How I met Andy

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*Italics are their thoughts throughout the whole story*

Dedicated to Xx_Angel_xxBlack_xX

Hi,im Elayna. I'm 24 and I work as the band merch girl for when Black Veil Brides go on tour. My mom works as the tour manager so she goes with them and she takes me along with her. They never really speak to me so all I do is sell the merch and watch them play from the mosh pit. Today was the day that we were going on tour and my mom,Tracey,just woke me up. I groaned and went to the bathroom. I got ready for the day and I took a hot shower. I washed up and rinsed myself off. I stepped out after turning off the water and wrapped myself in the towel I brought for myself. I dried myself and got myself dressed. I did my makeup and hair before leaving the bathroom. I put on my combat boots and picked up my four suitcases. I put them downstairs near the front door and I went to the kitchen. I ate a bowl of cereal and cleaned up a little before mom called me and said that it was time to go. I sprinted to the door and grabbed my suitcases. I went outside and put them on our bus. We didn't stay in the same bus as the guys which is a relief for me since they are hot as fuck but anyway. I ran back out and locked the front door behind my mom and she smiled. I helped her put her suitcases on the bus as we started to drive and we sat down. I sighed and mom said,"well,we are gonna go over the states for when the guys are coming with us." I nodded so we went over the states and Shane,the tour bus driver,said,"we are gonna go meet the guys and go over whatever you want to go over." We said ok and I put my knees up to my chest. I hope Andy likes me. I have this feeling that he does but with him it's complicated. I pushed that thought out of my head and sighed as we drove. After about 2 more hours,we were at the first destination and Shane parked the bus next to the BVB bus. I sighed and stood up with my mom. She was grabbing her binder when there was knocks on the bus door. My stomach began twisting with anxiety and my breathing started to quicken. The guys stepped on the bus one by one until all of them were there. I looked down at the floor and someone put their finger until my chin,lifting my head gently. It was Andy and he said,"keep your head up,there is nothing to be afraid of. We won't hurt you." My heart was racing and I couldn't move anywhere. Andy put his hand up and leaned it again the doorframe. It took everything in me to not respond with my reflexes. I took a deep breath,smelling his scent of cigarettes and cologne. I was trying not to cry and he saw that my eyes were extremely watery. Andy looked behind him and said,"Tracey,im gonna talk to Elayna about something." Mom said,"Elayna,dont use your reflexes please sweetheart." I nodded and Andy pulled me to the back of the bus,im my room.

*Andy's POV*

I looked down at the beautiful girl standing in front of me and I just wanted to kiss her perfect lips. She looked up at me with the most beautiful face and those hazel-green eyes of hers are booming with curiosity and they were watery and I smiled gently. She smiled shyly and I asked,"why were you about to cry when I stood over you?" She looked down and said,"it reminds me of how my dad would stand when he was gonna abuse me." Rage boiled inside the pit of my stomach,who the fuck would hurt this beautiful and amazing girl?!?!?!?!!! I sighed in anger and frustration before saying,"I'm so sorry babe,I didnt know. I won't stand up like that near you again." She blushed right after I said 'babe' and I chuckled. I put her chin between my fingers and pressed my lips onto hers. She kissed me back after a few seconds and I pulled away. She was beet red and had a cute little smile plastered onto her face. I said,"let's go back to the front babe." She walked in front of me so I looked down and she had an amazing ass. I know I shouldn't be looking but I did and I said,"wait Elayna." She took her hand off the doorknob and turned around to face me. I pulled her to me and grabbed her ass. She gasped and I chuckled. She bit her lip and looked up at me. I smirked and she smiled a little. I smacked her ass and she dug her head into my shirt. I smiled and put my arms around her waist. She said,"maybe we should go back to the front." I nodded and kissed her before walking out of the room with her. I sat down on the couch next to Jinxx and she looked around to see it was no seats left. I stood up and said,"sit down Elly." She smiled and said,"I'm fine standing up." I shook my head and sat back down. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me gently. I pulled her down onto my lap and she blushed intensely. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she leaned against me. I smiled and rested my chin on her shoulder. She smiled and tangled her fingers with mine. I smiled and looked at Tracey. She glared at me and said,"Biersack,keep your filthy hands on my daughter. Elayna get up off his lap and sit here." Her mom stood up and Elayna didn't obey her. She said,"mom,im tired of you telling me what to do. I'm gonna sit here if I want to sit here." Tracey grabbed Elayna's arm and pulled her off me and into her seat. She said,"youre sitting there and I don't want to hear from you again." She sighed and stood up. She walked back over to me and she plopped down on my lap. I chuckled and she said,"mother I'm sitting here if I want to,im 24 and should be able to make my own decisions." She said,"Elayna Grace Morett,get your ass off this boy or so help me god. I will call your dad and get you off this tour bus." She said,"you wouldn't do that to me mom." She grabbed her phone and said,"I would now get up off that boy." Elayna didn't move and I said,"babe,youre being a total badass right now." She smiled and kissed me. I kissed back and put my hand on her cheek. Her mom grabbed her arm and yanked her up. She grabbed my hand as I tried to pull her back to me. She pushed Elayna off the bus and there was screaming and the guys looked at me. They said,"you should have let her go." I shook my head and said,"Jake,if this was Inna then you wouldn't let her go." He said,"that's true,we wouldnt let go of our ladies if this was us." They nodded in agreement and Elayna stormed onto the bus with tears streaming down her cheeks. She ran to the back of the bus and slammed her room door. I stood up and Tracey said,"stay away from my daughter Andrew,I don't care what you want but stay the fuck away from her." I said,"Tracey,stop it please." I went to the back of the bus to her room. She was crying and she wiped her face when she noticed I was in the room. She said,"im ok Andy,you can go back to the living room." She looked at me and I shook my head. She said,"go ahead back to the living room,please just go." I sighed and said,"fine,I love you babe." I put my arms around her waist and she said,"I love you too Andy." I kissed her before leaving the room and sitting down on the couch. Tracey looked at me and I sighed. She said,"I don't want you near my daughter. I don't care if you love her,stay the fuck away from her." I said,"ok Tracey whatever you want."

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