Chapter 16 (Final)

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Sonic, Sonia, and Manic sat in their van as it poured down rain outside, lightning flashed as Sonic sat down a card "Uno."

"HAHAHA!" Manic dramatically exclaimed as he placed down a plus four, continued by Sonia adding to his plus four with another plus four.

"Hahaha right back at you bro." Sonic smirked as he placed his last car, a plus four.

"Nooooo!" Manic exclaimed as he flopped backwards onto a pillow.

"I win game night, again."

"Well maybe if we played something other then Uno he wouldn't win so much." Sonia pointed out.

"It's your turn to choose next week, go ahead and choose something else." Manic replied.

Thunder crashed from outside, making the three jump. Sonic looked out the windshield of the van. "We're good, it's just... It's just thunder..." He assured his siblings as he sat back down. "You guys get some sleep, I'll take first watch."

"Ya know sibs," Manic began. "That really isn't something a twelve year old should have to say... But ya know, twelve year olds also shouldn't be able to live in and drive a van."

"Go to sleep Manic." Sonic laughed. "You are right though."

Sonic backed up as Eggman and Robotnik came out of a hole that had recently been a wall. "Oh shit... Sonic mumbled as he tripped over a book.

"Hello Hedgehog." Robotnik laughed as Swat bots stomped into the room. "Grab him, NOW!"

Sonic looked at his ankle. Of course, he though, of course they're going after me first. I'm injured, weak. Useless. He looked up at the two evil doctors. It hasn't been hurting though, maybe I healed faster than they thought I would? He stood up slowly and put pressure on his ankle, no pain. "Sweet." He mumbled as he ran out of the room. "It healed!" He cheered as he arrived in his old room. "I can run!" He paused. "I can fight." He ran to find his siblings and friends. 

"Sonic?" Amy questioned as the blue hedgehog ran in.

"Guess who's ankle doesn't hurt when he runs!"

"It's been a week since you were in the hospital and they put a brace on it, how is it possible that you're healed?" Tails asked.

"Dunno, don't care! We gotta fight Egg-Face and Buttnik, now." Sonic spoke just before robots arrived in the room. "LEZ GO GUYS!"

Soon, they began to fight, which ended with Robotnik, and Eggman being taken away, to be locked up where the couldn't hurt anyone else. Sonic proved that he didn't have to become king, and stayed for Sonia's coronation, but afterwards left to go back to Bygone Island with his friends promising to visit home this time. Aleena sent Shadow along with Sonic, to keep the prince out of trouble, and seeing as they now seemed to get along, there was no problem, or complaining from Sonic. So I suppose everything ended well for the heroes, and for Mobius. Though knowing Sonic, he'll get into trouble, and fight a bad guy again, no doubt about it.

                                                                                 THE END

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