Chapter 11

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I went back to the carnival. I can feel the fun ambiance fading. I keep on walking towards the carousel. Then, I found my wallet. The carousel was closed but I still managed to enter the carousel. When I pick it up, I saw someone waving at me and inviting me to come closer to him. I don't know what came into my mind but I did follow him. As I follow him, I got lost. Lost in the woods. Great!

"Hello is anybody there?!" I shouted. Trying my best to call someone for help.

Then the man appeared again. He was around my age if I wans't mistaken. I was so frightened that I ran, not thinking where am I going. But then he managed to keep up. He's fast! But I kept on running fast. The fastest that I can. Then, I stop to catch my breath. I think I lost him. I look around to make sure l that I lost him. There's no sign of him. I hid behind a tree and sit down. I also found something in that tree. The wallet in my ll! I picked it up and open it. It read YOUR NEXT! I was terrified. I wiped away the blood on the keychain. Gosh! It's not MIA anymore. Its. Its mine! I remember the wallet that I picked up at the carousel. I looked at the keychain and that was Mia's. The bloody one was mine! I didn't know that the man was behind the tree where I was hiding.

"Hi beautiful!" He said while smirking playful.

He's holding a knife in his right. He kneeled down in front of me. I was crying, hoping for a miracle to come. He started holding my legs. Running up. Is he going to rape me? No this can't be. I'm too young! I kicked him, trying to save me from being raped but when I kicked him, he endured the pain for a short period of time only. He was about to thrust his knife to me when I closed my eyes. I was waiting for the pain. But nothing. Nothing touched my flesh. I opened my eyes and... I saw the glowing girl! He was holding the timed killer's hand. Slowly, she thrusted the knife to the timed killer's stomach. And she faced me. She helped me to stand up. She saved me.

"What?..... Why?..... But....." I said

"It's okay. Everything is hard to explain but I'll still tell it to you." She said

"I was in your dream because I want to ahow what will happen to you. I want you to be prepared. But I won't let you die." She continued

"Why won't you let me die?" I asked

She lifted my shirt and she looke at my birthmark.

"I died on December 11, 2001. 11:03 pm. You're exact time of birth. And I was stabbed on my lower left stomach. And you have a birthmark on your lower left stomach that looks like a stab wound." She explained further.

"So... I'm you and you're me." She continued


"I-I don't know what to say...." I answered her. I can't think of a better answer than that. My head was so empty and shocked.

"Here." She handed me my phone. "Call the police and report him."

I accpeted the phone

"Bye Zia. Thank care!" She said and walk. After a few steps she faded.

"Thank you so much!" Tears roll down my cheeks.

I did what she told me. I quickly called 911 and reported  what happened. I didn't tell them about Mia and I said that everything was just self-defense.

"Well young lady, thank you for helping catch this criminal." The police offcer said.

I just nodded.

"Zia!" I heard mom shouted. Mom was with dad and Ryle.

"Thank goodness you're okay!" Mom said while stroking my hair and crying

"I'm okay mom. Stop crying. Someone help me out there." I said and smile

"Who?" She said and wiped her tear aways


"Huh?" She seem confused

"It's hard to explain. Oh, excuse me. I need to ask the police something." I said

"Okay dear."

I went to find a police.

"Umm... excuse me. Does the timed killer had a victim named Mia? I don't know her last name. I just know her name and face." I said. Hoping that everything I said is enough to find Mia.

"Well, there is. Her dead body was also found here in the forest were the killer was. And I was the officer in charge on her case."

"Really?! Umm... Can I know her parent's number and last name?" I said

"Here." He said and handed me a paper

Cecilia Loxley, 12246598400

I quickly dialed the number.

"Hello, this  is Cecilia Loxley. How can I help you?" The women in the phone answered.

"Is this Mia's mom?" I asked

"Yes. Who are you? What do you know about my daughter?" She sound curious.

"Can I meet you tomorrow at the park? 2pm? Explaining it on the phone would lead us to some misunderstamding. And I want to give you something."

"O-okay. Tomorrow? 2pm? Got it? But wait who are you?"

"My name is Zia"


"Thank you, Mom!" I said. I thought that it'll be okay since Mia and I are actually the same. But my voice changed when I said that line. I sounded like Mia.

"Yo-yo're welcome!" She said

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