My coworker

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Dedicated to me

Kyleigh's POV

It's a Friday,like every other one. I'm working,I work at Hot Topic with 2 of my friends,Mandy and Cherry. There's this new guy,his name is Andy. Since I'm the employee who's been there the longest,I have to show him the works or how this job works pretty much. The thing is,he makes me nervous. He's tall,like really tall. I have to look up at him, literally tilt my head back to look at him. Also,he has so many tattoos. I only have a few but he makes me want to get more. I'm only 5'9 but jeez, he's really tall and his eyes. His eyes are hypnotizing. You look at them and they draw you in,they are this gorgeous shade of blue that nobody can ever recreate. His eyes were like mine but mine weren't as bright and beautiful as his. He had Raven black hair like mine,the only difference was length. Mine reached the bottom of my back,his was shoulder length. He also had the same one part of hair bleached like I did. He even had the same piercings as me,a nose piercing on the left side and both sides of the lip pierced once. I was showing him the back and where we put our stock when Cherry came up to us and looked at us. She asked,"are you guys siblings?" I shook my head and asked,"why do you think that?" She said,"you guys look too similar,same eye color,same hair color including the bleached part,you both like tattoos and you both have the same piercings,it's weird." He chuckled and said,"sadly I'm an only child,I would be lucky to have someone as awesome as her to be my sister." I smiled and said,"okay you big goof,I'm an only child too and I would love to have him as a brother. He's amazing." She said,"there it goes again,you and him are going back and forth. I'm gonna go home and cuddle Stacey if you can't get it together." I rolled my eyes playfully and said,"he's just adorable and you know it." She said,"no,you're flirting. I'm telling Mandy!" I shrugged as she called Mandy and I finished showing Andy the stock. Mandy came up to us and said,"Kyleigh stand with Cherry." I did as I was told and Mandy went over to him. She stood on a chair and whispered something in his ear. His blue eyes widened and he nodded once she stepped down. She said,"no worries now,no touching or flirting and I won't have to do it." He nodded and said,"yes ma'am." She walked away and I sighed,hitting Cherry with a pillow. I said,"you always do this,every cute guy that I meet and talk to you and Mandy ruin that with her stupid threats. I hate working with you guys sometimes." I stormed off once I grabbed my lighter and I went outside of the mall,lighting a cigarette and exhaling the smoke quickly due to my anger. I felt a hand on my shoulder so I jumped and ended up dropping the cigarette on my neck,giving me a circular burn. I heard Andy say that he was sorry for scaring me and I shook my head. I grabbed my pocket mirror and said,"I wasn't scared,whenever I'm pissed and someone touches me,I jump and burn myself." He nodded and pulled out a cigarette,the same brand that I smoke. He placed it in between his perfect red lips and searched his pockets but didn't pull out what he was looking for. He asked,"do you have a lighter? I left mine in my car." I nodded and opened my black Zippo lighter. I lit his cigarette for him and he thanked me once he blew out the smoke. I lit a new cigarette and leaned against the side of the wall. I looked at my car and my phone got a text message. It was Cherry telling me to come back upstairs. I told her to wait and I looked up at Andy. He smiled at me so I smiled back and he kissed me. I blushed and kissed back while Mandy came out to get me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we dropped the cigarettes we were holding. Mandy yelled at us to move apart and we got scared. We let go of each other and I gulped a little. She said,"go inside both of you,now." I went inside and he followed me. He said,"oh we got busted. I don't want to lose my job." I said,"you won't,I can get to her. Trust me on that part please." He nodded and we walked into the store. I looked at Cherry and she shook her head. I asked,"why'd you tell Mandy to come downstairs and get me?" She said,"someone called and said that they were watching Macie." I grabbed my car keys and asked,"can you take over while I go get her?" She nodded so I turned around and pecked Andy's lips before starting to walk out of the store. He grabbed my hand and said,"I'm coming with you." I nodded and said,"come on then,I have to go now." We walked out of the store and we bumped into Mandy. She said,"you two go inside like I said." I shook my head and said,"no,somebody's watching my daughter so im going to get her and he's coming with." We walked out and I went to my car,my midnight blue Dodge Charger. I got in with Andy before turning the car on and taking out my contacts. I put on my glasses and pulled out of the lot. I unlocked my phone and gave it to Andy. I said,"go to the contact Jessica and call her please." He did as he was told and she picked up on the second ring. I asked,"where are you guys?" She said,"we're at the park but we're going home because these guys are trying to talk to Macie." I said,"don't move,I'm on my way. Keep your eye on her