Chapter 2

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December 11,2001

We arrived at ourdestination. The mall. We did many things in their. Play in arcade and eat dinner. Then we decided to go somewhere else.

"Let's go on a carnival." Nicole said in a convincing voice.

"Yeah! Let's go. Because I haven't experience going to a carnival." I said in sad tone

"Seriously?!" The four said, confused and shocked

"Yes. Is it hard to believe?" I asked them

"Ummmm.... Kinda" Alisa said

"Well atleast you'll experience it now!" Sabrina said

"Yeah! Let's go now!" Mari exclaimed and stand up immediently. She's excited as always.

We left the mall. I don't why but I feel really weird foing to a carnival. Maybe its because it's my first time.

After 15 minutes of traveling, we arrived at the carnival. It already 6:30 pm. All the lights were lit already. It seems so lively and happy. Although, I gind the location weird since it was near to a forest, I was still excited.

As we entered the carnival. I can feel the excitement and happines in the air. I saw a couple. The girl was holding a large teddy bear while holding her boyfriend's hand. How sweet!  Then I saw a little boy holding a cotton candy in his hands. He eats it in a messy way. But he and his mom just laugh at the look of him. He was funny anyway. Then I saw a popcorn stand with a long line. And in that line I saw a familliar face. My cousin, Leila! I haven't seen her for a year. It's because she lived far from us. But I never expect to meet her here. I told my friends that I'll just go and say hi to my cousin and they all said yes. I ran towards my cousin and try to call her attention

"Leila! Leila! It's me!" I shouted, not minding who ever looks at me. But I did realize that I shouted too loud.

"Mia!" Leila said and we hugged each other

"It's been long since we last saw each other."

"Yeah. You're right." I said

"How many popcorns?" The man in the popcorn stand interrupted us

"Two please" Leila answered

"Here" the man said while handing Leila the popcorn

"Thank you!"

"Anyway, Mia. It's your birthday today, right?" She asked me

"Yes, it is"

"Happy birthday then! Here's my gift." She handed me the other popcorn and giggled. Thinking it was a terrible gift that I wouldn't accept.

"Thank you so much, Leila!" I accepted the popcorn with a big smile.

"Oh I need to go. My friends are waiting for me."

"Yeah, sure. Bye Mia. Happy birthday again."

"Bye! Thank you!"

I went straight to where my friends are at. They were in a photo booth. It was a perfect remembrance for such a memorable day. We all step inside the booth. We took lots of pictures. We were making faces on the other pictures. It was fun. It is somethibg that I'm sure I can't forget. After that we wander around the whole place. We bought teddy bears for ourselves. Same design but different colors. Mine is red, Alisa got pink, Nicole got blue, Mari got violet and Sabrina got green.

"Hey a carousel!" Sabrina shouted

"Yeah! Let's ride the carousel!" Alisa followed Sabrina's shout.

"Since it's my birthday. I'll treat everyone for the ride" I said and everyone looked at me as if I was giving a speech

We all ran towards the carousel. He were all puerile at that time. We were all back to our child by stepping in this place. We bought tickets for the carousel. I brought out my wallet to pay for the tickets. Put as I put it back in my bag, I didn't noticed that the wallet wasn't placed in the bag properly, so the wallet fell when I ride the horse. I didn't notice it. And so does my friends. We were having much fun that we forgot to think of the other things.

After we finished our ride. Nicole glanced at her watch and realized that the time passed so quickly. It's already 10:30pm.

We left the carnival. We were about to ride the bus when I found out that my wallet is not in my bag. I remember that I brought out my wallet in the carousel. I have to go back and get it!

"I think I left my wallet on the carousel. I'll go back and get it. You guys go ahead." I told them with a fake smile to convince them

"You sure?" Mari said

"Yes. I'm sure"

"Okay bye!"

"Bye!" Then I waved good bye.

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