Seventeen ❤️

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"So Zayn, in order to be discharged you need some sort of parent or guardian signature" Doctor Irwin concluded, writing something down on his signature clipboard that Zayn has grew to memorize. Being in a hospital for five days isn't the funnest.

"I don't have one" Zayn mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"I actually called Mr. Malik on Monday, he's arriving in a few hours" The doctor smirked, knowing Zayn didn't have anything against his father but refused to see him anyways.

"You called my- nevermind. Ugh. Where's Liam I want to see Liam" Zayn sighed, crossing his arms and huffing at the doctor.

"It's a school day Zayn." The doctor argued. Zayn and Ashton has grew sort of close these past few days and they both felt comfortable around each other. So when the curly haired doctor whom Zayn had grown to like teased him, it was simply for fun.

"Your point is ?" The hurt boy sassed, giving the doctor a look.

"I am not about to pull Liam out of school for the fourth day in a row Zayn" Doctor Irwin sighed.

"You have to, youre my doctor" Zayn stuck out his tongue.

"Your point is ?" The curly haired boy mimicked, earning a glare from Zayn, which the young doctor responded to by sticking out his tongue.

Ashton let out a chuckle before he set a cup of water on Zayn's side table and left him to be lonely again. Zayn grumbled some incoherent words under his breath, his arms still crossed angrily. When he earned a glance from the doctor on the other side of the large glass windows in his hospital room, he used this chance to hold both his middle fingers high for the doctor to see.

Before he could get a reaction, his phone rang and he immediately yanked it off the charger, answering it right away.

"Hi baby"

"LI" Zayn half yelled, earning a glare from a nurse in the hall.

"How has your day been ? Do you need me to come check in ?" Liam questioned from the other side of the phone.

"It's been boring as always, this fucking doctor is getting on my nerves" Zayn replied, mumbling the second part.

"Doctor Irwin ? Babe I thought you loved him" Liam chuckled, scratching his scruff which Zayn was able to hear.

"He's a dick" The small boy whined, sipping his water.

"What did he do this time" Liam groaned lazily.

"He got ahold of my fucking dad ! I don't want to see him !"

"Your dad ? Zayn baby, that's great ! You can finally get signed out !" Liam said excitedly.

"No Li" Zayn groaned.

"I'll come over right after school baby." Liam said, smiling on the other line.

"Okay. But you can't act gay !" Zayn exclaimed, earning a laugh from Liam. "Seriously Li ! My dad is homophobic as fuck."

"Alright, alright. Love you Zee."

"Love you too Lili"

And with that, the bruised boy hung up. Speaking of bruising, Zayn hasn't really had the urge to. Yeah, it may be the fact that he physically can't in the hospital. But he hasn't had the urge. Which is a good thing ! Maybe something is finally getting in his head.

He glanced down at his arms and sighed. Five days since his last beating, five days since any pain towards him whatsoever. Usually, he doesn't last that long. There was a period of time where he lasted around two weeks, but that's been his high score since he started.

bruised ~ ziamWhere stories live. Discover now