Daddy part 2

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Hewwo everyone!!! I'm back!!! Well,me and daddy are back but I'm still here so yay! Speaking of daddy,he just walked into my room and picked me up before he walked back to his room and sat on his bed. He pulled down my skirt and said,"lay across my knee (y/n). I don't feel like hearing what you have to say so just shut up and do what I told you to do." I whimpered loudly but I did what I was told and he sighed. I buried my face in a pillow as he brought his hand down on my butt. It gave a burning,stinging feeling after he removed his hand. He said,"(y/n),count and say thank you." I shook my head and he smacked my butt so hard that the tears just rushed out of my eyes. I cried out,"2,thank you daddy!" He chuckled and proceeded to spank me 8 more times and those 8 times,I cried even more than I already was. He rubbed my butt and he told me to get up. I sniffled and followed directions,ignoring the humongous amount of pain that my butt held. I whimpered as he grabbed my hips as I cried and he asked,"do you know why I spanked you?" I shook my head because I didn't remember why but he still spanked me,man my butt really hurts. He said,"I let you color in my office earlier and I went into my office and saw a bunch of fucking crayon marks on it. Does that help you remember?" I nodded softly and he said,"good now lay down and wait for me while I clean up your mess." I laid on my tummy before I felt one more smack which made me cry out and my butt to hurt even more. Daddy told me to shut up so I did and I sniffled. I wanted my binky and a bottle full of apple juicy. I really wanted daddy to give me aftercare but I don't think he's gonna do it today,he's too upset with me. The door opened and I didnt even bother to look at who it was. I felt the bed sink in next to me and I felt daddy's huge hand on my back. I whined as I wiped my face and he took my face in his hands. He wiped away a few stray tears and he said,"baby girl,you did good with your punishment." I shook my head,"I'm a crybaby daddy." He said,"well of course you're gonna cry,my hand hit you really hard. I get it but you did really good,even better than last time." I looked at him and he said,"come here baby." I crawled into his lap and he positioned me like I was a baby,with his arm under my back and the other holding me to him. I shut my eyes and felt a nip being pushed into my mouth before a liquid poured into my mouth,it was apple juice. I sniffled and he wiped my cheeks with his thumb. He grabbed my iPad and put on cartoons. I watched the cartoons and I whimpered when I felt daddy's hand touch my butt. I kept watching cartoons and he cooed in my ear. I said,"nu daddy dont does that! I be complete baby if you do that!" I whined as he kept cooing at me and eventually,I slipped into full headspace. My eyes widened with curiosity and I saw daddy. I babbled happily and I started to suck my thumb after I pushed the bottle out of my mouth. He said,"your thumb doesn't go there baby girl,use the bottle." He pushed the bottle back in my mouth and some type of liquid went into my mouth. I squeaked and tasted it. Oh wight,its apple juicy. I drunk it and I grabbed my iPad from daddy. I started chewing on the corner and I drooled on it before daddy took it from me and cleaned it off. I whined and told him to give it back to me. He said,"no because you're not supposed to chew on your iPad." I pouted and began to cry. He sighed and said,"stop crying princess." I kept crying but he pushed my binky into my mouth which shut me up and he said,"good girl princess." I babbled happily and I yelled a little. He said,"you're adorable but please use your inside voice babe." I whined a little and he poked my side which made me giggle a little bit. I said,"plays daddy!" He looked at me and asked if I wanted to play so I nodded and he looked at me. He gave me a stuffie and I babbled happily. He cooed in my ear and I giggled while I played with my stuffie. He watched me play and Ashley walked into the room. My lips parted slightly and my eyes stared at him with curiosity. He asked,"is she in full headspace?" Daddy nodded and I looked at him with the same look before looking at Ashley again. I reached out for his hair,it was so fluffy and awesome. It looked like daddy's hair but lighter in color. Anyways,he sat down so I started playing with his hair and a girl came in. She looked like me and said,"stop touching my daddy's hair,only I can do that." Ashley said,"yeah,just don't play with it please. I don't want to hear her complain about it." I ignored them and kept playing with it. Ashley moved my hands, but that only made me put them back and use them even more. He gave me one more warning but I ignored them and Ashley pinned me down. I squirmed under him and daddy said,"you know the limits Ashley,don't go overboard with it." Ashley nodded so I looked at daddy and said,"daddy stay here!" He shook his head and told me,"we both told you to stop but you didn't listen so now you're gonna get punishment for that. Do you understand?" I pouted slightly but nodded and daddy left with Ashley's little. Ashley looked at me so I looked back at him and he gave me a little smile. I squirmed and pouted before telling him to let me up. He didn't of course,all his did was tie me down with rope. He asked,"safe word?" I thought about it and I thought of unicorns. I said,"unicorns!" He chuckled and said,"ok unicorns it is." I nodded and he pulled off my pants. He already had gotten my shirt off before he tied me up and he grabbed the hem of my panties. I squirmed as he pulled then down and he chuckled,telling me to stop squirming. He ran his hands along my body and he sighed,trying to figure out what to do as punishment. He got an idea and he stripped down to nothing. I saw his member and I'm going to be honest,I think it was longer than daddy's and his is really long and thick. I started squirming and whining but that made him not care about it even more. He grabbed my hips and held them in the air as he pushed into me. I gasped sharply and he got himself to fit in all the way. I thought it was physically impossible but it wasn't and that's when he started thrusting. That's what got me,his member was stretching me out and he didn't mind it. I whined and squirmed as he did this to me,which all in all got him to speed up really fast. That made me whine and whimper loudly. He told me to be quiet