Chapter Two

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"Clary..." Izzy gasped after I'd told her to come into my room, "you look gorgeous!"

The whole day had shot by so fast, and the time had finally come. My hair was straightened and my make up was done naturally, which suited me best. I'd settled on my mid thigh black tube dress, with my complimentary padded khaki bomber jacket and black lace up ankle boots.

For the first time in a long time, I loved myself.

"We're gonna have an amazing night, trust me. And later on, me, Alec and Simon have a surprise for you." Her smile was innocent and wonderful, but it also gave me a sense of unease. I never really liked surprises too much, the idea of having no clue what's going to happen never appealed to me.

"That's... great. You know how much I love surprises." My tone was sarcastic as I walked past her and into the bathroom, squeezing some toothpaste onto each of our toothbrushes.

"You still have my spare toothbrush! How cute." Izzy held a hand to her heart and began brushing her teeth with the other.

"If me wanting my friend to be hygienic when she stays at my house is cute then sure, happy valentines day darlin." My joke resulted in Izzy spitting her toothpaste into the sink, followed by a laughing fit, which of course resulted in me laughing along with her.

"Shut up." She shook her head and swilled her mouth with cold water, soon after placing her toothbrush back in the holder. After a few seconds of silence, Izzy spoke up. "Who do you think's gonna turn up tonight? You don't think people are too busy to show up anymore do you?"

I dreaded to think. There were people I couldn't wait to see, people I couldn't remember already, and people I never wanted to see again.

"Y'know Izzy, I don't know and I wish I could answer that question but... whoever shows up shows up and it'll be an amazing night regardless." I moved some hair that was dangling in front of her eye and squeezed her cheek playfully, like I always did. "Like you said, we're gonna have an amazing night."

And I was so sure of that, I could just feel it. This night was already making everything else feel like it was finally falling into place. It sounded dramatic and kinda ridiculous when I repeated it in my head, but I was suddenly so motivated and inspired to do and try so many things. I finally felt ready to look for a new job after my anxiety crippled my last one. I finally felt ready to start looking for my own apartment. I felt ready to throw out my whole wardrobe and start a new.

I finally felt the depression weigh off my shoulders humongously.

"I feel so fucking good, Iz. Nothing can ruin my mood." My eyes shut slowly and I felt a smile creep onto my face. "Let's fucking go!" I grabbed her hand without a thought and ran out of the bathroom and down the stairs in less than ten seconds, both of us squealing and laughing so loud our ear drums almost burst.

"Well hey girls." Luke laughed from the kitchen whilst he chopped up three bell peppers, throwing them in a pan. "You excited huh?"

I wrapped my arms lovingly round his waist, swaying to the smooth jazz him and my mom always listen to, and I mean always. "So excited, you don't even understand. And whilst I'm in this state of mind, being absolute 110% happiness, I'm sorry for our minor dispute earlier. I love you, Dad."

It was rare I called Luke Dad, even though he technically was. It was something I planned to call him more often, it was something he deserved to be called more often. And let me tell you, it made him stop cutting the peppers quicker than a mouse on cheese.

He spun around and wrapped his arms round me, squeezing me so tight I thought I'd burst. "I love you, kiddo." He kissed the top of my head, making my nose scrunch in contentment.

"Well, there was absolutely no need to make us cry now, was there?" My mom booed, wiping her eyes with her sleeve whilst Izzy stood next to her, completely fine, just offering moral support by rubbing her shoulder. You could say it was something out of a comedy movie, and I loved it.

"Okay mom," I giggled, grabbing my keys off the peg on the wall near the back door, "I will be home late but I promise I'll try be quiet. And good luck in your meeting tomorrow, you'll be amazing." I grinned, but soon noticing that Izzy was giving Luke a funny old smile.

They were up to something. But before I could mention it to either of them, Luke pushed me playfully into the hallway. "Get going kids, you don't wanna be late. Love you both." Luke ruffled both of our hairs gently before pulling us into a bear hug.

"Okay girls I love you both too have an amazing night." Mom hugged Izzy before hugging me, kissing my forehead.

"Love you guys." Me and Izzy said in unison before running out of the door excitedly, hand in hand.

"And no drink driving! You guys either call a cab home or ask Alec or Simon if they're not drinking to drop you guys here." Luke reminded us for the fifth time since he'd found out about the party.

"We will!" We shouted at the same time again, before I climbed in the drivers seat, Izzy in the passengers.

"Tonight is all about us four." I beamed as I started the car. "Yano, this is long overdue. We need to stop waiting all year to hang out, just us guys."

"Make that five of us..." Izzy said, her eyes widened as she stared down at her phone. "Magnus and Alec just got back together!" She squealed with happiness, clapping her hands on her thighs, her eyes twinkling as she looked at me so happily. "That means he'll be coming-" Izzy held her hand to her mouth quickly, realising she almost said something she shouldn't have.

I squinted my eyes, but couldn't look at her until I reached the red light. "Huh?" Was all I managed to ask, even though I did wanna ask more.

"Nothing, it's that surprise I was telling you about earlier so, let's forget about it." She giggled that cute giggle she has and returned back to the Magnus and Alec situation. "Anyway, can you believe it? This is the greatest news I've had in a while."

I decided to drop the surprise subject, after all, Izzy was amazing at keeping secrets, so I'd never get it out of her anyway. So I just played along. "Yeah, that's amazing. I can guarantee Magnus has been missing him so much. The other week when we went shopping, every piece of clothing we saw 'reminded him of Alec'. Like, how?"

"Alec's missed him too." Izzy said, still giggling over my sarcasticness. "I'm just glad everyone's happy now, it's gonna make the night even better." She gazed out of the window, counting quietly to herself how many red cars she spotted as we headed towards the highway. "And after tonight with this surprise we have planned for you, our whole Summer will be epic."

And with that being said, we drove the rest of the way with the windows down and the music blaring, singing along happily, making amazing memories...

Hope you enjoyed this happy, upbeat chapter! The beach party's the next chapter, I just wanted to set the chapter and show the amazing friendship between Clary and Izzy and the relationship between Luke/Jocelyn with Clary/Izzy. <3

Also sorry if there's any spelling mistakes, it's almost 2am.

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