Thirty Five ❤️

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"Oh my goodness! My baby I missed you so much muah muah." Karen exclaimed excitedly before kissing her son's cheeks. "Oh! My other baby! I missed you!" She moved to Zayn who she hadn't seen since she last saw Liam.

"We missed you too mum" Liam laughed as his mother kissed his boyfriends cheeks.

"Missed you too Karen." Zayn agreed, smiling brightly at the older woman.

"You don't have to wait for Liam to visit Zayn! We love having you around!" The woman continued, playfully slapping Zayn's arm.

"I definitely will, thank you." The younger boy giggled while Liam watched fondly.

"Where's pop ?" Liam asked.

"Oh! He's cooking dinner! Please tell me you boys are staying, we have plenty." The sweet woman continued, pulling the young boys into their very large house.

"That would be lovely." Zayn answered as they entered.

"I'll let you boys say hi then! It should be ready in about half an hour if you're willing to wait." Karen continued to speak, earning nods from the couple. Liam grabbed Zayn's hand and they walked to the kitchen to great Geoff.

"Dad." Liam said as he watched his old man flip burgers on the stove.

"I thought I told you to ask your mom for money Ruth." The man joked, turning around to face the boys.

"Is her voice that low now ? Huh I should probably visit her." Liam joked back, letting go of Zayn's hand so he could hug his dad.

"Ah, there's the son I wish I could've had." Geoff said playfully as he turned to Zayn. Liam rolled his eyes at the stupid joke while Zayn hugged the older man. "Damn, you boys stayed strong though, what's it been a year now ?"

"Next month yeah." Zayn smiled, reaching for Liam's hand again. The other boy chuckled as their hands intertwined.

"Most loyal you've ever been boy, i'm proud of you." Geoff continued, patting Liams cheek earning a mumbled 'thanks dad.' "Dinner will be ready in 30, go do what you do, but keep in mind the walls of this house are quite thin and i've already dealt with enough ma-"

"Alright dad, thank you." Liam interrupted, knowing where that conversation would've lead to. The older bloke walked up the stairs to his bedroom with Zayn trailing behind him.

"I was interested in that conversation." Zayn said, crossing his arms as the boys closed the door to Liam's bedroom.

"Shut up." The taller boy joked, grabbing his boyfriends chin softly and connecting their lips. The shorter boy reached up to wrap his arms around the brown haired guys neck, while Liam lowered his hands dangerously close to Zayn's bum.

"Mm, roof ?" Zayn mumbled in the kiss.

"It's still light outside." Liam chuckled against the boy's lips.

"Not for long." He replied, disconnecting their lips and dragging Liam by the arm to the common window.

He was right. It was almost 7 at night meaning the sun would be setting soon. Sunset sex had always been a pleasure in Zayn's mind.

You could probably say he had a bit of a sexual bucket list.

There were also known trees that covered the roof area of Liam's room pretty well, which is the only reason the younger boy ever even considered roof sex. They both crawled out the window as usual, settling down before making out again.

"I have a bed you know." Liam mumbled against Zayn's lips, running his larger hands through the younger boys soft, black hair.

"What fun is that Liam" Zayn snickered, wrapping his arms around his lovers neck.

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