Chapter 9

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"Wait let me get this straight," Shadow began "If you touch lava, you bounce back to land and simply have a burn on your butt, but if you touch water you basically automatically drown?"

Tails lightly chuckled as he took the remote for the game console from Shadow "It's based on Sonic."

"Sonic can touch Lava and not die?"

"That's not true, knuckles made that up Tails." Sonic called from the kitchen

Tails looked over "Sonic, sit back down or I'm getting Amy."

"I'm fine Okay." Sonic said, standing on one foot

"If you're fine, then stand on your hurt ankle." Tails replied, Sonic grumbled, "Yeah that's what I thought, sit down."


"Don't make me get Amy."

"You wouldn't."

Tails stood up, and started walking towards the door "Can you make sure Sonic doesn't try to go and fight Eggman?" He asked Shadow as he left

"Yeah sure." Shadow replied

"Ah frick he's actually getting Amy." Sonic mumbled as he wobbled towards the door

Shadow ran in front of the blue hedgehog "Where you going?"

"To hide before Amy gets here and gets me to stay by knocking me out with her hammer."

"I doubt that's what she's going to do."

"You don't know her."

"Really? I don't know her?"

"Yeah, you don't."

"Sonic do you know how long I've been on this island?"

"I dunno, a long time?"

"Two years."

"That's nice, so've I." Sonic stopped "Wait, did you follow me here?"

"It's not exactly stealthy when a blue blur flys out a tower's window in the capital of Mobius."

"Why did you follow me?"

"I was part of the royal guard Idiot."

"Then why didn't you try to stop me?"

"I agreed with you."

"That I shouldn't have to become king?"

"That you'd be a terrible king."

"Oh..." Sonic laughed "Yeah, I guess you're right." He paused "Why did you try to kill me that one time?"

"Which time?"

"You called me a disgrace to our kind."

"I had to make myself know somehow."

"You hide in the woods, of course no one knew you were here."

Shadow paused "That's a fair point." Sonic started wobbling to the door again "Why are you-"

"My siblings could be in danger." Sonic interrupted "I don't need another guilt weighing down on me."

"Whatever happens, you won't be at fault."

"Yes, I will." Sonic's eyes filled with tears "If anything happens to them, I'll know I could've done something to prevent it!" Tears fell to the floor "I need to at least try."

Shadow stared at Sonic. The cocky, arrogant, ignorent, heir to the throne of Mobius, was breaking down crying about siblings he'd left behind to avoid becoming King. "Sonic." Shadow sighed "I'll help you."

Sonic smiled "You... Will?"

"I guess I'm still technically part of the royal guard, so it's still technically my job to protect the princes and princess."

"Well I guess it's a good thing we already escaped." Sonia laughed as she and Manic walked in

"Sonia! Manic!" Sonic exclaimed as he started to hop over to his siblings "Are you okay?!"

The three hugged. "We're fine, are you okay?! We saw you have a panic attack and then he showed up, and you both disappeared!"

Sonic laughed "Yeah I'm fine."

"Dude, were you crying?" Manic asked

"Maybe a little."

"Were you going to blame yourself if we got hurt." Sonia questioned

"I always do, because it's always my fault."

"Sonic no!" Sonia frowned "It has never been your fault!"

"Yes it has Sonia!"

"Oh boy they're fighting." Shadow mumbled

"So, you're the dude who helped Sonic right?" Manic asked as he walked over to Shadow, ignoring his siblings' bickering

"Yes, I am."

"I'm Manic."

"I know."


"That's my business."

"I mean, technically, I should know why you know who I am right?"

"Your a prince of Mobius."

"Oh right, forgot 'bout that."

"I'm Shadow."

"Nice to meet you then Shadow."

Tails and Amy burst through the door "I see that Sonia and Manic are back, I'm not gonna question why Sonic and Sonia are fighting, but we've got a problem." Tails exclaimed as he stepped between Sonic and Sonia

"What's wrong Tails?" Sonic asked

"Eggman apparently decided he was done dealing with Sleet and Dingo."

"How do you know?"

"He robotisized them!"

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