Chapter 7: Father Knows Least

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Moments Later, that same night

"That makes zero sense Chloe." Without realizing it, Kaitlyn began to pace the room.  "How would he even have known where we were that night?"

"He practically lives in New York, and his dad is a reporter for the Times.  Plus, he owns this ridiculously expensive compact digital camera. It would have been easy for him to take the photo."

"That still doesn't tell us how this kid would have known where to find us." Molly says finally,  nervousness evident in her tone.

 On the other end of the phone line, Chloe's also starting to feel tense. "I don't know, maybe he's been following Kaitlyn."

"That sounds really dicey. I haven't known Tye very long, but he doesn't seem like stalker material. We get along well enough.  I think he likes  working with me."

As soon as  she said it,  she realized how it sounded, and Chloe did too. "That might be precisely the problem, Kait."

"So you're saying he outed  us to the press out of jealousy?" The brunette's tone was incredulous.

"That's my working theory, yeah."

"Well, there's no point in worrying about it  anymore, what's done is done. The public knows about us now, and we'll make it through this together." Molly chimes in again, smiling at the women she loves.

"Molly's right, it's not like we can turn back time."

Chloe opens her mouth in protest. "But what if Tye has  been stalking you, what if  he's dangerous."

"You've been watching too much 'Dateline'  Clo." Kaitlyn paused, then continued.   I'll ask him about it on the movie set Monday, I'm sure he'll tell me the truth.  It'll be fine, I promise."

And with that, the line was severed.

"Did you just hang up on her?"

The teenager nods. "Sometimes you have to. When Chloe gets an idea in her head, she doesn't let it go."

"Let's hope she'll sleep it off." Molly  smiles as her girlfriend climbs back into bed with her.  After turning off the lights an kissing goodnight, the pair drifts off to sleep.


The next morning, Molly wakes to find the other side of the bed empty. She wonders for a brief moment where Kaitlyn might have gone, until she spots the note on her night stand.


I have a gig tonight, and I just realized I left my guitar at home. I'm going to go grab it really quick. Be back soon. :) Love you 


The raven-haired woman smiled at the note and went into the kitchen to make coffee. Glancing out  the window of her condo, she notices what can only be the paps peering out from behind a bush.  


At the very same time, Kaitlyn is being bombarded by Paparazzi as she attempts to enter her parents' house.

"Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn.  Are you romantically involved with your former co-star, Molly Ephraim?" A male voice calls out, as the teenager pushes through the crowd. "What do your parents think about this? Will they be attempting to file charges?" 

This time, she replies. "No comment."

The last question rings through the air as she shuts the door on them. "Are you gay?"

Kaitlyn pushes the commotion of the last few minutes from her mind as she  ascends the stairs to her room,  grabbing her guitar and setting it securely inside the case.

On her way back down the stairs, her father calls to her, his voice bordering on hostile. "Where have you been?"

"I slept over at Molly's. I'm a big girl, Dad.  In case you haven't noticed, I'm almost eighteen, and I'm doing pretty well for myself." She speaks confidently, moving to sit on the sofa.

"That may be, but if you're going to continue seeing her, you'll have to move out." Kaitlyn is taken aback by her father's words, and for a moment, they are both rendered silent.

When the teen finds her voice again,  her dad doesn't even look in her direction.  "You're seriously going to make me choose between my family and the women I love?"

"You don't even know what real love is." Tim Dever says, still unable to look his daughter in the eye.

"What, because she's a girl, it's not real love? Would you be so opposed to this if I were in love with a guy?"

Finally, he turns to face her. "I think you're forgetting that she's ten years older than  you. She's lucky I'm not filing charges."

"What charges, the age of consent in Cali is sixteen!" She yells, exasperated.

"There's still  a small charge called 'Endangering the Welfare of a Minor' but I know that you would resent me for it." The man explains.

"I know it's your life now, but I won't be a party to it."

With that, Kaitlyn slings her guitar case over her shoulder and places her hand on the doorknob.

"Fine, I'll be back on Tuesday for my stuff."

Turning on her heals, she walks out the door. At least now the swarm of Paparazzi is nowhere to be seen.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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