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I grabbed my phone from my pocket, deciding to shoot Ashton a text.

J: So you're not that bad of a band. Congrats, i'll send you a prize later. Bouquet of flowers, or chocolate hearts? B) -JH

A: You know, either sounds pretty great, but I know something that sounds even better. ;) -AI

J: Don't even bother, you ass. -JH

A: I'm coming over. What's your last name? -AI

J: Harris. Door's unlocked, i'm in my room. -JH

A: Naughty, naughty girl. What if a robber came in? -AI

J: Only thing i'm worried about is idiots like you coming in and trying to get in my pants. -JH

A: Rude. And i'm not trying to, i'm going to. -AI

I snorted at the text, shutting it off and throwing it beside me on the bed. I ran a hand through my long, flowing blue hair and took off my glasses. I walked into my closet, picking out an old Blink-182 cut off and a pair of black shorts, throwing them onto my bed. I quickly stripped of my old high school's shirt and sweatpants, when I heard someone enter the apartment.
"Jade?" a voice called out.
"Just a sec. Wait out there!" I called back out there, turning back to my bed to grab the shirt.
"Black and lace suits you." a familiar voice mumbled lowly behind me. My eyes went wide, turning around to find Ashton looking me up and down. "Shit, what a body you've got. I'm lucky." I tried to hide the gross blush on my face, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him. "Get out, oh my God!" I yelled, covering myself with the shirt I was about to put on. "Lucky for what? I'm not your girlfriend." I reminded him. "I know. But don't worry, you'll be mine." Ashton smirked. I covered her face from the more noticable blush. "In your damn dreams, Irwin." I muttered. "Get out."
Ashton laughed, winking at me before turning to walk out of the room. I groaned, quickly pulling on my shirt, not even bothering with a tank top under it to cover my bra, and pulling on my shorts. I looked in the mirror, running a few fingers through my messy hair and sighing, walking out of my room to call him back in.
"You know, there's such thing as knocking on bedroom doors." I reminded him, flopping onto the bed and motioning him to do the same.
"I think we both know knocking is no fun." Ashton smirked, bringing a 12 pack of beer with him and placing it in his lap.
"Movie?" I asked, grabbing the remote and turning to Netflix.
"Scary movie." Ashton said, grabbing the remote from me. "What? No. No no no! I hate scary movies." I leaned over and tried to grab the remote, but Ashton just leaned away. "I'm the guest, I pick." Ashton blocked my arm from trying to grab the remote, turning to the horror section on Netflix. He scrolled through them, causing me to shout into a pillow. "Why did I let you come over in the first place?" I said, grumbling into the pillow. "Because we're gon' fuck one day." Ashton chuckled, picking some cheesy screamer movie.
"Gross!" I groaned into the pillow. Ashton grabbed the pillow from my face, seeing my supposed red face. "You're gross." He mocked.
"You're an ass."
"I know. You love it."
I turned to face the TV. "Hand me one, now." I pointed to the beers. "Someone's eager?" Ashton smiled and handed me one. I unscrewed the cap from the bottle, taking a swig.
"Turn the lamp off." Ashton turned to me.
"I'm serious, turn it off."
"I'm not going to turn it off." I crossed my arms.
Ashton rolled his eyes, scooting to lean over me and turn off the lamp. It was now just darkness, and the light from the TV for them.
"You'll love this baby. I promise." Ashton smirked at the TV, creepy pictures and credits showing up for the beginning of the film.
"Don't call me that, and no I won't." I grumbled, already half way through my bottle.
Ashton grabbed a beer as well, placing the pack on the ground and unscrewing the cap. He took a long gulp of it, watching for a bit.
Ashton scooted closer to me, but I just ignored it.
"God, I just know something is going to pop up." I mumbled into my hands covering my face.
"Calm down." Ashton chuckled, taking the last few sips of his fourth or fifth beer, along with me.
(( A/N: Ashton is 22.))
