Thirty Seven ❤️

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"Roll up your sleeves Zayn."
Liam would give him a reason everyday as to why he should stop. So when Zayn bruises himself  that night he'll, hit himself one time less.
"I don't know babe." Liam replied, running his hands through his best friends hair. "You make me smile everyday. You know that right ? I don't think I've smiled too much before I met you Zee" Liam said, showing his bright smile where his eyes crinkled and his teeth shone against the sunlight. Zayn flushed red and hid his face in Liam's arm. "It's true Zayn" He giggled.
"You and Liam kissed?!"
In Zayn's eyes, Liam was only helping him get better because it was the right thing to do. Not because he genuinely cared. In Zayn's eyes, he was just a test monkey, Liam was just using him to figure out his sexuality. He would never actually get with Zayn. In Zayn's eyes, falling for Liam was wrong. He shouldn't be able to be privileged enough to even think of Liam in that way.
"No I need to know what's up. What's the worst that could happen ? He knows my dad beats my ass every time I talk about a guy. He knows Niall can't eat for crying out loud. You and Liam already know which is stupid cause he hasn't known you all his life like us. Me and Niall deserve to know." Harry argued, getting quite angry that Liam and Louis, who have only known him a couple months know more than him and Niall who've known him most of his life.
"Oh my gosh Zayn i'm so sorry oh god I completely forgot I'm so sorry" Liam stressed, backing away from Zayn as if he would harm him more by just being there. Zayn whimpered, pulling his sleeve up to look at his arms, completely forgetting about Niall and Josh until he heard short gasps. The raven haired boys cheeks turned red of embarrassment.
Zayn was extremely skinny. He wasn't anorexic, he just wasn't able to get the food he needed sometimes. Of course, there were also blue and black bruises scattered up and down his arms. His torso was a nice tan color, almost the same shade as his face. You could practically see his ribs peeking from under his soft skin, but it wasn't his fault.
"You're a fucking slut you know ? Sure, you aren't the best lookin thing out there but I bet you've sold your body multiple times for money like the little slut you are. Even worse, a fucking faggot. How the hell did I, Trisha Malik, raise a faggot. Absolutely disgusting. Horrifying. You are a horrible person Zayn Malik and- matter of fact you don't fucking deserve that name. Being a Malik isn't hard Zayn, but being a faggot like you immediately crosses the line. Actually, I don't even know why you're still under the same roof as me and your sisters, you're probably encouraging them that it's okay to be gay when it's obviously not. So please Zayn, get the fuck out of my sight for good." His mother violently spat before grabbing the kitchen vase from the table and slinging it over Zayn's head, knocking the horribly bruised and cut up boy right out.
"I love you Zayn."
"Well, Zayn, as you know, your mother has been locked up for the past twenty four hours for what looks to be child abuse. As said before, we've discovered multiple bruises down your arms and legs and some around your waist. It is unreasonable for this amount of bruises, new and old, to come from sports or such. We have no clue where these actually came from." Dr. Irwin started, glancing up at Zayn and raising his eyebrows as if he was asking how Zayn got them.
And with that, the bruised boy hung up. Speaking of bruising, Zayn hasn't really had the urge to. Yeah, it may be the fact that he physically can't in the hospital. But he hasn't had the urge. Which is a good thing ! Maybe something is finally getting in his head.
"You're in love" Louis teased once Zayn disappeared up the huge stairs.

