Chapter Three

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We were greeted with open arms at the keg, and of course with a beer each. The section of the beach we were at was already packed, and we presumed that more people were still to show up. Speakers that were tied securely (we hoped) to telephone poles and high up branches were blaring old school dance music as people danced their way through their former classmates, giving the occasional "Oh hi!" and bear hugging whoever they saw.

I smiled happily as I looked into the crowd, mainly looking for Alec, Magnus and Simon though. The night was probably going to consist of Alec and Magnus canoodling, Simon trying to flirt so much with Izzy it would become embarrassing, and me doing something stupid that I'd probably regret in the morning. But I was young, this was my time to do stupid things and be an idiot.

"Okay I'm gonna go look for Alec and Magnus, you find Simon. Deal?" Izzy shouted in my ear over the music, soon after taking another swig of her drink.

"Yeah sounds good. I don't think he's here yet though so let me just go to the restrooms and call him." There were some public restrooms right at the entrance of the beach which was only a two minute walk from where we were stood. I set off quickly, not wanting to miss anything at the party.

I felt sorry for people who'd decided to wear low cut trainers or sandals, they'd end up getting so much sand stuck in between their toes, and who wanted that whilst they were trying to dance.

Whilst parties on the beach were fun and our tradition as a year, it was still a stupid idea in my eyes. A bunch of drunk,  young adults near water? Whilst dancing? With too much alcohol to physically consume in one night? We were never the brightest kids, but we all chose fun over safety, even back in the day. Again, maybe that made us stupid, but it's gotta be done sometimes.

"Clary?" I heard from infront of me as I reached the restrooms. I looked up to see an old boyfriend of mine called Joe smoking what appeared to be a joint. "Well look at you!" He smiled brightly and leaned in for a hug, which I happily returned.

"Hey Joe, long time huh?" I asked as I pulled back after a few seconds. "How've you been? I haven't seen you at one of these parties since we decided to have them."

"I've been well, and that's probably because I do a lot of travelling now. Never stay in the same place for long, but I wanted to come this year, catch up with everyone." He still had the same old twinkle in his eye when he smiled. "You been okay? You're looking as good as I remember, even better actually!" He exclaimed, searching my face intently.

"Yeah I've been good I guess, and thank you that's not something I hear often." I giggled quietly, whilst also eyeing up his joint. "You still smoke huh?"

He looked down at it before taking another quick drag. "Yeah, it keeps my nerves calm. You still do it orrr?" He dragged his word on, raising his eyebrows. I knew what he was initiating, and I couldn't resist. I took the joint out of his hand firmly and inhaled it harshly, missing the resist I used to get when I used to smoke it.

"I haven't done this since we were together you know." I laughed stupidly, feeling a little flush as I brought the memories up of when we were younger. "Maybe it would have done me good a few years ago with this stupid anxiety." I shook my head at the thought of the dumb disorder.

"Anxiety sucks doesn't it." He nodded his head, agreeing with his own statement. "Anyway, you can finish that off, I'm gonna get down there and see who I can find. Hopefully I see you again at some point tonight!" He smiled broadly and pulled me in for another quick hug, before jogging down the walkway towards the party.

I leant against the wall for balance whilst I placed my drink on the floor, scrolling for Simon's contact whilst I tooted away on the roll.

"Hey Simon," he answered after a few rings, "where are you?"

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