Eight ❤️

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"You and Liam kissed !?" Was the first thing Zayn heard the Thursday after the beautiful incident. The Pakistani man let out an annoyed groan.

"Niall told you ?" He asked, knowingly.

"Yep !" The curly headed lad replied.

"And you told Louis ?" The tan boy interrogated.

"Yeah" Harry giggled.

"And you plan on telling other people too ?" The Bradford boy continued, sighing as he knew the answer.


"Awesome" Zayn sighed sarcastically.

"Love you Zaynie" The green eyed boy teased, sloppily kissing his best friends cheek and slamming their locker shut before skipping to their shared history class. The tired boy slowly followed his annoying best friend into their history class.

"Chapter 8 today kids. Please turn to page 547 in your books." Mrs Brown announced tiredly.

"Your out of dress code Mrs. Brown" A kid named Issac called out.

"Yes I am. And you best not say anything or i'll simply call your parents to alarm them of your previous test score which you still haven't brought up" The elder woman sassed, writing some information on the bored. Zayn snickered, looking down at his phone which he had propped under his desk so he wouldn't get it taken away.

snapchat from : kiwi guy 🥝

liam 💞: hi zaynnn !!

niall 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️💙 : i told him lmao

instagram message from : jbeibs

snapchat from : hailee sTeInFeIlD

snapchat from : ed 🤤

gemma 🤪 : Hi kiddo how are you doing ?

"Dude get off your phone" Harry whisper yelled to him from a few seats down. The short tan boy slowly looked up from his phone to see the teacher looking around from kid to kid. He sighed of relief realizing he hadn't been caught. This would've been the second time which means his mother would have to pick up his phone from the office. So he decided not to risk his chances and just quickly slid his phone in the back pocket of his black skinny jeans.

Zayn wore skinny jeans today. He thought it would maybe show Liam he's doing better. Yeah it hurt like hell, but had he worn them a week ago, he wouldn't even be able to walk.

"May I use the restroom ?" Zayn asked politely, once they were told to read the section of their books.

"Quickly please" The teacher answered, keeping her eyes on her book. The black haired boy slowly rose from his seat and calmly made his way out of the classroom. To be honest, he couldn't really sit in that position much longer because of how bad his legs hurt. He didn't really need a bathroom break.

The short boy slowly walked the chilly halls, deep in thought. That is, until he felt familiar muscular arms wrapped around his waist.

"Hi Leeyum" The small boy smiled cutely once the elder pulled slightly away.

"Hi babes. Skinnies today ? Your doing better aren't you." The larger male smiled, grabbing the youngers hand and leading him to a nearby restroom. Once they were in there, the brown haired boy locked the large door and looked to Zayn.

"Sleeves" He said in routine. Zayn quickly pulled up his sleeves, hopefully making Liam proud since he hit himself a couple times less. The bruises were a bit smaller and lighter, more of a pinkish/purple color.

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