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"We have to get out of here. We're leaving, Zu get your things." I said as Liam and I stormed into cabin 18. Our time here at East River needed to be done. Nothing good had come from our time here and only chaos would ensue if we stayed. 

"Woah, wait. Whats happening?" Chubs said whilst still half asleep.

"We're getting out of here" Liam grabbed his things and got the other up and moving.

"'Bout damn time" Chubs stated eagerly. I was thankful I didn't need to provide an explanation, I didn't ever want to return to this time, place, or state of mind again. Once out of the cabin the real challenge started, getting the hell out of this place. Clancy had this thing guarded up to the max. We started on our careful and silent trek to the area Liam said was never guarded. Our hearts pounding as we knew this would either help us live another day or get us killed on the spot. 

Although Chubs hadn't experienced first hand the horrors of this place, we could tell he shared the same sense of urgency to leave. We progressed through the heavily forested woods trying to be as silent as we could. I reached my hand out and grabbed Liam's hand. I could feel the anger coursing through his veins as he tried to remain calm and lead us to safety. Just when we thought we were through the thick of our excursion, a loud noise boomed from behind us and the camp we once found safety in erupted in flames. The noise and sheer force of the explosion knocked all of us down into a mess of foliage and scattered supplies. My hand slipped out of Liam's as he got up and started to get us together again. I stumbled up trying to regain my hearing and vision, the blast majorly messed us up. I looked back and saw Chubs assuring Zu that everything would be okay and Liam picking up his gun and securing the area. A dark figure appeared behind Liam, before I could say anything two more dark figures knocked me to the ground. I watched and screamed as Liam, Chubs, and Zu were dragged into the darkness. The dark assailants rammed the butt of their gun into the side of my head and everything went dark.

"Your time here is over Ruby" A familiar voice bellowed from beyond my stifled consciousness. "But don't worry, I'll make sure my people keep tabs on you. Just in case I wan't you back." I acquainted myself with my new surroundings and discovered this ominous voice was Clancy's. That sick bastard was sitting in his office as his guards pointed their guns at my head. The office that once reminded me as a serene and safe place for me to explore my gifts was transformed into a prison of pain and betrayal in only a few seconds. 

"Just let me go and I won't be any trouble." I pleaded and looked straight into the eyes of a psychopath. 

"I think you know too much for me to let you go." He walked closer to me and I felt my blood boil as I felt an overwhelming sense of panic rush over my body.

"I just want to leave, I'll find my friends get out of here and never speak of this again." I felt a tear run down my cheek. Clancy's ice cold hand touched my face, I flinched at the emotional pain he causes me. 

"It might take you a while to find your friends. They've been dropped into the shuffle of the harvest." His words made me angry and I started to get flustered. I knew if I had any chance of getting out of this situation, I had to stay calm and not give him the power to upset me. 

"How long until everyone is dead?" I didn't know where I was going with this, but I had to ask.

"Dead? Oh Ruby, you really don't know what's going on do you?" His patronizing words made my blood boil. "Its not a purge, we're harvesting them and giving them back to the places they belong." 

"Back to where? The camps?" My voice cracked as I questioned him.

"Yes, we've been improving them while the escaped kids were here. However, if they don't comply with the harvest or if we consider them a threat then there is a chance they will be killed." I thought back on all the heroic things Liam had done that makes him a blatant security threat. Tears started running down my face as I pictured Liam, Chubs, and Zu not making it through the harvest. I felt my heart racing and visions of Liam dead on the camp ground flashed through my mind. Clancy was in my head, and I couldn't get him out. I felt my physical self fall to the ground as my mind went a mile a minute. In the heat of the moment I remembered what the monster had taught me. I slowed down my mind, relaxed into the horrible thoughts he was putting in my head. I saw the images leaving my mind and knew he was slipping from my subconscious. I sat up and saw guards moving towards Clancy as he was collapsed on the floor. He had pushed too far into my mind and the sudden removal had knocked him out. This was my chance. I bolted for the door and out to the main building. Dodging guards I ran throughout the hallways and into the camp. The sounds of children screaming the fire burning was unbearable. I saw what I thought was a guard running towards me and I prepared to run.

"Ruby! Come with me!" Liam's voice screamed at me. I ran towards him, emotions as high as ever. We darted to the forrest to where I was hoping Chubs and Zu were. I took one fatal step and my shoe became wedged under a fallen plank of wood. In a split second I was over Liams shoulder, looking back at the burning flames and endangered children.

"Liam there are kids dying in there!" I didn't know what to do, everything in this moment was simultaneously moving in slow motion and faster than ever.

"Ruby I know! but we can't stop! We're not going to stop." He stated this with such authority that I remained quiet and let him keep running. I cried into his neck as I realized the gravity of this situation. I knew that from this day on my already insane and perilous life would be taken to the next level. Liam let me down and told me to stay down. We were in the dried up river right outside of the camp's boundaries. I looked to my left and saw Chubs and Zu hiding behind brush that had fallen into to the river. No words could describe the intense emotional pain and relief I was felt that night. 

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