and don't leave her side." Jessica agreed and I sighed heavily. She hung up and I stopped at a red light. I took off my work shirt and threw it in the back. I leaned against the chair as I pulled into the parking lot at the park. I saw them so I said,"wait here please." I got out and pulled up my pants before going to them and picking up my one year old daughter. She hugged my neck so I hugged her back and she looked at me. I asked,"how many times have they tried talking to her?" She told me that they tried 3 times and once,got them to follow her until she had grabbed her. I said,"oh my god,I'm gonna take her for the rest of the day." I tried paying her but as usual,she refused the payment. I said,"Jess,please take it." She shook her head and said,"no it's fine,I love taking care of her anyway. It's ok Kyleigh,it is." I sighed and nodded,telling Macie to wave Jessica goodbye. She waved and I picked up her bag. I waved at Jessica before leaving and I went to my car. I got her inside of her carseat and she sucked her binky as I got her buckled in. I put cartoons on my iPad for her and placed it in the carrier on the back of Andy's seat headrest. I got in and started the car after I made sure Jess was ok and I drove to Hot Topic without saying anything. I parked the car and put on my work shirt before taking off my glasses and putting my contacts in. I grabbed Macie from her carseat and I grabbed her bag,Andy grabbing the iPad for me. I thanked him and he grabbed her bag as I picked her up. We went back into the store and by the time we got behind the counter,she was staring at Andy. He looked at her and she covered her eyes. I smiled and sat her on the counter. I fixed her shirt and I undid her braid before taking out her binky and wiping her mouth. I asked,"are you hungry baby?" She shook her head and said,"milk!" I chuckled and gave her a bottle of milk. She dropped it so Andy picked it up and she snatched it from him. She started drinking from it so I grabbed it and wiped off the top. I gave it back so she began drinking it again and I said,"it's not nice to snatch baby so don't do it." She ignored me and focused on her bottle. He said,"she doesn't like me." I said,"she doesn't like any boy I bring around if it isn't her dad." He nodded so I finished my shift while taking care of Macie and I took off my work shirt. I took out my contacts for good and put the case in my pocket. Andy groaned so I asked what was wrong and he said it was nothing. He said,"I'm going home now so I'll see you tomorrow?" I said,"or you could see me now." He smiled and kissed me. Macie wailed and said,"no!" I smiled and pulled back. I said,"she wants me to be single forever." Andy laughed and said,"well you're not anymore so she's gotta deal with it." She threw her beanie baby at him and got off the counter. She grabbed it and began pulling my hand. She shook her head so I got on my knees and she hugged me around the neck. I hugged her back and she said,"no going!" I said,"baby you're coming too,but it is your nap time so come on." I stood up with her in my arms before putting on my glasses and grabbing her bottle. Andy grabbed her bag and she grabbed her bottle before laying her head on my shoulder. I took her home and she was sleep by the time I got her into her crib. She turned onto her side as she cuddled her koala stuffed animal and I kissed her head. I turned on both of her baby monitors and sat on on her dresser,taking the other one with me and going to my room. Andy was sitting on my bed,waiting for me. He stood up and pushed me against the wall,kissing me an pinning my wrists. I moaned into his mouth but it sounded more like a whine. He smiled against my lips and I grabbed the bottom of his shirt,pulling it off. I dropped it and he picked me up,holding me against the door. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands under my knees. He moved his lips to my neck and gave me a hickey. I moaned once he pulled off and I kissed his neck,giving him a hickey right next to his adam's apple. He moaned slightly as he started grinding our hips together and I said,"oh god baby." He smiled and unbuttoned the jeans I had on. He pulled them off me and threw them on the floor. He grabbed my boobs and massaged them for a little bit before carrying me to the bed and laying me down. I looked at him as he took off his jeans and I could see his bulge. I smiled and he kissed my chest then my stomach and lastly,he kissed my hips. He pulled off my panties and I gasped from this,I wasn't expecting that honestly. He stopped and asked if he had hurt me. I said,"no you didn't,I wasn't expecting that. I'm sorry,go ahead." He chuckled a little and kissed me,taking off his boxers as he kissed me. He said,"what's the biggest you've ever taken?" I said,"uh 6 and a half,why?" He said,"you're gonna need that,if I hurt you in any way tell me." I nodded and he kissed me,pushing into me. I squeezed his shoulder a little so he stopped and I asked,"how big are you exactly?" He smiled and said,"uh I'm a little over 9 inches." I bit my lip and nodded,allowing him to start again. He finally pushed in all the way and he started thrusting slowly. I moaned softly and he smiled. He asked,"are you ready?" I nodded so he sped up a tremendous amount and I moaned loudly. