Twenty One ❤️

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"Fuck it." Zayn mumbled under his breath.

"One for being stupid" He whimpered.

"One for being a burden"

"One for ruining my sisters lives. One for Wal. One for Safaa."

"One for trying to be selfish and act like everything was okay." that was two.

"One for crying" He continued as a tear slid down his left cheek.

"One for ruining Liam's trust. Another one for letting him down. And another one for falling in love with him." He said as he bit his lower lip, refusing to let more tears flow.

"A-a-and some more just for the hell of it." He finished in routine.

Six weeks. He had gone six weeks without ruining his pretty arms. And he just ruined it all.

And for no exact reason.

Nothing had triggered him, no one had hurt him recently, no harsh words or rude comments.

He just felt like doing it.

Bruising was his self harm, his addiction, his only way out of this tough path called life. He didn't mean to continue this bad habit, but it's just so hard to stop. He'd slammed the hammer on his arm the first time without even paying attention, and just continued from there. (a/n, i'm here for you, you should know. if you ever need someone to talk to, i'm here.)

The tan boy winced as he saw imprints on where the hammer had been hitting. He groaned and cried some more because of the fact he just ruined his streak of not bruising.

Memories played through his head.

He didn't know what else to think about. Sure, he could think of Liam or his best friends, but now wasn't really the time to smile.

So he thought of the bad memories.

That one time his mom beat him in front of Liam, the days he would have to go without showering or food because of his mother, or the fact that he ruined his whole family.

If he hadn't stayed with Liam that one day, his mother wouldn't have been as mad, and maybe wouldn't have full on knocked him out. Maybe some kicks and punches, but nothing that big. Then Waliyah wouldn't have called the police and none of this wouldn't have happened.

In Zayn's mind, his life was a mess.

"We've been over this" Robin sang evilly. He had a smirk on his face as he tsked, hands on his hips. He slowly walked towards the boys who had frozen, faces just inches- centimeters apart.

The first move Harry's evil stepdad made was harshly pushing Louis away from Harry. The shorter boy stumbled onto his bum with a groan.

"Don't even think about moving" Robin growled to the boy. Honestly, the only thing Louis cared about right now was Harry and if he was going to be okay. That thought was answered as Robin gripped Harry's hair and threw punches to his face, kicks to his body, and flung him on the ground next to Louis. The blue eyed boy whimpered as he watched this, scratching his thighs harshly. It all happened so quickly, even if Louis did jump in, it would already be over.

Next thing you know, both boys are thrown out to the side of the street, nothing else to be said.

"Harry- Hazza I-"

"Lou. Please don't" Harry whimpered.

"Don't what baby ?" Louis pouted, his head hurting from seeing his love this hurt and broken.

"Don't leave" The soft boy broke into tears, his body shaking, eyes blinded by tears.

"I won't leave. I'll never leave" Louis whispered into his boys ear, gripping his curls slightly as he hugged him as tight as his arms could go.

Minutes passed as the boys sat not even a street down from the incident that just occurred. Once Harry had calmed down, gripping the slightly taller boys hand, Louis lead him to the car. He started it up, placing a small hand on the still shaky boys thigh as he drove to his place.

After they arrived in the mansion of the Tomlinson household, hand in hand they walked up to the far more supportive family's home.

"Hello mum" Louis greeted cheerfully with a kiss on the cheek as his beautiful mother opened the door.

"Hi sweetie, i was wondering where you were. It's pretty late." She sighed before looking to Louis' right to see the curly headed boy.

"Have you met Harry mum ?" a/n i completely forgot if i introduced jay and harry omf don't get mad if i get this wrong

"I haven't. You're a quite charming young boy" She complimented, her english accent pretty strong.

"T-thank you Mrs.... Tomlinson ?" Harry nervously asked.

"Yes but you can call me Jay" The middle aged woman giggled as she waved the boys inside. "We just ate dinner but there's some leftovers. Help yourselves boys." She finished as she rinsed her hands off in the kitchen sink. She smiled at the boys before making her way upstairs, probably showering.

"Your mum is so sweet" Harry broke the silence.

"She is with guests over" Louis mumbled with a chuckle. "Are you hungry ? Mum made chicken pasta I believe"

"A little yeah. If it's not a bug" Harry smiled.

"Of course not silly" Louis smiled back, scooping some of the noodles into a bowl before handing it to his boyfriend along with a fork.

"Thank you Louuu" Harry sing-songed, kissing the shorter boys cheek before sitting on a stool at the counter. Louis went to the opposite side so he was facing the green eyed boy. "Do I have something on my face ?" Harry said slowly as Louis shamelessly stared at him.

"No. You're just jaw-dropping if I say so myself."

A blush made itself known onto Harry's cheeks as he stuffed another bite into his mouth.

"You know what Harry, we never got milkshakes." Louis suddenly said, his eyes wide.

"You're right" The paler boy said, mouthful of pasta.

"We'll go when you're done eating then." He smiled.

"Isn't it too late Lou ?" He rose an eyebrow, staring at the clock that clearly said 9 pm.

"It's never too late for milkshakes. We can go to that cute cafe by the school. I swear that cafe is instagram worthy !" Louis chuckled.

"It is. I've always wanted to go there but it's quite expensive actually.." Harry said, trailing off.

"I'd be glad to buy you a milkshake Harry. Hurry up i'm excited !" He smiled, jumping on his toes. Harry giggled as he shoved his last bite into his mouth. Louis immediately took the bowl, rinsing it then loading it into the dishwasher. "Hurry!" Louis rushed cutely. He was so excited and Harry was living for it. They both jerked their shoes on and Louis pulled Harry by his hand. It was one of the best feelings ever.

i'm gunna keep this simple. Huge writers block. I needed a break from writing. It really helped though, I have plenty of new ideas for this story! i hope people still read it ): thank you guys for everything, i'm so sorry if i let you down the past two months.

anyways, the larry in this is making my heart melt. i swear this fic is ziam but come on, let's appreciate larry.

also, i know i'm one day late, but nine years of one direction and i'm laying in tears. oh and idk if anyone cares but my bf broke up with me today ): bro i'm a mess

sorry for any errors in capitalization, punctuation, grammar, or spelling 💗

message me ! any votes or comments are greatly appreciated ❤️

all the love, m xx

july 24, 2019

word count : 1281 🧸

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