Chapter 7 - mass destruction and a card

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The Circle Of Rings - Chapter 7

When luch came around, the three of us headed to the cafeteria. It was in a whole different building and had three different types of food to choose from. They had Asian food, Eurpean food, and Brazilian food. Apparently the Brazilian food one changes every week. Last week it was Mexican food. Pearl and I both got Eurpoean food and Flora got Brazilian. On my plate was mashed potatoes, green beans and a big hrlping of pork. Flora got frech fries, a beefburger and carrot sticks. I have no idea what Flora had, but it looked really good. Flora lead us to the back of the room where Alma and Viola were sitting. There was four guys sitting there with them.

"Guys, there actually wasn't a line today!" Flora smiled as she sat beside a guy with bleach blonde hair.

"That's because you actually came here early!" He explained to her.

She laughed, "That's because I had a reason to come here early." She pointed to Pearla and I, "Guys meet my new rommmates!"

We both waved at them, "I'm Pearl." She smiled.

"Olive," I smiled.

There was a guy with light brown hair around the same sahde as mine, he signaled for me to go sit beside him. I smiled and walked over to go sit there. On the other side of me was a really buff dude with black hair.

"My name is Lyle." He said with a warm smile.

"And I'm Rex," The buff dude smirked.

"That's not his real name," The blonde guy said, "But no one knows his real name so just go with it."

"We could call him Pansy. It would be more suited!" The fourth guy laughed, he had long, shaggy dark brown hair. Pearl was sitting beside him. She seemed to really like him.

The blonde guy held his hand out to me, "My names Blake, I'm Flora's boyfriend. That jokester over there is Malcolm."

"I don't have a girlfriend," Lyle said to me.

I smiled at him, "Sorry I'm not allowed to date."

He laughed, "How would your parents find out?"

"They wouldn't but my older brother would. Then he would tell all of his friends. And they are extreamly overly protective of me, and you'll be dead." I smirked, "No dating for me or you'll have to sleep with one eye open for the rest of you life."

His smile dropped and he had a distressed look on his face. Everyone else laughed at him. The rest of lunch was spent laughing at mostly Lyle and Viola. Suprisingly they get into a lot of trouble in this school. I was really starting to like it here, its much more of a friendly place than my old school would have been towards me. There is a few werewolves in the school, but they keep to themselves. Flora calls them the creeps and Alma didn't like that. She calls everyone equal. But she said that they are the only ones who she can't make friends with at this school. It makes sense to me why they wouldn't want to be friends with a human. To tell you the truth, I don't know why I'm becoming friends with them.

When lunch was over, everyone had classes to attend except for Pearl and I. We don't start until tomorrow. So we went back to our room to unpack our stuff. We put it all into our own private closets. We didn't talk much to each other but I was a bit greatful. I wanted time to think, and from the look on her face she wanted to think too. When I got to the end of my suitcase there was something wrapped in my last shirt. I didn't remember packing this shirt. It wasn't even my shirt. This was the shirt that I gave Clyde for his 15th birthday. I inhaled his sent and tried to keep myself from crying. I unfolded it and the thing that was wrapped inside, fell out.

It was an envelope. I tore it open and what was insde made my breath catch in my throat.

The card.


Clyde Locke

I can't believe mom and dad would just send her away like that. Who cares if she was different! She's still my little sister and I should be the one protecting her. I love her no matter who or what she is. She matters more to me than anyone else. I walked past her room on my way downstaris, but I quickly stopped and walked back. I opened her door slowly making sure no one would hear me. My parents were already gone and I was going to catch a ride with Raymond this morning. All of her stuff was gone. Incuding her and her suitcase. She must have had an early flight to catch. Figures, mom and dad didn't want the trouble of having to say goodbye to her in the morning. 

Ugg! I can't believe them! She's there own daughter and they don't even care! Now I'm mad. My wolf is pissed and I need to blow off steam. I walked back into my room, not caring about school anymore, and threw my lamp across the room. It shattered everywhere. That isn't as satisfying as I thought it would be. I ripped and threw and tore everything in my room in the matter of 60 seconds. My door was slammed open, but I couldn't see who it was because my back was turned to them.

"Clyde?" They asked hesitantly, "What did you do?"

I finally looked at my surrounding and took in what I had doen to my room. Why did I do this? Olive wouldn't want me to do this. She would want me to stay strong for the both of us. I fellt to the ground and hid my face between my knee's.

"She's gone." Was all I could say. Who ever was at the door came over and sat down in front of me.

"It's for her safety." I looked up to see Raymond. "We all care for her and the best way for her not to get hurt if we are attacked, is if she's not here at all."

I understood what he was saying. I wouldn't want Olive to die because she isn't strong enough to protect herself. She means to much to me.

"How about we take the day off and go for a run?" He smiled at me. I nodded in return. "She'll come back and visit Clyde. She's not out of your life forever."

I guess he's right. He's going to make an amazing alpha because he always knows what to say. I'm glad me and him are best friends, we would do anything for each other. Olive is going to be safe where she is and she won't have to worry about anything that involves werewolves.

So just as an added bonus, I did Clyde's point of view. I hope you all really liked it! If you have any idea's for this story, please feel free to share them. I would love to hear what you guys like. :)

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