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im addicted to this please help me


It was around 8 am when I woke up the next morning. My eyes peeled open slowly, twitching a bit from the sunlight shining through the blinds. My head pounded like someone was continuously drumming against my head. I swear I could hear my heart through my ears. I took a deep breath, before almost gasping at the sight in front of me.



In bed with me.

Empty vodka bottle on his bedside table.

I quickly pull myself out of his bed, grabbing my clothes spread around his room. I throw on my shirt from last night, the smell of mint vodka still on the shirt. I quickly grab a pair of boxers from his open drawer, throwing it on as well. I collect the rest of my things before quickly, but quietly leaving the lonesome apartment. I run to my own apartment, quickly unlocking it and walking to my bed and flopping onto it. I put my phone on the charger, seeing 3 texts.

-unknown number-: Hey Jade, It's Calum. I got your number from Ash. Did you get home safe?

-unkown number-: Jade, please tell me you're okay. -Calum

-unkown number-: At least text me when you're up so I know you're okay.

I sigh and quickly text him back.

-me-: Hi, Calum. I'm home now. Horrible hangover, but fine. I'll text you later though, okay? Thanks. x -JH

I click off my phone and set it on my bedside table, passing out soon after. I just couldn't wake up knowing I had slept with Ashton. I'll just pretend it didn't happen. I could pretend I don't remember? Fuck! That wouldn't work anyways. Whatever. If I just sleep it out, maybe he won't talk about it.

* * *

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

Who the hell is calling me at 9 am?

I groan as I move to grab my phone, unlocking it and putting it to my ear, not even bothering to look up from my pillow. "Hello?" I groggily respond. "Where the hell are you." I hear a familiar, angry tone sternly speak. "In my bed. Who's this?" I ask, even though I obviously know who. "Your damn dad. Don't be stupid." Ashton shouts into the phone. "Why the hell are you so mad, and why are you calling me at 9 in the morning? I'm tired!" I complain, drool escaping my lip and onto the pillow. Ew.

"9 am? It's 2 in the afternoon!" He yells. I quickly sit up, checking my phone. 2:00 sharp. He's right. "Shit!" I shout, flopping back onto my pillow. "You did not just one night stand me, Harris. I won't let you damn one night stand me." He shouts again. "Calm down! What, do you want me to come back and cuddle you until you wake up? Make you breakfast in bed like the little housewife you want me to be? Hell no. I need to sleep, Irwin. Don't piss me off. I have the worst hangover, and I'm a bitch when I have a hangover." I shout into my pillow. I know I sound muffled, but I could care less by the sarcastic laugh he gives me. "You're ridiculous. You act like you've never had a hangover before. You deal with it! You better not leave me next time we fuck, you hear me?" He grumbles. "Okay, dad." I roll my eyes. "Don't sass me. I'm coming over." He hangs up before I can decline.

I sigh and turn back to my pillow, closing my eyes. I'd hoped I would fall into another sleep, and Ashton would be gracious enough to let me and leave. "Up and at 'em!" I heard a voice shout as a figure flopped onto my bed. "I'm not getting up, you ass." I complain. I feel a presence on my back. I grab at it, noticing it's the box of cigarettes we had shared last night. "Thanks." I mutter grabbing the pack and quickly lighting a cigarette, turning around to face him. He is beginning to grow a beard, his eyes having bags from what I would suppose to be little sleep. "So." he taps his finger on the bedsheets, looking around my boring old room. "What?" I ask between puffs of smoke. "You remember, right?" he asks, looking at me cautiously. I'm sure he's talking about last night, and a part of me wanted to talk about it, but the other part begged me to keep my mouth shut. I look around the room awkwardly, trying to pretend I don't have an answer. I bite my lip before sighing in annoyance.