but I didn't and he put his thumb and pointer finger on my jaw,making me look at him. He said,"be quiet (y/n). I'm  not going to say it again. Got it?" I nodded and he pulled out,pushing back in all the way and making me cry out. He smiled and untied me. He made me get on my hands and knees before tying my hands to the bedpost. I whimpered as he pushed back into me and he grabbed my hips as he began thrusting mercilessly into me. I cried out and he grabbed my hair,pulling it hard as he sped up and pounded into me harder. I really wanted to say the safe word but I knew he would be mad at me if I did call it. He asked if I was enjoying it so I nodded and started crying. That's what daddies do. They make you cry during punishment and not care until aftercare. I screamed daddy's name and he came up. He sat next to me and asked what was wrong. I buried my face in his shoulder while Ashley hit that spot that always make me cry even more. The tears poured out of my eyes and I shook my head as my lip quivered. I felt everything,every slight graze of his fingers touching my back. My body was on fire,daddy laughed at me which made me even more upset. I couldn't take anymore and daddy could sense it. He looked at me as I called out the safe word and I kept crying once all movement stopped. Daddy got me untied then took me to the bathroom and put me in a pamper. I wanna go back in headspace now. Daddy got me dressed but put me in a onesie and kissed my head before going downstairs with me on his hip. I hid my face in his shirt and he took me to the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle from the fridge and shook up the fruit punch inside of it. I whined quietly as I slightly reached for it and he gave it to me. I started drinking it and he made sure to grab a snack for me before going to the living room and sitting down with me on his lap. I kept hiding my face as I drunk my juicy and he rubbed my back. I felt someone poke my side so I turned around and he said,"it was Ashley,calm down princess." I turned back around and he kept rubbing my back. I just drunk my juicy and ate my animal cwackers. I felt like I was being watched so I looked at the window and saw someone walk by. I looked at daddy so he looked at me and I pointed to the window. He stood up and went to the window. He said,"it was just the neighbor,its ok sweetheart." I nodded and drunk more juicy. Daddy sat next to me and Ashley talked to the girl that was with him. I asked,"where mommy gone?" He looked at me and asked,"wanna call her?" I nodded so he grabbed his phone and dialed Tammi's number. She answered on the second ring and she spoke into the phone. I said hi to her and she said it back. I told her to come over so she said she was on her way and I ate cwackers as daddy talked to her. He took her off speaker phone so I couldn't hear her voice no more and I threw a cwacker at daddy. He looked at me and fed it to me. That's what I wanted him to do. He held up my bottle as I drunk it and he looked at me. I pushed the bottle out of my mouth and started sucking my thumb. He pulled my thumb out and pushed my binky in before hanging up with mommy. I went potty on my myself so I began wailing so he checked me and he felt that my pamper was mushy. I kept crying so he picked me up and took me to the bathroom. He laid me down and changed me. He threw away all the dirty stuff and pulled out a clean baby wipe. He wiped my cheeks because of the crying and I sucked my binky. He redressed me and put me on his hip. He went downstairs and I laid my head on his shoulder as I sucked my binky. Daddy went to the door after he checked his phone and I saw mommy. I squealed and reached for her. She grabbed me from daddy and I hugged her neck tightly. She hugged me back and stepped in. Daddy shut the door behind her and I kissed her cheek. She smiled and kissed my lips. My eyes widened a little and I kissed her back. She pulled back and rubbed my back as she walked into the living room. I asked,"mommy where been?" She looked at me and said,"I've been home and at work,have you been a good girl for me?" I shook my head and she nodded. She said hi to Ashley before looking at daddy and he said,"come to my office Tammi." She walked to daddy's office with me and sat me in my playpen with a few toys. I held onto the bottom of her shirt and she put her hand on my head. I made puckering sounds to her so she bent down and kissed me before saying,"mommy has to talk to daddy so play with your toys and I'll play with you when we're done." I nodded and played with my toys as they talked. They talked for a little while before kissing and looking at me. I looked at them and I accidentally bit my tongue. I started to cry a little and I held my tongue. Mommy opened her cup and made me suck on an ice cube so my tongue would stop hurting. I whined but it did help and I put my binky back into my mouth. She took me out and sat me on the floor with her. We played together and daddy sat on my right while mommy sat in my left. He asked,"baby how would you feel if you had a little brother?" I looked at them and mommy took out my binky,allowing me to speak. I said,"I would wove him as long as he no mean to me and I would share stuffies with him!" Daddy smiled and he looked at mommy. She nodded and said,"well baby,mommy has your brother downstairs. Do yo-" I yelled out,"bwother! Where you are?!" Mommy laughed abd said,"I'll go get him,hold on." She left and soon came back with my bwother. I waved at him so he waved back and she said,"Damien meet (y/n) and (y/n) meet your brother Damien. Say hi." We both said hi and I held out a bunny stuffie. He grabbed it and gave me a koala stuffie. I smiled and he smiled too. I sat next to him and began introducing him to my stuffies. I whispered,"this is my stuffie army,we are gonna overthrow daddy to let us eat as much candy as we want." He giggled and gave me a high five before starting to plot with us. I asked,"mommy he go playroom?" She nodded so we grabbed my stuffies and went to my playroom. We sat all the stuffie in a circle and I said,"stuffie army! We had new recruit! My bwother Damien! He's awesome so if you mean to him,you go time out." We had our meeting until 1:30pm and it was nap time for me,it looked like it was time for Damien too. I laid in my crib so I opened the door again and let him come in. He laid down with me and we fell asleep together.

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