Chapter 1

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(I found the art on Pinterest credit goes to the original artist.)

"So what is it?" Tails asked

"A medallion. A special medallion."

"From who?"

"My mom. But you don't wanna hear about that." Sonic said, pushing the memories aside "Let's just keep on looking through this stuff..."

"So are you gonna sell the Medallion?"

"I can't... It's uh... Important, and if I were to give it away it could fall into the wrong hands..."

Tails looked worriedly at his friend "Okay Sonic, if you say so."

Sonic stared at the Medallion for a minute. 'You are fine Sonic. Robotnik has been locked up in a dark cell for years, he has no access to technology, so no one will ever get roboticized ever again.' Sonic thought to himself before putting the medallion on under his bandana 'Better safe than sorry though...'


"Dr.Eggman, Cubot and I were looking through an old file that was labeled Robotnik, we think you might want to see what we dug up."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it's useless Orbot..." Eggman mumbled, "Wait, did you say, Robotnik?"

"Yes, sir."

"My grandfather's file perhaps? The one he made when he was ruling Mobius with an iron fist... The blueprints for his Roboticizer might be in this file!! I can finally be rid of that Blue menace and his friends!" Eggman swiped the USB that held the file and plugged it in. "Old failed plots, blueprints for war machines, unpaid bills, Files on Queen Aleena's Brats, aha! Blueprints for Roboticizer!"

"Sir, Cubot and I looked at the files on the Princes and Princess, we wanted to show you thi-" Orbot began as he held up a photo of Sonic, Queen Aleena, and two other Hedgehogs

"Not now!"

Orbot sighed as he lowered the photo. "Sir it's very important."

"What!?" Egghead asked annoyed

Orbot held up the photo again "Sonic is one of Queen Aleena's three children!"

Eggman looked at the photo "Impossible. He can't be royalty... If he was, that means... He has a royal medallion... If he does why doesn't he use it? Why is he here? Shouldn't he be in Mobotropolis?"

"Sir that's the thing, Sonic is the oldest, the youngest is his brother Manic. Of course, the three's ages only difference by a matter of hours, seeing as they're triplets."

"That means that... Sonic is the heir to the throne of Mobius."


Sonic and his friends sat at Meh Burger, not knowing that a whole ton of robots were coming their way. That is until a laser blasted Sonic's chilidog. "Hey! What gives Egghead!?" Sonic yelled angrily

Eggman laughed "What're you gonna do about it Sonic? Use some sort of weapon."

"How about a superspin!" Sonic shouted, standing up quickly, his medallion bounced out from under his bandana

Eggman smirked, "What's with the necklace Sonic?"

Sonic stuffed the medallion back under his bandana. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't Sonic. You talk to your siblings, or your Mother lately."

"That's it!" Sonic exclaimed before spin-dashed Eggman into the distance

"Sonic what was he talking about?" Amy asked

Sonic looked at his feet. "Nothing he... Was lying..."

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