"No shit" Liam sighed, plopping down on the large soft couch.
"He found out I was gay." The bruised boy spat, for some reason with confidence. "But you know what Trish ? Being gay does not define me. And I didn't put you in jail, you did. I didn't put Wal and Safaa in foster care. You did. And I sure as hell didn't do anything to move Yaser to America" he continued, chuckling dryly. "So because of you, your family is ruined. And i'm perfectly fine, living with the man of my dreams, having my two best friends go through all the tough times with me, doing well in school. Oh yeah, and I haven't bruised since you knocked me out. You have no clue what I mean when I say 'bruised' because you pay no mind to me. But I thought you should know."
"When will Ziam get together then ?" The green eyed boy smirked, Zayn's cheeks quickly flushing deep red as he trained his eyes on the ground. Liam winked at Harry, something Zayn didn't catch with his eyes on the ground.
Six weeks. He had gone six weeks without bruising his pretty arms. And he just ruined it all.
"Liam you fucking saved me. I love you more than you understand."
With faint bruises on his arms, his mother in jail, father left him, sisters in foster care. Yet he still found a way to be happy. Happier. And Liam was his hero. But everyone knows it, it wasn't a secret. Without Liam he would have never quit bruising or even thought to. Without Liam, his mother would still horribly abuse him daily, 24/7. Without Liam, he might have lost his two best friends, and without them he could have really gone bad. Talking depression, mentally ill, suicide.
"Guess we're stuck together than aren't we ?" The muscular boy smirked once again, causing the smaller boy to playfully hit his chest. "Is there something wrong with that love ?"
"Exactly ! Guys we should get like an apartment together ! We can be roommates ! That way, we can all pitch in on rent and shit. Plus, it would be hella fun." The Irish boy smiled, looking at the camera, waiting for a response. Both of his best friends heads slowly looked up, facing each other.
"Stupid bitch" Zayn mumbled, rubbing the back of his head in pain. "Remind me to not help you stupid assholes with your relationship next time" He huffed, crossing his arms and sassily walking out. Once down the stairs of Nialls average sized house, he saw his other best friend sitting on the couch with his curly haired- head in his hands.
Then he made a mental note to talk to Niall about that. He had started thinking, his own life had improved so much and he felt so free now, and Niall was still trapped in his negative mental state and it wasn't fair. Harry hasn't been at his abusive household which made his life better as well. But Niall, cheery, adorable, precious Niall was still depressed and hadn't clawed his way out like his best friends just yet.
"My boyfriend is dying and you only care about getting pulled over. He can't control that he's hurt unlike your attention seeking, self harming ass." Harry snapped, glaring at Zayn through the rear view mirror. Zayn visibly stilled, but kept focused on the driving. Josh looked at Harry wide eyed, and Liam and Niall glared at the younger boy.
"They'll be okay." Liam whispered, kissing Zayn's hair. Zayn slightly nodded to the touch, keeping his stare blank and towards the ground. It had already been over two hours and they hadn't heard from anyone. Until around eighteen minutes later.
Zayn's hands grazed over white tank top. He bit his lip on consideration before whispering a 'fuck it' under his breath and quickly grabbing it down before Liam saw him pick it. He yanked a pair of black jeans from the dresser and set the clothes on the bed as he waited for Liam to get out of the bathroom. He made sure the jeans hid the tank top
"Oh, I don't know Josh, maybe it's because we're currently packing to head off to college and won't be able to see the boys everyday anymore." Liam snapped sarcastically. Niall sat on the curb of his driveway with his head in his hands, and Zayn tried to stay sane for the rest of the boys who were mentally freaking out.
The two were once again cuddled on the roof of Liam's bedroom, a blanket underneath them. Though Zayn was really excited for Liam, he was going to miss everything about him. His own life was pretty persistent with Liam, and it would be extremely different without him.
"Talk" The black haired boy urged, shoving his phone into his best friends hand. Niall just set the phone down on the counter before breaking into tears. Harry was quick to hug the shorter boy, letting him cry into his neck. Zayn rubbed Niall's back and comforted him, the phone being left on the counter.
"Hello to you too- god you're heavy." Liam joked, actually holding the younger boy with ease. Zayn just ignored him and cupped his face before leaning in softly. The kissed tenderly for a moment before Liam pulled away, setting Zayn back on the floor. Zayn moved to hugging Liam, wrapping his arms around his boy's torso.
"Ah, there's the son I wish I could've had." Geoff said playfully as he turned to Zayn. Liam rolled his eyes at the stupid joke while Zayn hugged the older man. "Damn, you boys stayed strong though, what's it been a year now ?"

"Next month yeah." Zayn smiled, reaching for Liam's hand again. The other boy chuckled as their hands intertwined.
"To college. And senior year." Louis called with wide eyes, holding his milkshake up. The other boys followed, clinging their glasses before taking sips.
zayns story <3

as you may be able to tell, 'bruised' is officially over. i'm completely considering an epilogue, but as far as our normal chapters go, here's to the last one :):

i need opinions for what i should work on from now on!

i have a story called 'golden, golden' which is pretty much a 2020 larry fanfic.

i have one called 'xoxo' which is totally a high school larry au

'summer love' is a ziam one, pretty much a story based completely on the song by one direction.

there's plenty more, but these are the main ones i'm focused on, let me know which one sounds most interesting or which one i should publish

sorry for any errors in capitalization, punctuation, grammar, or spelling 💗

message me! any votes or comments are greatly appreciated ❤️

thank you for all your love and support. all the love, m xx

june 17, 2020

word count : 1856

i don't want to let go of this

bruised ~ ziamWhere stories live. Discover now