The girl in the movie opened the door. I expected something to pop out, but to her relief nothing showed. I sighed in relief. To her surprise, when the girl in the movie turned around, a black figure stood right in front of her with a loud boom.
I screamed, jumping onto Ashton.
"NO NO NO. TURN IT OFF RIGHT NOW." I yelled into Ashton's neck, my arms wrapped tightly around him.
Ashton was in hysterics, laughing too hard at my reaction to the jump scare.
Ashton paused the movie for a moment, running a hand through my long hair and chuckling. He whispered into my ear, beer reeking his breath as he spoke. "Shh, baby. It was just a little jump scare. It's over." His hot breath dragged along my cheek. Ashton's hands moved down to hold my hips, smirking up at me.
I looked down at him in astonishment. He was so damn attractive, it hurt. Ashton bit his lip, licking his bottom lip and flickering his eyes up to meet mine.
I soon shook myself out of it, moving off of Ashton. "I need a smoke." I mumbled, grabbing a pack of cigarettes from my pocket and standing against my bedroom's wall. Ashton followed, taking a cigarette from my pack and lighting it with his own lighter. He soon lit my cigarette, taking a drag and blowing the smoke straight into my face. I took a long drag as well, letting the smoke blow out above my head.
Ashton smiled as he watched me smoke, his famous dimples showing. I looked down, taking long drags and blowing smoke to the floor, watching it fade into nothing after a while. Ashton grabbed my chin, tilting it up before leaning in close. I expected him to kiss me honestly, but instead received a cigarette in my mouth. In fact, it was his.
"Do it." Ashton ordered, one hand placed on my hip. My breath hitched as he felt Ashton run a hand in through my cut off, touching my bare waist. I did as I was told, reaching a hand up to take the cigarette. Ashton shook his head, moving his hand back down as he held the cigarette in between my lips. I nodded, taking a long drag before he moved the cigarette from my lips. I blew the smoke into his face, a smirk plastered on his lips as he played with one of his piercings on his lip with his tongue.
Ashton rubbed his hand in circles along my hips, causing me to shiver from his touch.
Ashton leaned away to take a drag of his cigarette, leaning back in afterwards to blow the smoke along my neck. I let out a small gasp, tilting my head back as he placed soft kisses upon my neck. Ashton sucked on a bit of the crook of my neck, causing me to gasp. When he finally stopped, there left a large, red mark. "Mine." he muttered into my neck. I bit my lip, trying to talk some sense into my drunk self. "Alright, that's it." I mumbled. Ashton nodded, leaning away from my neck instantly and standing up straight for the first time in front of me. God, he was tall compared to me. "I hope we can finish this one day, Jade." he smirked, finishing the last of his cigarette before placing it on an ashtray on the desk beside them.
"In your damn dreams, Irwin." I repeated to him. I crossed my arms and grinned up in confidence. "So be it." he nodded his head once, before turning to leave.
Before he left, he came back and stood in front of me. "Goodbye kiss?" he asked.
I nodded. He closed his eyes, leaning in slowly. I bit my lip to hold in a chuckle, before leaning to the side to take a drag of my cigarette. I leaned in, and right before our lips touched, I blew the smoke into his face, causing him to cough. He rolled his eyes when he watched me giggle with a proud grin.
"Night, Ashton." I mumbled as he walked away.
He turned back, winking at me and waving, walking out of the door and out of the apartment. I finished off my cigarette and flicked it onto the ashtray, before flopping back onto my bed. I noticed he left the rest of the beers (which were only about 4) with me. I took the pillow from before, groaning into it with a big grin.
He was a cocky asshole. He thought the whole world was at his feet. Sure, they were, but that doesn't mean he had to be a little bitch about it. His attitude was awful and his posture was horrible. All he wanted was to touch me, smoke and drink, screw around. What an ass.
But god damn did he not leave my head the rest of the night.

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