Chapter One

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To say I didn't still love him was a lie. We'd been best friends our entire lives and him leaving me was a sore wound that never healed. The lives we planned and the futures we envisioned had each other in them, however everything changed; nothing is ever solid after all.

"We did it Fray!" I remember him shouting excitedly in my face right after our graduation ceremony. I remember the way he wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around, making me feel like the safest girl on the planet.

It was never part of the plan for him to just leave and never call me back. It was never part of the plan for him to delete me off all social medias. It was never part of the plan for him to create a new email, leaving me with no way to contact him. It was never part of the plan for us to go into adulthood not being best friends, not having each other.

It took me a longer time than expected to get over losing my best friend. Depression lingered round every corner, creeping in on me in my darkest hours, making me just need a cuddle off him and to hear that everything was okay. But everything was different, better now. I no longer felt sad. After all, everyone plans their life with someone, being a partner or a friend, and sometimes it just won't work out. This was one of those times.

"Clary!" I heard Luke scream from the bathroom. "That damn alarm's been going off for five minutes now, it's driving me insane!"

Luke was my stepdad, basically my real dad. He brought me up with my mom, helped me with all my homework, introduced me to all his friends as his daughter, and most importantly was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on or when I needed someone to stick up for me.

"I was having an awesome dream, asshat!" I screamed back, slamming my hand onto my phone before sitting up briskly, dreading the day already. It was my day to see one of my best friends Isabelle. I love her, don't get me wrong, but how different we are truly gets on my nerves at times. She's a gorgeous raven haired girl, has an immense amount of confidence and her fashion and boy sense is insane.

I'm the complete opposite though. Red haired, low self esteem, living in pyjamas and hoodies. I'd been with boys, slept with those it was serious with, but I wasn't a boy genius. That's the role Iz had in our duo, and I didn't mind it, but sometimes it'd be amazing if I was the one people were looking at in amazement, if I was the one people wanted.

"Izzy is literally going to be here in half an hour and you decided to set your alarm for this time?" Luke barged in, towel around his waist whilst he brushed his teeth, a confused look on his face.

I let out an accidental sigh, forcing myself off my bed onto my feet. "Yes Luke, it takes me less than ten minutes to get ready. Can you get off my case?" I retorted with attitude, drifting past him out of my room.

The plan was we'd go shopping, get a bite to eat, then head out to our yearly bonfire party held on the beach. We've had one every year since we left school four years ago, almost everyone that was in our year shows up; apart from a select few.

It was just me, Isabelle, Simon and Alec. Simon was my other best friend, who was head over heels in love with Izzy. And Alec was Izzy's big brother, kinda like mine too. All the girls wanted him, but he was gay. And he was amazing. He wasn't a stereotypical gay man though, he was the most badass person I knew.

My main aim was to try and look better than Izzy.

But I doubted that I would.

"Just promise me you won't get black out drunk. And no drugs!" Luke demanded, raising his eyebrows, his facial expression stern even though I knew he was dying to laugh.

"I can promise there will be no drugs, however I can't be held responsible for how drunk I get." I brushed through my hair thoroughly before squeezing some toothpaste onto my toothbrush.

"You can be so stupid..." Luke barged me out of the way playfully so he could check himself out in the mirror. "I'm being serious, unless you're staying at a friends house you won't be drinking too much 'cause your mom has a very important business meeting in the morning, so she can't be awake all hours of the night worrying about you."

I unmeaningly let out a loud sigh. "Look, I'm an adult. I'm not a child anymore." I turned to Luke, returning the stern look he previously gave me.

"Yet you still live under our roof, unemployed and not paying rent..."

I could tell by his tone and facial expression if I carried this on any further that an extreme argument could begin, which I wasn't exactly wanting knowing I would lose it since his point was already way more valid than the future ones I was ready to give. So I continued to scrub at my teeth, quickly finishing just so I could get out of the house to forget how much of a failure I was.

— This rewritten version will have a lot of new things, but still the same storyline & just not as rushed. <3 Chapter Two will be published in literally a few minutes, there'll be no Clace until Chapter Three though so just bare with me and try remember the small details of the story (though they may be boring). I love you all <33

Also I'm so sorry if you notice it switching in and out of different times (past tense/present tense).

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