Thirty One ❤️

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"Back at it again boys." Louis said as he whipped his backpack onto his shoulder. Harry huffed at a piece of hair that kept getting in his eye and then crossed his arms angrily.

"What's got his panties in a bunch ?" Josh whispered to the shorter boy as he threw a bag of his own into the trunk of his car.

"Oh, I don't know Josh, maybe it's because we're currently packing to head off to college and won't be able to see the boys everyday anymore." Liam snapped sarcastically. Niall sat on the curb of his driveway with his head in his hands, and Zayn tried to stay sane for the rest of the boys who were mentally freaking out.

Zayn was considerably the calmer one of the group. Louis was using jokes and sass to calm him down, Harry and Liam were plain angry, Niall was visibly crying to himself, and Josh seemed to cover his sadness with not caring. Typical Josh.

"You're about to leave Niall and the rest of us and you're being a douche" Zayn sighed, pointedly looking at Josh.

"Oh what, just because i'm not yelling at people or crying means that i'm a douche ?" The boy snapped back, grabbing Louis' bag and throwing it in the trunk with his own.

"Just show that you care Josh." The calm boy ushered, motioning to Niall who was breaking down. The drummers face visibly softened at his sad boyfriend and he was quickly sitting next to the blonde boy and coddling him.

"I'm not even excited for college." Liam said madly as he turned towards Zayn.

"Well you should be. You're going to learn about- uh I don't know- fucking squids or some shit. Liam it's going to be great! You're going to be with Josh and Louis! 98% of people don't get the luck of going to college with their best mates you know." Zayn said with a showy smile. His eyes were glazed but his smile showed that he was genuinely happy- it wasn't a smile you could fake. Liam ignored the shorter boy and just hugged him tightly, shoving his head into his boyfriends neck and sniffling. "I'm supposed to be the one crying you little bitch." The younger boy giggled as Liam pulled away. "Plus, we still have another day."

"Barely. We leave at 6 in the morning." Liam said in a bored tone.

"That's-" Zayn paused, checking his phone to see the time. "18 hours away. And best believe i'm stuck with you for every one of them." The brown eyed boy spoke out proudly. Liam chuckled before kissing Zayn's cheek softly. "Pack your shit so we can get the boring part over with."

"Yes sir." Liam laughed, backing away from Zayn.

"Hazza" Louis whispered softly. "It's only three hours away baby. I'll visit every other weekend. Trust me, i'll miss you more than you could ever miss me." Louis said, trying to calm his adorably angry boyfriend down.

"You're just leaving because you don't want to be with me." The curly haired boy mumbled back stubbornly.

"Harold I swear to-" Louis groaned. "Shut up. You do talk some real shit sometimes you know that ?" He said. He grabbed Harry's arms and slowly uncrossed them and wrapped them around his own waist. Harry looked down at him with that stubborn glint in his eye, but anyone could tell it was just an act. "I love you." Louis sing-songed before grabbing the back of the boys curly head and pushing their lips together. Harry stood in shock for a split second before removing a hand from Louis' waist and placing it in the back of his head.

"Baby i'm sorry." Josh tried, rubbing the back of Nialls neck. "Baby."

Niall continued to sob into his hands as Josh soothingly rubbed his back. The rather short drummer decided to move spots and ended up sitting behind the Irish boy until his stomach was pressed against Nialls sweaty back. He placed his chin and the pale boys shoulders and locked his strong arms across the front of Nialls stomach. The fake blonde sniffles again before finally lifting his face up.

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