nordic 5, playing Pc Games!

Sweden: Yay...-waves flag unenthusiasticly-

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nordic 5 VS Minecraft~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Denmark: Sweden, my castle is better than yours! -places last cobblestone block onto his castle and goes to the ground level-

Sweden: What? It can't be! -Goes to look at Denmark's castle-

Denmark: -sneaks over to Sweden's castle with TnT- TNT!! -places it everywhere and sets one off-

TnT: *Boom, boom, crash, blast, BANG*

Sweden: Noooooo! My castle, my people, I have failed you! Failed you all!

Denmark: The King of Northern Europe strikes again!

Norway: -blows up Denmark's castle- The King of Northern Europe fails again!

Iceland: Hey guys, do you like my house? -shows 5x5 house-

Finland: -.- Well, you did your best...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nordic 5 VS Dota 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Denmark: I'm dying haaaalpp

Sweden: Stand back, I got this, -completely one shots everyone that stands near his character-

Norway & Finland: I call hacks.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nordic 5 VS Sims~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Denmark: I want to create a person on two player :/

Norway: I got the controller first, so it's Iceland and I first.

Iceland: Dude, while you two were gossiping, I got us to the seventh house.

Sweden: -_______-

Denmark: So done -leaves-

Iceland: I was kidding, I got us too the ninth ;)

Finland: My god, you little.....

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