"Okay, yes, I remember!" I admit, stuffing my face into a pillow as Ashton grabs the cigarette from me, flicking some ashes onto the ashtray beside us and taking a long drag. "How do you feel?" he runs a hand along my arm. "Why do you care?" I mutter into the pillow. "You sound so muffled. Did you ask why I care?" I hum in agreement. "I, um, I mean, I don't! Wait, I mean, I do! I just, ugh." He stutters a bit before calming down. "You're really good. You have really great tits. A Plus. I enjoyed it. 10/10 would do again." He goes on with this, before I shout into the pillow. He just chuckles. "Shut up before I slap the shit out of you." I sit up to look at him, crossing my arms. "Ow, ow." I grab a bit of my hair. My headache was absolutely atrocious. "Shit, I need pills." I grumble, groggily getting out of bed and walking to my kitchen cabinet to check for the drugs. To my surprise, I'm completely out. "Dammit!" I yell, hitting the cabinet before grabbing my head again. "Ow, too loud." I huff to myself and cross my arms.

"I can take you to get headache shit if you want." Ashton appears in front of me and I just nod tiredly. He grabs me by the wrist and pulls me out of the door and towards his car. "Will you stop that?" I shout, pulling away from his grip and stumbling into his car. He quickly starts it up and pulls out of the parking lot and to our CVS pharmacy.

He soon drove into the parking lot, parking messily. He put on his new pair of shades and a large black hat to cover his face. He quickly leads me inside. "What's wrong?" I whisper to him. He doesn't respond, just walking fast towards where the medicines lay.

"Ashton!" I say rather loudly. A girl by us grabbing pills looks up, turning towards us. She walks over curiously as Ashton huffs. "Is everything okay--" She stops, looking at Ashton.

"Oh my god. A-Ashton. Hi Ashton. Ashton I love your band so much!" She's bright red, her hands fiddling with the ends of her skirt. "Can I please get a picture?" Ashton takes off his shades and smiles really fake at her and nods. She struggles to get out her phone, almost dropping it as she shakily takes the photo with Ashton. "Thank you so so much!" she shouts, hugging him tightly as he awkwardly hugs back. She runs off, giggling. "What was that?" I whisper-shout to him. "I told you. Jade." He smirks, laughing a bit. "I'm famous."

He grabs the pills from the medicine stand in front of us, rushing to the cashier and paying. "I could have gotten that." I mutter. He gives me a look. "Shut up. I'm the millionaire here." He says. I roll my eyes and walk with him outside before we stop. We both gasp quickly. Thousands of them. All screaming.

Black & White Fields fans. All here going insane for Ashton. Ashton's eyes go wide as he quickly throws on his shades, grabbing my hand and leading me through the crowd. They mob him, begging for pictures and autographs. He does a few, smiling and kissing the girls' cheeks. I can't help but huff in anger.

Mine. Ithink as he gives the screaming girls affection. "Slut!" a girl shouts at me, making me look down sadly.

When I thought about it, I kind of was a slut. I had slept with Ashton, being extremely drunk. I had no self respect for myself. I was horrible, wasn't I? I didn't deserve Ashton. He was so amazing, and I'm so average.

"Don't talk to her like that." Ashton shouts at the girl who just rolls her eyes. He quickly pulls me away from the crowd and to his car. I hop in, putting my hands to my arms in a fetal position.

"She was right." I mumble into my arms. "You shut up." He yells, hitting the wheel as he does. "You are not a slut, Jade. If you think you are, well screw what you think and listen to me instead." He says. He grabs me by my jaw, looking into my eyes and taking off his shades. "Shut the hell up, Ashton. Don't act like I'm anything special to you. I'm not. I'm just some girl you had sex with and want to continue having sex with till you get tired of me." I feel tears sting my eyes as I think about it.

He rubs my cheek with his thumb, chuckling. "How the actual hell is this funny!?" I shout, threatening to hit him. "I think it's funny that you don't think you mean anything to me. I wouldn't go through all of this just to get you if you didn't mean even the slightest speck to me." He admits. "So what?" I shout. He begins to drive, grabbing grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers. "Don't forget what I said, Jade. I'm very serious." He threatens. I sigh and look down at my feet, thinking of last night. How long have I know him now, like 2 months? And I already had sex with him?

I couldn't admit it to anyone, but I was falling. Hard.


not edited

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