Chapter 2: Real Or Not Real?

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  In That Very Same Moment

It all happens entirely too fast.  Molly doesn't even have time to slip her girlfriend's shirt back on before the door gives way.

       "Hey Kaitlyn,  your Mom's outsi--'' Nancy just stands there, for a very brief moment, in stunned silence. She's seemingly almost disgusted at the sight before her - or at least, that's what Kaitlyn fears.  She supposed  that this was what it felt like when your mom caught  you with some random guy from school junior year, doing the deed in your own bed - except it wasn't. Except it was worse.

   Moments later, Nancy rushes out of the room and through the somewhat secret back exit of the studio.  She sits on a wooden bench. The sun is just beginning to set, and it's a beautiful, orange and pink California night in May.  

Her Surroundings, though, are the last thing on her mind, as Molly sprints after their TV mother in haste.  When she reaches Nancy, the younger woman shoots her a pleading glance. "N-nancy please. Please don't let this get out. Jack doesn't have to know. Even Tim, please." 

    She speaks to the older actress in what can only be interpreted as desperation. "If this were to be leaked, I could handle it, I'm much stronger than I look." Molly pauses. "But Kait,  Kaitlyn is still very young and this.. this could destroy her career. Her musical talent, her fans; her parents would probably..  God knows what. I just know that Mr. Dever is a conservative man, and  I'm not just some girl - I'm twenty seven. This is a huge risk we're taking here."

Only about forty-five seconds pass, but to Molly, it feels like forever. 

Nancy finally finds her voice. "Do you love her?" 

The words are spoken so quietly,  that they're almost inaudible. "What?"  Molly takes a seat next to the older woman as another beat passes. 

   "Do you love her?" The blonde demands. "Are you in love with her? Because Molly if this is just some experimental tryst.. " The Raven-haired woman cuts her off. "I'm gay, Nancy. I'm a lesbian." Her friend is taken aback even more, as Molly continues. "Practically no one in the industry knows, only my closest friends and family. I came out to them six years ago." Sincerity flows from her tone as she goes on. "And Yes.  I'm in love with her. I love Kaitlyn more than anyone I've ever met. She's beautiful, funny, and my god is she talented.  Her music, her voice, even just hearing her talk.. it just fills me with joy."

By this point, Nancy is smiling widely. "I know it sounds cliche, but I could see us rocking our child to sleep someday, in some sweet little room,  in a house by the beach, as she sings a soft version of one of her songs.  I would maybe  even start somewhat of  a Ready Whip War  with her;  which, of course,  would  wake the little one up, and we'd  be forced to start all over again... but somehow, it wouldn't matter." 

A stray tear falls down Molly's face, and she  wipes it away with her own thumb. Nancy is on the verge or tears as well.

 Neither of them notice Kaitlyn walking up behind them.  The teenager boldly wraps her arms around Molly's neck and kisses her with as much love as she can muster. When they break apart, Nancy speaks, eyes watering. "Well ladies, this honestly has been a night for the record books. You have my truest word that your little secret is safe with me. Love as pure as yours is rare. Hold onto each other."

"We will." The auburn-haired girl replies, confidently.

In that moment, no words needed to be spoken- the grateful gazes said it all. In almost an instant, the mood lightened significantly. "Molly, for Godssake, zip up your fly- and Kaitlyn, get out of that hideous dress..  I wouldn't even greet my mother looking like that, kiddo. Did I tell you your Mom's out front?" She Questions. "I really need to have a talk with Eve's costume designer about this dress." Both girls giggle slightly. "Please do." They say in unison. One last sweet goodbye kiss from her girlfriend, and Kaitlyn is off. 

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