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and I placed my hands on his back,scratching when he sped up even more. I gasped and moaned as he fucked me,making him smile and kiss me. He held onto my hips as we had sex and he said,"quiet down,Macie is sleeping." I groaned a little and he chuckled as he sped up. I felt my stomach tighten and he said,"oh you're close." I nodded and kept digging my nails into his back. He moaned and that's what pushed me over the edge. My back arched,my eyes shut and he kissed me as I came all over him. He kept going and I was so sensitive but it felt so good,so fucking good. He said,"I'm gonna cum soon." I nodded and said,"don't pull out please!" I moaned with Andy as he shot his hot seed into me and I bit his lip as we kissed. He smiled against my lip and laid next to me,sighing in content. He said,"that was amazing." I nodded and said,"it really was,I loved it." He pulled on his boxers and he watched me put on my underwear. He grabbed my ankles and pulled me to the edge of the bed. He sat me up and kissed me,making me smile and hug him. My room door opened and it was my ex and Macie's dad,Jason. He left my room and said,"we need to talk Kyleigh." I said,"hold on Jason." I grabbed my jeans and slid them back on before going into the hallway and looking at him. I sometimes regret giving him a key to my house. Anyways,he asked,"why do I keep hearing stuff about people watching our daughter?" I sighed and said,"there is people watching her,they called me and told me so I took her and went back to work." He nodded and asked,"who's the guy in there?" I said,"that's my boyfriend Andy,don't be rude please. Baby come here." He came out with his clothes on and I said,"this is Macie's dad Jason,this is my boyfriend Andy. Be nice and don't kill each other. I'll be back." I went to Macie's room and saw her still sleeping. I moved the hair out of her face and kissed her head. She wailed a little so I rubbed her back and she got quiet. I went back to the guys and they were talking,in a civil manner. Andy asked,"can I keep him?" I looked at him and said,"go ahead,you can have him." Andy laughed and said,"I like him,he's cool." They exchanged numbers and I scratched my head. I shrugged and Jason asked,"do you still not like having on a shirt?" I said,"I don't,it makes me uncomfortable." He nodded and asked,"is she sleeping?" She wailed,very loudly I might add. We all walked to her room and Jason picked her up,rubbing her back as she wailed. I grabbed her and said,"I gotta change her so don't move or I'll be mad at both of you." They nodded and I went to the bathroom,changing Macie and throwing away everything dirty. I dressed her and asked,"what do you want to eat?" She said,"fry!" I smiled and went to the guys. They were talking so I said,"I'm going to the kitchen so come on." They followed me to the kitchen so I gave Macie to Andy just to have her scream her head off. I grabbed her and she stopped. I said,"baby girl,he's not leaving any time soon so there is no point in hating him." He grabbed her from me and sat her on the counter. He looked at her and she stared back,smiling a little. She hugged his neck so he hugged her back and I asked,"are you some type of magician? She would've slapped the shit out of you if you were someone else. How did you just do that?" He said,"my mom taught me that,you have to do something to get the child to copy then smile at them,it works every time." I said,"your mom must be amazing." He nodded and I felt a pop,the oil from the pan hit my arm. I yelped and backed away from the stove,dropping some of the frozen french fries in the bag. I gave the bag to Andy and said,"you do that,let's see how it works out." He went to the stove and poured the fries into the pan,not being fazed about the hot oil. I walked to the couch groaning and plopping down,burying my face into my fuzzy couch pillow. I said,"my boyfriend has outdone me! I hate it!" He laughed and I heard a pot fall so I went to the kitchen and saw him laying on the floor,laughing. I laughed at him and helped him up. Macie even laughed at him and I kissed her head. Andy picked me up bridal style and carried me around the house. He went back to the kitchen and checked on the fries. He went to a random cabinet once he put me down and grabbed one of her bottles. He went to the fridge and bent over,looking inside of the fridge. I slapped his butt and he stood up,forgetting that his head was still in the fridge. He hit his head and laughed. I picked up Macie and got her to slap his butt. He chuckled and grabbed the apple juice before pulling his head out and pouring it into a bottle. He closed it and shook it up. He gave her the bottle so she thanked him and I said,"take over parenting while I take a nap,you wore me out." Jason realized what I said and said,"ew,that's disgusting. Now I'm going to puke." I said,"oh get over it,you like dick as much as I do." He hit me with a pillow and said,"yeah but you like pussy as much I as do,maybe even more." I said,"I can't help it,girls are hot." Andy just stood there with Macie in his arms and she was eating french fries. I said,"I love you so much." He kissed me and said,"I love you too."

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